馬太福音 |
7:17 | 這樣,凡好樹都結好果子;惟獨壞樹結壞果子。 |
7:18 | 好樹不能結壞果子,壞樹不能結好果子。 |
7:19 | 凡不結好果子的樹,就砍下來丟在火裡。 |
7:20 | 所以,憑著他們的果子,就可以認出他們來。 |
7:21 | 凡稱呼我‘主啊,主啊’的人,不能都進天國;惟獨遵行我天父旨意的人,才能進去。 |
7:22 | 當那日,必有許多人對我說:‘主啊,主啊,我們不是奉你的名傳道,奉你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行許多異能嗎?’ |
7:23 | 我就明明地告訴他們說:‘我從來不認識你們,你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧!’ |
7:24 | 所以,凡聽見我這話就去行的,好比一個聰明人,把房子蓋在磐石上。 |
7:20 我們應該從教師的生活去評價他的言行。正如一棵樹會結出同類的果實,嘗試活出聖經真理的教師,也會顯出好行為和崇高的道德品格。這並不表示我們要趕走那些稍微不完全的主日學教師、傳道人或比較軟弱的人。我們每個人都有可能犯罪,我們應該憐憫別人,正如我們也需要憐憫一樣。耶穌說的壞樹是指那些故意教導錯謬道理的教師,我們一定要檢驗眾教師的動機、取向和他們追求的成果。
7:21 不是每個談論天國的人都是神國的子民。耶穌注重我們的行動過於我們的言論,盼望我們不單談公義,更要行公義。我們只有實踐真道,才可以經得起人生的風浪。(有關房子比喻人生,請參7:24。)你所行的跟你所相信的是不能分開的。
7:21-23 耶穌揭露那些看來很敬虔的人,其實與祂並沒有個人的關係。到了審判的日子,只有跟基督的關係——接受祂為救主並服從祂,才是有用的。許多人錯誤地以為做好人和談談宗教的事情,就可以得到永生的賞賜;事實上,在審判的時候,那是不會計算在內的。
7:17 | | Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. |
7:18 | | A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. |
7:19 | | Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. |
7:20 | | Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. |
7:21 | | Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. |
7:22 | | Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? |
7:23 | | And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. |
7:24 | | Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: |
7:20 we should evaluate teachers to the lives of his words and deeds. As a similar tree will bear fruit, try to live out the truth of the Bible teachers, will also show good behavior and high moral character. This does not mean that we have to drive away those slightly incomplete Sunday School teachers, missionaries or rather weak person. We all have a possible crime, we should have mercy on others, as we also need to have mercy on the same. Jesus said, a bad tree is deliberately refers to those teachers teach Cumiu reason, we must test all teachers motivation, orientation and their pursuit of results.
On talk about is our habit, we often talk about heaven, but Jesus said……
Not everyone talking about heaven 7:21 of the people are God's people. Jesus on our actions over our words, we hope not only of justice but also of justice. We really only practice Road, can withstand the storms of life. (The house analogy life, please refer to 7:24.) You will tell you believe in is not separate.
How can receive eternal life? Do a good job? Often talk about religion? In fact……
7:21-23 Jesus expose those people who seemed very humble, and in fact he has not personal relations। To the days of the trial, only the relationship with Christ - to accept him as Savior and obey him, is useful. Many people erroneously believe that the good religious people and talk about things, the reward can be immortalized in fact, the time of the trial, it is not included,.
British Medical Journal: "Seven Myths" has not yet been decided, just listen
Daily drink 8 cups of water, such as the "Seven Myths", accused of fiction.
● daily drink eight glasses of water before adequate health? The Times newspaper reported, the British Medical Journal (British Medical Journal) issued by the contents of that, it is unfounded allegations, like other hair will worry about scraping hair thicker, death will continue to hair and nail growth, These stereotypes have been scientific wholesale overturning.
From small to large elders often advise us, "drink eight glasses of water a day, only to good health!", But according to the latest study on the medical staff that this is just a medical myth and the United States Regenstrief Institute Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Carlo Seoul (Aaron Carroll) and the Indiana University School of Medicine researcher child care services Ruoqiu ‧ Fuliman (Rachel Vree-man) to work together against common people "Seven Myths" on January 1 verify the results showed that Most are not yet known, and even purely fictional.
In addition to daily eight large glasses of water to drink, this "Seven Myths" also contain scratch injury LLL reading vision, will Huoguahuo coarse hair, human hair and nails death will continue to grow, eat turkey dinner will be drowsy , the use of cell phones interfere with hospital equipment, the development of the human brain only 10% by scholars to have been overturned.
For example, like in the past that under the weak light reading will hurt eyesight, the majority of experts believe that in the eyes of weak lighting reading, the vision will not cause permanent harm, but it may lead to strabismus, blink frequency change, the rest will be resume. Moreover, over the past many people think that the hair blowing hair growth will be affected the speed and size, the study also refers to X after the remnants of hair blowing hair, the lack of soft parts, resulting in hair deeper impression.
In addition, Westerners in the Thanksgiving Day table there must be fire chicken dishes, are deemed to trigger drowsiness, also said that this did not have, the researchers believe that the tryptophan in turkey unlike chicken or minced beef, therefore consumption turkey, not people drowsy, and the past 100 years, human beings generally believe that most people only use 10 per cent of the brain, but the researchers found no brain region is completely static activities.
The human death, hair and nail growth that will continue, has also been overturned; dead skin becomes dry contraction, hair or nails look like variable length; Finally the phone in the hospital is a dangerous items that, although This is a widespread concern, but the study found that cell phone interference with medical equipment is very weak, "Seven Myths" completely subvert the past medical myth. (Reuters reports)
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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