Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dec6,07 血色素下降 或為癌症前兆Hemoglobin decline or cancer precursor +馬太福音 Matthew4:1-8

馬太福音 4:1 當時,耶穌被聖靈引到曠野,受魔鬼的試探。 4:2 他禁食四十晝夜,後來就餓了。 4:3 那試探人的進前來,對他說:“你若是 神的兒子,可以吩咐這些石頭變成食物。” 4:4 耶穌卻回答說:“經上記著說:‘人活著,不是單靠食物,乃是靠 神口裡所出的一切話。’” 4:5 魔鬼就帶他進了聖城,叫他站在殿頂上(註:“頂”原文作“翅”), 4:6 對他說:“你若是 神的兒子,可以跳下去,因為經上記著說:‘主要為你吩咐他的使者,用手托著你,免得你的腳碰在石頭上。’” 4:7 耶穌對他說:“經上又記著說:‘不可試探主你的 神。’” 4:8 魔鬼又帶他上了一座最高的山,將世上的萬國與萬國的榮華,都指給他看, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
為何要遇到試探?我很怕呀……4:1 魔鬼又稱為撒但,曾在伊甸園試探夏娃,現在又在曠野試探耶穌。撒但是墮落了的天使,牠真實存在,並非只是個象徵而已,現在仍然經常攻擊跟隨神的人。撒但常常試探人,叫我們按牠的方式,而不按神的方式生活。耶穌受試探時,顯明自己真是神的兒子,有能力勝過魔鬼和牠的試探。一個人沒有不順服的機會,就沒法顯出他的順服是真實的。神讓以色列民進到曠野,為要試驗他們,使他們謙卑(參申8:2),神要看他們的反應,看他們是否真正順服。我們同樣也要接受考驗,既然我們知道考驗將會來到,就必須警醒、預備。惟有在壓力下,你才顯出真正的信心!飢餓的耶穌,難道不需要食物?祂真棒,我也要學祂……4:3-4 禁食四十天後,耶穌已經感到飢餓和軟弱,但祂沒有運用自己的大能,去滿足肉身對食物的自然需要。飢餓時進食是合理的,但耶穌為了完全地體驗人性,寧願放棄使用那無限、自主的能力,沒有把石頭變成食物。同樣,我們也可能被試探用不正確的方法或在不適當的時間去滿足完全正常的慾望。例如偷取食物,或在婚前放縱情慾,就是用神不悅納的方式來滿足肉身上的需要。許多需要都是正常和合理的,但必須循著正確的方法,在適當的時間去滿足這些需要。
熟讀聖經不就可以扺擋撒但的試探了嗎?4:3-4 耶穌能夠抵擋撒但的所有試探,因為祂熟識聖經,並且遵行其中的教導。神的話是一把利劍(參弗6:17),可用來面對屬靈的爭戰。熟識聖經是一個重要的步驟,幫助我們抵擋撒但的攻擊,同時更需要遵行其中的教導。事實上,撒但也熟識聖經,不過牠沒有遵守而已。故熟識並遵行聖經的教導可幫助我們跟從神的旨意,抵擋撒但。
站在殿頂?哪個殿?4:5 聖殿是猶太民族的宗教中心,人們都期望彌賽亞在這裡降臨(參瑪3:1)。希律王為了討好猶太人,重修聖殿,使聖殿成為該地區最高的建築物。這個“頂”很可能是指從山坡伸出來的角牆,在這裡可以俯瞰整個耶路撒冷和遠眺數里以外的地方。
想想自己的禱告,是否總想求神為你實現點甚麼,好使我們更堅定呢,其實……4:5-7 耶穌回應撒但的試探,說“不可試探主你的神”(參申6:16),神不是魔術師,按照要求而作出表演。你可能會要求神為你做一些特別的事,證明祂的存在和祂對你的愛。有人求耶穌行神蹟使人可以相信祂,耶穌卻告訴他,那些人不相信聖經所寫的,縱使有人從死裡復活去警告他們,也一樣不會相信(參路16:31)!祂希望我們是憑信心,而不是憑“奇蹟”去生活。不要企圖去操縱神、要求神蹟。
我已經熟讀了聖經,為何仍不甚明白神的心意?4:6 撒但利用聖經嘗試說服耶穌去犯罪!有些人向你提出一些既吸引又具說服力的理由,鼓勵你嘗試去做某些你知道是錯的事情,他們甚至引用聖經某些經文來支持其論點。你要小心謹慎地讀聖經,深入研究經文的上下文,這樣才會明白神所定的生活原則,知道祂對你生命的期望。只要你真正明白整本聖經的教導,就能分辨出來甚麼是將聖經斷章取義、按著個人的喜好歪曲經文意思,所作出的錯謬解釋。
若果你有機會擁有你想得的一切,代價只是不承認神而已,你會……4:8-9 魔鬼是否有能力把世界送給耶穌呢?難道世界不是由創造的神所掌管著的嗎?魔鬼可能只是訛稱自己擁有這些權柄,或者牠所指的“世界”是由於人的罪性,牠可以暫時管轄和任意統治的全地。魔鬼企圖影響耶穌,使祂把目光集中於世上的權勢上,忘記神的計劃。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Matthew4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 4:2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 4:5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why should face trial? I很怕... 4:1 devil is also known as Satan, testing Eve in the Garden of Eden, and are now probing Jesus in the wilderness. Satan is the degeneration of the Angels, it was real, not just a symbol of it, and still frequently attacks follow God's people. Satan often test, it told us by the way, not according to God's way of life. The trial of Jesus, is shown himself the son of God, have the ability better than the devil and its probe. No Bushunbi a person the opportunity to show his obedient not to be true. Israel Association for God to the wilderness, in order to test them, so that they humility (Senate Shen 8:2), God depends on their reaction to see if they really obedient. We also have to be tested, since we know that the test will come, we must awaken and be prepared. Only under pressure, you really only shows the confidence! Hungry Jesus Is no need food? He is terrific, I have to learn he ... 4:3-4 fasting 40 days later, Jesus has felt hungry and weak, but he did not use his great ability to meet the body's natural need of food. Hunger is a reasonable time consuming, but Jesus to completely experience of human nature, and would rather give up the use of the unlimited, and independent capacity, not stones into food. Similarly, we may also be used incorrect test methods or in the wrong time to satisfy completely normal desire. For example, stealing food, or indulge in premarital sex, and that is using God not悦纳way to meet the body's needs. Many needs are normal and reasonable, but must follow the correct methods at an appropriate time to meet these needs.
