Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Dec22,07 消化性潰瘍上身Too much acid peptic ulcer upper +馬太福音Matthew6:9 -16

6:9 所以,你們禱告要這樣說:‘我們在天上的父:願人都尊你的名為聖。
6:10 願你的國降臨。願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。
6:11 我們日用的飲食,今日賜給我們。
6:12 免我們的債,如同我們免了人的債。
6:13 不叫我們遇見試探。救我們脫離兇惡。(註:或作“脫離惡者”)因為國度、權柄、榮耀,全是你的,直到永遠。阿們’(註:有古卷無“因為”至“阿們”等字)!
6:14 你們饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必饒恕你們的過犯;
6:15 你們不饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必不饒恕你們的過犯。
6:16 你們禁食的時候,不可像那假冒為善的人,臉上帶著愁容,因為他們把臉弄得難看,故意叫人看出他們是禁食。我實在告訴你們:他們已經得了他們的賞賜。
6:9-13 這段經文常稱為“主禱文”,是耶穌教導門徒的禱文,也可以成為我們祈禱的典範:我們應該讚美神,為神在地上的工作、我們日常的需要和每日的掙扎,祈求神的幫助。

6:9 “我們在天上的父”這個稱呼表明神並不單是尊嚴、聖潔的神,也是充滿愛和有位格的神。這個禱告典範的第一個重點是頌讚和尊崇神的聖名。我們謹慎、尊敬地用神的名就是尊崇祂的聖名;輕率使用神的名,就是把祂的神聖拋在腦後了。

6:10 “願你的國降臨”是指神的屬靈王權的擴展,而不是指把以色列國從羅馬政府的控制下釋放出來。神的國度在與亞伯拉罕所立的約中已經宣告了(參8:11;路13:28),並在基督管理的信徒生命中顯明(參路17:21)。當所有的罪惡被消滅,祂建立新天新地時,神的國就完全實現了(參啟21:1)。

6:10 當我們禱告說:“願你的旨意行在地上”,並不是要我們聽天由命,而是祈求神的完美計劃在這個世界成就,正如在天上一樣。

6:11 當我們說:“我們日用的飲食,今日賜給我們”,就是承認神是我們的供養者,維持我們的生命,不要錯誤地以為我們能供給自己一切所需。應當信靠神,祂知道我們的需要,並每日供應我們。

6:13 神不試探人,但有時祂會容許我們受試探。作為門徒,我們應當祈求脫離撒但,即“那惡者”,和牠的詭計。所有基督徒都會遭遇試探,有時試探的確詭譎,叫我們不知道在自己身上發生了甚麼事,但神曾應許,不會讓我們落在我們不能忍受的試探裡(參林前10:13)。祈求神幫助我們認清試探,賜我們足夠的能力勝過一切的試探,跟從祂的道路。(有關試探的討論,請參4:1的註釋。)

6:14-15 耶穌針對饒恕提出了一個嚴厲的警告:我們不肯饒恕別人,祂也不會饒恕我們。為甚麼呢?因為我們不饒恕別人,就是否認自己也是需要神饒恕的罪人。神饒恕我們的罪並非直接因為我們饒恕別人,而是基於我們真正明白饒恕的意義(參弗4:32)。我們很容易祈求神的饒恕,卻很難饒恕別人。無論何時,我們祈求神饒恕我們的罪,也應當問問自己“我是否已饒恕那些傷害或虧待我的人呢?”

我們做了好事,總喜不自禁,不期然地就想告訴人家,因為啊 ……
6:16 “禁食”指為了專心祈禱而放棄進食,是崇高而難守的。這個過程可以幫助我們專心祈禱,操練自律,提醒自己生活要節儉,幫助我們欣賞神的恩典。耶穌並不反對禁食,只是指責那些為了贏取別人讚賞而禁食的人,及其偽君子行為。禁食本是猶太人每年一次在贖罪日當履行的義務(參利23:32),法利賽人卻為了給別人留下“聖潔”的深刻印象,自願一星期禁食兩次。耶穌讚賞那些真誠的、暗暗而行的自我犧牲的行為,希望人以正確的動機去操練自己的靈性,而不是為了自私的慾望來服事祂。
6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
6:16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
In the quiet of the exchange with God, you tasted the sweet this?
6:9-13 this scripture often called "Lord's Prayer" is the prayer Jesus taught his disciples, we can become a model of prayer: we should praise God, the God of the work on the ground, we have daily needs and the daily struggle, pray for God's help.

In prayer, how do you call your God? Have noted that sometimes different?
6:9 "Our Father" call that God is not only a dignity, holy God, but also full of love and one person. The first example of this prayer is a key to praise and respect the holy name of God. We caution with respect to the name of God is that he respected the St.; reckless use of the name of God, is sacred to him in their minds.

Implementation country of God - when? ?
6:10 "is willing to come to your country" refers to the spiritual kingdom of God expansion, and do not refer to the State of Israel from Rome under the control of the release. God and Abraham in the country about the legislation had already declared in the (Senate 811; Road 13:28), and in the management of the lives of followers of Christ in the visible (see Road 17:21). When all the evil is eliminated, he established Xintian landmarks, the country of God on the full realization of the (Senate Kai 21:1).

If God's will line the floor, like the……
6:10 when we pray, said: "Your will on the line" is not to our fate, but pray for God's perfect plan in the world achievements, the same as in the sky.

We often say thank God, he is grateful for what?
6:11 when we said: "We are daily diet, given to us today", that is, to recognize God is our support, the maintenance of our lives, not make the mistake of thinking that we can supply all their needs. Should partake of God, he knows our needs and our daily supply.

