6:9 | 挪亞的後代記在下面。挪亞是個義人,在當時的世代是個完全人。挪亞與 神同行。 |
6:10 | 挪亞生了三個兒子,就是閃、含、雅弗。 |
6:11 | 世界在 神面前敗壞,地上滿了強暴。 |
6:12 | 神觀看世界,見是敗壞了;凡有血氣的人,在地上都敗壞了行為。 |
6:13 | 神就對挪亞說:“凡有血氣的人,他的盡頭已經來到我面前,因為地上滿了他們的強暴,我要把他們和地一併毀滅。 |
6:14 | 你要用歌斐木造一隻方舟,分一間一間地造,裡外抹上松香。 |
6:15 | 方舟的造法乃是這樣:要長三百肘,寬五十肘,高三十肘。 |
6:16 | 方舟上邊要留透光處,高一肘。方舟的門要開在旁邊。方舟要分上、中、下三層。 |
6:9 說挪亞是個義人和完全人,並不是指他從來沒有犯過罪(參9:20-27),而是指他全心全意地愛神和順服神。他靠著信心行人生的每一步,成為當時一個活生生的見證。我們像挪亞一樣,生活在邪惡的世界裡,我們是在影響別人,還是被別人影響呢?
6:14 松香是像瀝青一樣的材料,可以使方舟防水。
6:15 挪亞所建造的方舟不是一條獨木舟,而是一隻長寬比例為六比一(與現代船隻的比例一模一樣)、如一個半足球場長、四層樓高的巨船。試想像遠離港口來建造這樣的巨船需要多少人力物力,然而只有幾個相信神應許、順服神命令的人,就建成了這隻巨船。
6:9 | These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. | |
6:10 | And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. | |
6:11 | The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. | |
6:12 | And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. | |
6:13 | And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. | |
6:14 | Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. | |
6:15 | And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. | |
6:16 | A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. |
6:9 said Noah is a righteous and perfect, does not mean that he had never committed a crime (cf. 9:20-27), but that he wholeheartedly Eros and Obey God. With his confidence in every step of life will become a living witness then. We like Noah's like living in the world of evil, we are affecting others, or by others affected?
6:14 Rosin is the same as asphalt materials, waterproofing can Ark.
With God's help to complete seem impossible. I believe that?
6:15 Noah built the ark is not a canoe, but a length and width ratio was 6 to 1 (with exactly the same as the proportion of modern vessels), such as one and a half football pitches long, four-storey giant ship। Imagine away from the port to the construction of such a huge number of ships needed resources, but only a few believe that God promised, Obey God's orders, only to build a giant boat.
6:9 said Noah is a righteous and perfect, does not mean that he had never committed a crime (cf. 9:20-27), but that he wholeheartedly Eros and Obey God. With his confidence in every step of life will become a living witness then. We like Noah's like living in the world of evil, we are affecting others, or by others affected?
6:14 Rosin is the same as asphalt materials, waterproofing can Ark.
With God's help to complete seem impossible. I believe that?
6:15 Noah built the ark is not a canoe, but a length and width ratio was 6 to 1 (with exactly the same as the proportion of modern vessels), such as one and a half football pitches long, four-storey giant ship। Imagine away from the port to the construction of such a huge number of ships needed resources, but only a few believe that God promised, Obey God's orders, only to build a giant boat.
Doctors described "people will be fought addiction" to seize the youth's tail
Campaign for the renewal of life, many athletes use of growth hormone. (Associated Press)
● Major League Baseball players use of growth hormone doping problem, which has attracted world attention, due to growth hormone can change beer belly muscles Chocolate Factory, a physician research capacity, "the people will be fought addiction", some athletes, political and business dignitaries are Love users, and some anti-aging clinics used as a secret.
National Taiwan University College of Medicine attached to Professor Zhang Jun days is endocrine experts, he said that he had seen the KMT presidential candidate Ma Ying-jeou, a little jogging when exposed muscle relaxation, not Raoren that time, if Ma Ying-jeou daily injection growth hormone, may also maintain a strong athletes精壮build.
Tien-Chun Chang said, many Taiwan engaged in anti-aging therapy clinics, to recruit political celebrities and entertainers for members, often growth hormone, as a male hormone exclusive secret.
Tien-Chun Chang pointed out that the growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary, is to promote child growth and impact of fat and muscle, only to have to inadequate secretion of extra added that the men entered the middle-aged, male hormones, and growth hormone secretion decreased muscle decreased, the attendant is Yaoshang lap fat, so people will want to use growth hormone seize youth tail.
He said that the use of growth hormone two or three weeks will make people feel that the spirit of full, the air 100 times, skin moisture, but will soon be out of the old state-meng, who will be used psychological addiction; however, may result in edema, wrist ankle pain side effects, stay young is to reduce the cost of the pace of life will increase the probability of cancer, diabetes and other diseases caused.
Tien-Chun Chang said, in fact, the use of growth hormone athletes is not a secret, outsiders think that they muscles stronger, fewer hair is thick Nanrenmei a symbol of growth hormone injection is a common phenomenon. (CNA)
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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