馬太福音 |
6:17 | 你禁食的時候,要梳頭洗臉, |
6:18 | 不叫人看出你禁食來,只叫你暗中的父看見。你父在暗中察看,必然報答你。 |
6:19 | 不要為自己積攢財寶在地上,地上有蟲子咬,能銹壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷; |
6:20 | 只要積攢財寶在天上,天上沒有蟲子咬,不能銹壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。 |
6:21 | 因為你的財寶在哪裡,你的心也在那裡。 |
6:22 | 眼睛就是身上的燈。你的眼睛若瞭亮,全身就光明; |
6:23 | 你的眼睛若昏花,全身就黑暗。你裡頭的光若黑暗了,那黑暗是何等大呢! |
6:24 | 一個人不能事奉兩個主。不是惡這個愛那個,就是重這個輕那個。你們不能又事奉 神,又事奉瑪門(註:“瑪門”是“財利”的意思)。 |
6:17 耶穌的意思是在禁食時,要像平日一樣正常起居,不要作樣子給人看。
6:20 “積攢財寶在天上”不單指十一奉獻,也包括所有順服神的行為。許多人都覺得為神的事工奉獻金錢,就是投資在天國裡,但我們要注意自己所做的一切都是為著完成神的計劃而做,而不是單著眼於金錢。
6:22-23 “屬靈的眼光”是指能夠清楚知道神要我們所做的事,從神的角度去看這個世界。不過這種屬靈的洞察力很容易被蒙蔽,自我的慾望、興趣和目標都會阻礙屬靈的視線。恢復屬靈視力最直接的方法就是服事神;定睛在神身上可使眼睛明亮。
6:24 耶穌說我們只可以有一個主人,我們處身物質化的社會中,很多人都在服事金錢,花盡一生去積聚金錢,至死仍不罷休,他們看錢財和滿足物質的慾望遠比對神和屬靈事情的委身更重要。你積存甚麼東西,就會在那些東西上花上極多的時間和精力。切不可跌進物質的陷阱裡,因為“貪財是萬惡之根”(提前6:10)。你能否誠實地說神而非金錢是你的主呢?你也可以想想:甚麼東西佔去了你大部分的思想、時間和精力?
6:24 我們不要沉醉於所擁有的東西中,否則就成了這些東西的奴隸。財物對我們變得太重要時,我們就要降低它在我們心中的地位。耶穌呼召我們作一個決定,這決定讓我們選擇永恆的東西,讓我們豐豐足足地生活。
6:17 | | But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; |
6:18 | | That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. |
6:19 | | Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: |
6:20 | | But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: |
6:21 | | For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. |
6:22 | | The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. |
6:23 | | But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! |
6:24 | | No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. |
6:17 Jesus is the meaning of fasting, it is necessary to the normal daily life as usual, do not look for Geirenkan.
Just dedication, which is the accumulation of wealth in the sky bar……
6:20, "the accumulation of treasure in heaven," not just 11 contributions, including all acts of God Obey. Many people feel that God is for the dedication of money is an investment in the kingdom of heaven, but we have to pay attention to what they all are for the completion of God's plan to do, and not just focus on money.
I would like to understand the more, but……
6:22-23 "spiritual vision" refers to God to know what we do, from God's point of view in this world. But this spiritual insight can be easily deceived, self-desires, interests and goals will impede spiritual sight. Restore spiritual vision is the most direct way to serve God; Dingjing who will in the eyes of God bright.
What accounts for the majority of your thinking, time and energy?
6:24 Jesus said, we can only have one master, we live in a materialistic society, a lot of people in the ministry of money, to spend a lifetime to accumulate money, and death does not give up, they see money and material to meet the desire of far than on God and spiritual things more important commitment. Accumulation of what you would spend on those things a lot of time and effort. Material must not fall into the trap, because "money is the root of all kinds of evil" (early 6:10). Can you honestly say that God is not money your God? You can also think about: what accounts for the majority of your thinking, time and energy?
All are attracting the world, is it not? At this moment you are the most precious thing……
6:24 we should not indulge in possession of things, otherwise these things will become slaves। Property has become too important to us, we will have to reduce it in our hearts status. Jesus calls us to make a decision, which decided to allow us to choose the eternal things, let us Feng Feng Jujude life.
6:17 Jesus is the meaning of fasting, it is necessary to the normal daily life as usual, do not look for Geirenkan.
Just dedication, which is the accumulation of wealth in the sky bar……
6:20, "the accumulation of treasure in heaven," not just 11 contributions, including all acts of God Obey. Many people feel that God is for the dedication of money is an investment in the kingdom of heaven, but we have to pay attention to what they all are for the completion of God's plan to do, and not just focus on money.
