馬太福音 |
5:41 | 有人強逼你走一里路,你就同他走二里; |
5:42 | 有求你的,就給他;有向你借貸的,不可推辭。 |
5:43 | 你們聽見有話說:‘當愛你的鄰舍,恨你的仇敵。’ |
5:44 | 只是我告訴你們:要愛你們的仇敵,為那逼迫你們的禱告。 |
5:45 | 這樣,就可以作你們天父的兒子,因為他叫日頭照好人,也照歹人;降雨給義人,也給不義的人。 |
5:46 | 你們若單愛那愛你們的人,有甚麼賞賜呢?就是稅吏不也是這樣行嗎? |
5:47 | 你們若單請你弟兄的安,比人有甚麼長處呢?就是外邦人不也是這樣行嗎? |
5:48 | 所以你們要完全,像你們的天父完全一樣。 |
5:38-42 當我們受到冤屈,立刻會想到報復,但耶穌卻說,我們要善待那些欺侮我們的人!我們的意願不是要算賬,乃是去愛和饒恕;這不是“自然”乃是“超自然”的事,惟有靠神賜給我們的力量才能好像祂一樣去愛人。為那些傷害你的人祈禱,來代替一切報復的計劃吧!
5:39-44 對當時很多猶太人而言,這是令人討厭的話。把另一邊臉轉過來由人打的彌賽亞,絕對不是他們所期待、帶領人民革命、抵抗羅馬政府的軍事領袖。在羅馬政權的壓迫下,他們憎恨羅馬人,常常想要向敵人報復,但耶穌作出了這個突破性的反應去面對不公義,叫我們任憑他們,不要爭取自己的權利。耶穌這些激進的話,目的是要指出施與、公平和憐憫,比爭取更加重要。
5:43-44 耶穌呼籲我們除去仇恨報復,告訴我們不是單靠自己去遵行律法;要以善勝惡、以德報怨,我們必須以愛心為仇敵禱告。法利賽人教導人要愛那些愛自己的人(參利19:18),更教導他們應該恨惡仇敵(參詩139:19-22;140:9-11),但耶穌說我們要愛我們的仇敵。愛仇敵並且善待他們,就真正表明耶穌是你生命的主。惟有那些把自己全然獻給神的人,才可以這樣去愛,因為只有神可以把人從自私的本性中釋放出來。我們要靠聖靈的幫助去愛那些我們覺得不可能愛的人。
5:48 我們怎樣可以成為完全的呢?(1)性格方面:雖然我們不可能完美無瑕,但可以追求盡可能像基督。(2)聖潔方面:我們要學效法利賽人把自己從世界的罪惡中分別出來,卻不要學效他們按著自己的意思行事,而要按神的旨意把祂的慈愛和憐憫帶進這個世界。(3)成長方面:我們不能一下子就有基督的性情和聖潔的生活,但必須要成長至完美。正如我們對嬰孩、兒童、青年和成人各有不同的期望一樣,神也期望我們按著屬靈成長的階段有不同的表現。(4)仁愛方面:我們要愛人如同神愛我們一樣。
5:41 | And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. | |
5:42 | Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. | |
5:43 | Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. | |
5:44 | But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; | |
5:45 | That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. | |
5:46 | For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? | |
5:47 | And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? | |
5:48 | Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. |
5:38-42 When we are wronged, would immediately think of revenge, but Jesus said, we have to treat those who bully our people! Our intention is not to scores, is the love and forgiveness; this is not "natural" is the "supernatural" things have to rely on God to give us the strength to love as he seems. For those who hurt you pray, to replace all of retaliation plan!
People in the fight, but Jesus have to make any concession in regard to the people, to love, too not worth the……
5:39-44 right that many Jews, it is unpleasant to say. The other side of the face by the people to turn the Messiah, they are definitely not looking forward to, and lead the people's revolution, and resisting the Rome government military leaders. In Rome under the oppressive regime, they hate Rome, the enemy often want revenge, but Jesus made this breakthrough response in the face of injustice, and that we allow them, not to fight for their own rights. These radical Jesus, the purpose is to make any concession in regard pointed out, fairness and compassion, even more important than the win.
Repaying injury with kindness and can talk about, I want to love, but unable to suffer……
5:43-44 Jesus called on us to remove hatred retaliation, told us not to rely solely on their own to comply with the law; to a good-evil, and Repaying injury with kindness, we must have a love for enemies prayer. Pharisee teach people to love those who love their people (see Lee 19:18), but also to teach them should hate the enemies (see poem 139:19-22; 140:9-11), but Jesus said we should love our enemies. Love enemies and treat them on your real life that Jesus is Lord. Only those who consider themselves completely devoted to the gods, so we can love, because only God can from the selfish nature of the release. We rely on the help of the Holy Spirit we feel that it is impossible to love those who love people.