I met him why allow testing? In fact, I am helpless……
God does not test 613 people, but sometimes he will allow us to be tempted. As disciples, we should pray from Satan, "the evil", and its tricks. All Christians will experience exploratory test is sometimes treacherous, and that we do not know themselves what had happened, but God has promised, will not let us fall on the test, we can not tolerate, (10:13 before the Senate Lin) . Pray to God to help us understand exploratory thanks to our full capacity than all the test, he followed the road. (The exploratory discussion, please refer to the Notes 4:1.)

You eager to be pardoned? I think it is, but you others?
6:14-15 Jesus for forgiveness by a severe warning: We refuse to forgive others, He will not forgive us. Why? Because we do not forgive others, the need is the denial of God forgive is a sinner. God forgive our sins are not directly because we forgive others, but on the basis of we really understand the meaning of forgiveness (cf. mandrax 4:32). We are very easy to pray for God's forgiveness, but difficult to forgive others. No matter when, we pray God forgive our sins, we should also ask ourselves, "I have forgiven those who harm or ill-treated my people?"

We have done a good thing, the喜不自禁, naturally wanted to tell them, because ah……
6:16 "fasting" refers to concentrate on prayer and give up eating, which is hard to defend the noble. This process can help us to concentrate on prayer, drilling and self-discipline, and remind ourselves thrifty life to help us appreciate the grace of God. Jesus does not oppose fast, but those who accused others in order to win the appreciation and fasting, and acts of hypocrites. This is fasting once a year in the Jewish Day of Atonement when obligations (see Lee 23:32), the Pharisee is left to others to the "sanctity" impressed, voluntary fasting twice a week. Sincere appreciation to those Jesus, and to the secret acts of self-sacrifice that motivated people to the right to drill their own spirituality, and not for selfish desire to serve him.




幽菌作怪 冬天易發作




滅菌制酸 多管齊下




未及時治療 有併發症





Too much acid peptic ulcer upper…
Busy modern life, emotional tension, the upper peptic ulcer care

Urea breath test, patients drink the day before the isotope, the second day exhaled, measurement of whether unseen.
CLOtest: the use of endoscopic ulcers, Add to the seizure of reagents, if the show red, which was a quiet infections; yellow negative, no infection.

Wei Xin Xin] [gastrointestinal outpatient peptic ulcer is the most common illnesses of the ulcer mainly because of too much gastric acid secretion, resulting in a benign gastrointestinal mucosa damage.
You haunted by the winter of easy attack

Taipei clinic on the field of gastrointestinal hepatobiliary director Yuzhitang explained that hyperacidity caused by the gastrointestinal mucosa damage than ordinary common "Popi" some more deep ulcer on location divided into gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In Taiwan, the incidence of peptic ulcer, about 11%, stomach and duodenum is about 1:4, Yuzhitang shows that the occurrence of ulcers also cyclical changes each year in November the following year to the highest rate in February, July minimum.

There are many reasons for the cause of peptic ulcer in the past and gastric protein that ←, drugs, liquor, tobacco, and even the personality until the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1982 Marshall, "who try to bacteria," confirmed successful result indeed spiral bacilli peptic ulcer, and the concept of change of direction. Chen Zhen-wide, 90% of duodenal ulcer patients can be detected unseen bacteria, bacteria in patients with gastric ulcer You also have 80%, and about 10% of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs-related.

Peptic ulcer over the diagnosis of digestive tract endoscopy and photography mainly gastrointestinal Taipei hospital Department, Gengxin hepatobiliary Yonghe by Dr. Chen Zhen-wide, especially gastroscopy, through endoscopic, from the mouth, esophagus to the stomach and duodenum , upper gastrointestinal glance, it can not only direct observation of lesions, study the severity of lesions can also biopsy, benign or malignant lesions judge whether Helicobacter pylori infection, inflammation, the diagnosis is the most direct method.

Sterilization acid multi-pronged

Peptic ulcer treatment to control acid-based, Chen Zhen-wide note, whether milk or early gastric acid agent, and are in the role of gastric acid. In recent years, the unseen role in peptic ulcer bacteria increasingly clear that the elimination of unseen is currently focused on the treatment of one. Chen Zhen-wide shows that the most commonly used "sterilization" is the triple therapy combination of two antibiotics and a treatment for ulcer drugs, now more often use the proton pump inhibitors, inhibition of gastric acid secretion. Triple therapy have different drug combinations, but pointed out that Chen Zhen-wide, one week after treatment, that is, there are obvious effects of sterilization, the next major issue is the treatment of ulcers.

Sterilizing effect of the triple therapy of 80% to 95%, the biggest causes of treatment failure is failing to medication and has been in quiet emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, this must be re-adjusted drug combination, therefore, accept the integrity of the entire treatment is very important and should not be arbitrarily stop.

You is not all of the patients with ulcers have problems, Chen Zhen-width and Yuzhitang that, if there is no ulcer, you do not need drug treatment. In addition, although the drug in the treatment of ulcers caused unseen effects quite good, but patients in their daily lives but also pay attention to maintenance, if the meals over eating and drinking, alcoholic drinks and tobacco bogey, peptic ulcer or possible attack, we can not take medicine once and for all.

Not timely treatment complications

Peptic ulcer treatment and if not properly dealt with the possible complications, the most common being gastrointestinal bleeding, obstruction and ulcer perforation, some patients have no symptoms, an attack that is bleeding, and according to the amount of bleeding and bleeding at a different rate may | there are blood, asphalt will be, and they have occult blood or stool reaction; ulcer perforation see less, if not timely surgery, which may result in death, no need to panic.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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