I would like to understand the more, but……
6:22-23 "spiritual vision" refers to God to know what we do, from God's point of view in this world. But this spiritual insight can be easily deceived, self-desires, interests and goals will impede spiritual sight. Restore spiritual vision is the most direct way to serve God; Dingjing who will in the eyes of God bright.
What accounts for the majority of your thinking, time and energy?
6:24 Jesus said, we can only have one master, we live in a materialistic society, a lot of people in the ministry of money, to spend a lifetime to accumulate money, and death does not give up, they see money and material to meet the desire of far than on God and spiritual things more important commitment. Accumulation of what you would spend on those things a lot of time and effort. Material must not fall into the trap, because "money is the root of all kinds of evil" (early 6:10). Can you honestly say that God is not money your God? You can also think about: what accounts for the majority of your thinking, time and energy?
All are attracting the world, is it not? At this moment you are the most precious thing……
6:24 we should not indulge in possession of things, otherwise these things will become slaves। Property has become too important to us, we will have to reduce it in our hearts status. Jesus calls us to make a decision, which decided to allow us to choose the eternal things, let us Feng Feng Jujude life.
Chronic fatigue syndrome due to excessive fatigue damage caused to balance the body.
[-] Near the end of overtime beginning of the enterprises "wars", and many people have suffered from "tired" disease: body muscle soreness, forgetful work, as well as attention focused sore throat. Experts pointed out that the main reason overtime is too long, too tight, do not pay attention to self-protection and a lack of timely adjustment fatigue, doctors said that it is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
The Evening News reported, the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine subsidiary Longhua Hospital director Dr. Zhou Duan said, whenever the end, many people abandon the rest, regardless of the affordability of the physical work overtime, that damage the normal functioning of the biological clock, leading to gastrointestinal function of the cardiovascular system , urinary systems, and many other "out of control."
People become very tired, the whole people like energy depletion, "regressive" in the not allowed to work, even in peacetime can not afford to have the spirit of love to do. Even if the rest will not improve exertion flu, but also often have fever, chills, sleep disorders, joint pain and flu symptoms. These good, not bad flu, people will be interested in any peacetime, symptoms worsen after the day people just want to lie on the bed.
It has been learned that not only know how to consume maintenance, or day and night reversed called the "workaholic", as well as a genetic origin die prematurely that it has been very healthy people, the most easily become attached to the "chronic fatigue syndrome", and some or even "overwork death." Suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and health damage, affecting work and life more and more people.
Zhou noted, chronic fatigue syndrome due to excessive fatigue damage the overall balance from the body. Can lead to serious gastrointestinal function of the cardiovascular system, urinary system and other aspects of the disease. Most patients because of the law of life, but also could easily lead to plant nerve disorder, a decline in memory, insomnia, dizziness dizzying, depression, palpitation, and other psychological problems.
6 showed symptoms of "slow the disease"
Experts say, a chronic fatigue syndrome is the main reason overtime a long time, work and life schedule too full, too tight, do not pay attention to self-protection, mental and physical fatigue, a lack of timely adjustment.
When more than 24 hours a sustained systemic fatigue recurrent weakness or fatigue, unable to bed rest and mitigation; self-inductance "regressive" in the daily lives have been affected, and more than a 50 per cent reduction activities; low heat or Boling; throat pain; non-suppurative pharyngitis; armpit or neck pain and swollen lymph nodes; body muscle weakness, muscle pain; extensive new headache in the non-inflammatory joint pain (without irritation phenomena); forgetfulness, irritability, Thinking Ability depression, inability to concentrate, depression, etc.; a sleep disorder (drowsiness or insomnia), in line with the above symptoms 6, is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Fatigue from nine prescription
Experts said that many workers rely on drugs or health products Yinbo to restore physical, from fatigue, it is only passive approach. Only regular exercise, a balanced diet, moderate recreation, adequate rest, good interpersonal and pleasant working environment to bid farewell to fatigue burnout.
Fatigue from nine prescription: Every morning 15 minutes left to themselves, will not be too hasty feel fatigue; daily dose of vitamins and some minerals supplements, can also be caused by malnutrition because of fatigue; quit smoking control Doping dependent on the long burnout to be quite effective; diet to alleviate fatigue will be of great help, diet and exercise is the best two-pronged; ground bathe help restore physical flow will be distributed anion people feel more happy and more vitality; daily walking quickly 1-2 times, 20 to 30 minutes, but not within two hours of bedtime movement; night with hot water slowly soak feet for 10 minutes, repeated hand massage Jiaxin, ankle improve blood circulation, can be lifted fatigue; bedtime to relax so profound slow abdominal breathing, legs, torso, head and neck ministries can relax the muscles; self-induced fatigue especially when bedtime massage temples on both sides of 100, will help Earlier sleep, relax and sleep help lift fatigue; work, should be every 12 hours activities muscles recreating deep breaths, and to reduce physical and mental fatigue.
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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