Like an arrow fired at a Red - your distance from God How far are the standards?
548 How can we become completely? (1) character: Although we can not perfect, but can be pursued as far as possible, like Christ. (2) Shengjie: We need to learn to follow their own times as profits from the evil in the world were out, but not their validity in the meaning of acting on its own, and according to God's will to His mercy and compassion into this World. (3) growth: We can not have all of a sudden Christ's temperament and sanctity of life, but must grow from perfect. As our babies, children, young people and adults have different expectations, according God also expects us to the stage of spiritual growth have different performance. (4) Caring: We should love as God loves us the same.
If we act in line with our mature standards - perfect, we are full, but obviously we still have many to continue to grow। Our sins and we must not pursue interdiction follow Christ, calling all the disciples of Christ to go beyond mediocrity, strive for excellence, in every respect, be mature, as he gradually. Strive for a perfect, one day will be as perfect as Christ (cf. about one 3:2-3).
Study found that bald men in the risk of prostate cancer, bald than twice as high.
● "I expect bald!" Allows you to predict a person may be in the future of what, you might say, it depends on the in vivo gene see from the outside is not the past. According to City Express reported that the British "Daily Mail" that the United States and British scientists found through a number of studies, it can be the basis of the profile characteristics of a person to infer the future of the health situation.
Feature: bald dangerous: Prostate cancer, heart disease
Harvard University researchers found that bald men in prostate cancer risk, high bald than doubled their risk of heart attack risk as high as 36%, than higher bald men more than doubled.
The researchers explained that this was because the hormone testosterone and problems.
Characteristics: size vary dangerous hands: less sperm count
British researchers at the University of Liverpool has made a clinical trial in 60 men and almost no sperm in men, the largest difference in the size of hands, the hands of a man than the one hand grow 0.5 cm. In addition, the study also found that male ring finger length associated with the sperm count. The longer the ring finger, the more sperm count.
The researchers believe that the body of a gene affecting fingers, and testicular will have an effect.
Feature: long fingers (especially the ring finger) dangerous: depression
British University of Liverpool to a new study, men and the longer fingers, especially the long finger, the greater the possibility of suffering from depression.
Scientists explained that: long fingers of men, usually the secretion of testosterone, and the secretion of testosterone will directly affect a person's central nervous system. General testicular hormone secretion big men, will be more easily tension, the possibility of suffering from depression will be greatly improved.
Feature: tall dangerous: breast cancer
Scientists from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, by 340,000 cases of breast cancer study found: women with breast cancer is a direct relationship. Women's height every five centimeters high, the chance of suffering from breast cancer increased 7%.
Scientists speculated that the reason may be that tall women because of the earlier puberty. Women to enter puberty earlier, which means they were earlier in the female hormone and growth hormone effects, they are affected by the time people than the head of the small, and female hormones and growth hormone and cancer are closely related.
Features: small feet dangerous: reproductive difficulties
Sweden, a study showed that women on the legs, the birth rate than big feet to a high 60%.
Birmingham Women's Hospital experts explained that the small pin also usually means small pelvis, pelvic small female fertility will often difficult.
Men and women
Feature: short legs risk: heart disease
British researchers at the University of Bristol study found that the shorter legs than leg length are more vulnerable to heart disease.
The researchers believe that leg length of head general is relatively high, head high dietary habits are generally good, good eating habits are generally healthy bone, and bone health of the heart usually have a stronger ability to resist.
Feature: large round face danger: sleep apnea
Ohio Western Reserve University researchers found, both big and round faces are more easily sleep apnea.
Their explanation was that, the round face of the popularity of short, easily plugged, sleep prone to choking situation.
Feature: earlobe creases are dangerous: heart disease
Japan and the United States scientists have found that there are earlobe creases are more vulnerable to heart disease.
Scientists believe the lobe of the small blood vessels is very rich, once sclerosis narrow lobe tissue ischemia and hypoxia, will be formed creases. Once creases is illustrated in the small blood vessels in other parts there are lesions. The small blood vessels and heart Qiangxuan I, therefore most prone to problems.
Features: blue eyes, green eyes, gray eyes danger: melanoma, the blind
Australian scientists study found, blue eyes, green eyes or gray eyes are more vulnerable to developing melanoma or become blind.
Scientists say melanoma is a skin cancer, and general melanoma of the skin surface, but may also be in the eye disease. Eyes the color of the shallow, harmful rays of the sun, the weaker ability to resist. (AP)
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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