Not familiar with the Bible can be arrived block Satan on the test? 4:3-4 Jesus can resist Satan all the testing, because he familiar with the Bible, and to teach them compliance. It is a divine sword (Senate mandrax 6:17), can be used to face the spiritual battle. Familiar Bible is an important step to help us resist Satan attacks, but also need to comply with the teachings of them. In fact, Satan also familiar with the Bible, but it does not have to comply with it. They are familiar with and comply with the Bible's teachings will help us follow God's will, to resist Satan.
Standing殿顶? Which Dian? 4:5 Temple is the Jewish religious center, people look forward to coming here Messiah (Senate Machia 3:1).希律Wang order to curry favor with the Jews, reinstate Temple, the Temple became the highest buildings in the region. The "top" is likely to mean sticking out from the slope angle wall, where eye view overlooking the entire Jerusalem and in a few places outside.
Think of our own prayers, whether you want to求神to achieve what point, so that we do more determined, in fact ... 4:5-7 Jesus respond to Satan's trial, said, "you can not test the main god" (Senate Shen 6:16), God is not magician, in accordance with the request from the performances. You may ask God for you to do some special things, he proved the existence and he love you. Some people seek Jesus trip miracle he can believe that Jesus is telling him that those who do not believe in the Bible written that even if a resurrection from the dead, to warn them, the same will not believe (Senate Road 16:31)! We hope he is with confidence, rather than with "miracle" to life. Do not attempt to manipulate God for miracle.
I have read the Bible, why still do not quite understand God's? 4:6 Satan use of the Bible to try to convince Jesus crime! Some people asked you some attractive and convincing reasons, you try to encourage you to do some things that are wrong, they even quote some Bible scripture to support its arguments. You have to carefully读圣经, in the context of in-depth study scriptures, this will be understood by the living God principle, you know he lives and expectations. If you really understand the whole Bible's teachings, we can tell from what is the Bible out of context, distorted according to personal preferences scriptures mean, made by the错谬explained.
If you have the opportunity to have you think about all, the price is not only recognition of God, you will ... 4:8-9 devil has the ability to make the world gave Jesus? Is the world created by God not by the head of? The devil may be claiming that their possession of these separately, or it refers to "the World" because of the crime, it can temporarily jurisdiction and arbitrary rule to the whole. The devil trying to influence Jesus so that he focused on the vision of the power of the world, to forget God's plan.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
血色素下降 或為癌症前兆
閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hemoglobin decline or cancer precursor
[CNA] a more than 20-year-old male, because of the recent sustained slight decline in hemoglobin values, the hospital arranged for senior medical examination, was found suffering from stomach cancer early, therefore arranged for the surgery, no cancer cells spreading Fortunately, the value of hemoglobin have near normal. The more than 20-year-old patient has been in the outpatient treatment of asthma, make regular monthly visits treatment, but patients have been mild anemia, nutritional disorder that is caused hemoglobin index ranged from 10.6 - 11.3 g / dl between, but this May the out-patient hemoglobin found a slight but persistent decline.
Taiwan's Chung Shan Medical University Hospital rheumatoid immune Branch Dr. Soo-Ray Wang Long asked, with the recent discovery will feel that tired, so do patients with advanced medical recommendation, a post-mortem found immediately under the early gastric cancer, surgery was immediately arrangements . Good results after surgery, no proliferation, patients taking anti-cancer drugs now has dispensable early November of hemoglobin value has risen 11.7 g / dl (normal 12.0 g / dl and above).
Another 45-year-old woman who, in October due to joint pain also look at systemic immune rheumatology allergies, arthritis patients claim may result because of dizziness tired, but physicians for patients with routine blood test and special arthritis check and found that patients with hemoglobin values only 5.5 g / dl, such a low hemoglobin normally found only in dialysis patients, but not in patients with dialysis patients, low hemoglobin values rather unusual immediately arranged an emergency hospital examination.
Patients with recent statements week stool color than black, after a series of checks, colorectal cancer is confirmed, then the surgeon Chi-Chou Huang surgery, postoperative recovery well, cut off dozens of lymph nodes are found no cancer. One month after testing hemoglobin has from the original 5.5 g / dl soar to 10.8 g / dl, there are still iron deficiency, iron is added, patients are very fortunate to early detection and rapid removal.
Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

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