Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dec24,07再生醫療技術恢復心臟運作Regenerative medical technology restore heart operation + 馬太福音 Matthew6:25-34


6:25 所以我告訴你們:不要為生命憂慮吃甚麼,喝甚麼;為身體憂慮穿甚麼。生命不勝於飲食嗎?身體不勝於衣裳嗎?
6:26 你們看那天上的飛鳥,也不種,也不收,也不積蓄在倉裡,你們的天父尚且養活牠。你們不比飛鳥貴重得多嗎?
6:27 你們哪一個能用思慮使壽數多加一刻呢(註:或作“使身量多加一肘呢”)?
6:28 何必為衣裳憂慮呢?你想,野地裡的百合花怎麼長起來。它也不勞苦,也不紡線。
6:29 然而我告訴你們:就是所羅門極榮華的時候,他所穿戴的還不如這花一朵呢!
6:30 你們這小信的人哪!野地裡的草今天還在,明天就丟在爐裡, 神還給它這樣的妝飾,何況你們呢!
6:31 所以,不要憂慮說,‘吃甚麼?喝甚麼?穿甚麼?’ 
6:32 這都是外邦人所求的。你們需用的這一切東西,你們的天父是知道的。
6:33 你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。
6:34 所以,不要為明天憂慮,因為明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天當就夠了。
6:25 神應許供應我們的需要,耶穌叫我們不要為此而憂慮,因為憂慮會帶來不良的後果:(1)傷害你的身體;(2)消耗你的精力;(3)降低你的工作效率;(4)影響你的待人接物;(5)減低你對神的信靠。你是否經歷過憂慮帶來的不良影響呢?憂慮和關注是有分別的——憂慮叫你裹足不前,而關注則成為你行事的推動力。

6:33 “先求祂的國和祂的義”是指讓神在你的生命中居首位——尋求幫助時立刻轉向祂,讓祂的旨意充滿你的思想,以祂作為你的榜樣,凡事都服事順從祂。甚麼事對於你是真正重要的呢?一些人、物、目標和其他慾望全都在爭取佔你心中的首位,倘若你沒有積極立志以神居你生命中的首位,任何一樣都可以把祂摒諸你的心門之外。

6:34 為明天計劃是善用時間,為明天憂慮卻是浪費時間,有時這兩者的分別真是難以判斷。謹慎計劃是預先思考目標、步驟和進程,並且信靠神的引導;預備得好,會幫助我們減輕憂慮。常常憂慮的人卻充滿恐懼,覺得難以信靠神,他們容讓自己的計劃影響與神的關係。不要容讓對明天的憂慮影響你今天與神的關係。



Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
6:28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
6:29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
6:30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Mention a pen, write down what you are concerned about the matter. How they affect your life?
6:25 God promised supply our needs, Jesus told us not to worry about this because they are worried about the adverse consequences: (1) harm to your body, (2) your energy consumption, (3) reduce your work efficiency (4) affect your Dairenchawu (5) to reduce you to trust God. Do you worry experienced the adverse effects? Worry and concern is a difference - you hesitate called worries, and concerns have become the driving force of your act.

Anger is a lot of people you cared about? Are there minds around everything? Whether you……
6:33 "to the country and his求祂justice" refers to God in your life, on top of the list - to seek help immediately to him, let him with the intentions of your thinking, and he as your example, and they He is serving obedience. What is really important for you? Some people, objects, goals and other desires for all of you in the forefront of the minds, if you do not have a positive Habitat determined to God in your life first, as any he can be to shut the door of your heart.

Dongbenxibo you often, you are always working hard…… you, in the scheme of what?
6:34 for tomorrow is make the best use of time, for tomorrow it is a waste of time worrying, and sometimes the difference between the two is difficult to judge। Thinking carefully planned in advance goals, steps and processes, and to trust God's guidance; prepared properly, will help ease our worries. Worries are often full of people fear, find it difficult to trust God, they allow their own plans affect the relationship with God. Do not allow the worries of tomorrow today affect your relationship with God.








Regenerative medical technology restore heart operation

● Japan's Osaka University medical team, successfully developed a thigh muscle in patients with heart disease produce new cells, the operation to restore heart function. The new study is expected to bring the world's heart patients a new hope.
Times newspaper reported, the University of Osaka, Japan, the latest medical team successfully developed producing cells from human thigh thin "regenerative medical technology," it is first removed from the patient's thigh muscle cells can foster a nurturing, until the cell growth to 10 - width, 0.1 mm thick, surgery can be carried out. Since May this year, the medical team has carried out 20 times the cells grow.

56-year-old heavy States last year, find themselves with "dilated heart disease," such symptoms of heart patients will gradually lose muscle function, become very fragile, and must rely on artificial heart, waiting for a heart transplant. State-by-hung said, "do not know when there will be a donor, and may be waiting period on the death, I decided to try the new treatment."

Three months after the surgery, the weight, almost the heart of the operation has resumed normal function, not the heart transplant. He was pleased that "is like a dream, and finally can go home, thank you, I feel good!" (This roundup)


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