Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
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Monday, September 24, 2007

Sep25,07 上良伴 波浪枕頭好拍檔Right wave good on the pillow partners +蚊子樂園Mosquito Paradi

靈命日糧 - 2007年9月25日
讀經: 歷代志下34章14-21節
金句: 「我在耶和華殿裏得了律法書。」(歷代志下34章15節)
全年讀經: 雅歌6-8章;加拉太書4章


September 25, 2007
Mosquito Paradise
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: 2 Chronicles 34:14-21
I have found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord. —2 Chronicles 34:15
-->About this cover

The builders of the Panama Canal overcame many enormous challenges: the moving of tons of earth, the redirecting of a river, and the cutting down of miles of jungle. But the tiny mosquito threatened to shut down the whole project. The Isthmus of Panama was an ideal breeding ground for this pest. As mosquitos infected canal workers with yellow fever and malaria, the death toll began to soar.
Fortunately, a physician who had studied these diseases arranged for an army of workers to spray the area with a chemical to kill mosquitos. The number of illnesses dropped dramatically.
In the Old Testament, we read of Judah’s epidemic of idolatry and its accompanying moral sickness. When the Word of God was rediscovered, King Josiah exclaimed, “Great is the wrath of the Lord that is poured out on us, because our fathers have not kept the Word of the Lord” (2 Chron. 34:21). Josiah understood the Scripture’s preventive cure for moral sickness. He began to apply its spiritual truths, and soon a revival swept the land that restored the nation’s spiritual health.
When we neglect the reading of God’s Word, we invite spiritual illness. Let’s be sure to set aside time to absorb its life-giving message. —Dennis FisherDennis Fisher-->
The Bible will transform our livesAnd turn us from our sin,If we will study and obeyGod’s principles within. —Sper
The Bible is God’s prescription for the health of our soul.
For similar resources, search these topics:Bible Study > Application > Effect/Power
Bible in One Year: Song of Solomon 6-8; Galatians 4
上良伴 波浪枕頭好拍檔(2007年9月25日)枕頭褥不適合 可導致寒背頭痛

波浪枕承托頸部 屬最佳選擇
明報記者 徐慧華
Right wave good on the pillow partners (September 25, 2007) Not suitable for mattress pillow beds can lead to cold back headache
Out on life - one-third of the time spent on beds, once the use of inappropriate pillows and mattress beds, will affect not only the quality of sleep, it may lead back pains consequences. A chiropractor said, the average monthly 3-4 neck and shoulder pain to help with the wrong election pillow or mattress on beds, pillows pulled high over the latissimus dorsi, blood circulation, winter is back, headache culprits.
Registration chiropractors and physiotherapists Ho-fai, pillows main function is to provide good head and neck support, thereby easing pressure on neck and shoulder, can remain in the supine when cervical physiological radians, forehead and chin in a state of the horizon. If pillows too high or too low, they will change cervical radians, neck vacant, ranging from local produce cervical muscle cramps, easy, "adding Li neck" and would cause cervical shift, if nerves of pressure, there will be limbs paralysis situation.
Wave is a neck pillow supporting the best choice
Do not think that hardware is high and pillows, will be better supported force, Ho pointed out that, if the neck pillows care too high, will head back supine, the lack of blood circulation caused headaches and will make the tongue to suppress airway, easy fight snoring; Back strain with a backward state, in the long winter will be back . "Back in the habit of back strain, walking, and that Italy would not be neglected in favor of the lumbar posture correct step."
Pillow models diversified market, in addition to down, the traditional cotton pillows, there are water pillow, pillow waves, and about level pillow. Ho-fai said, the public pillow, the better to wave pillow, as wave-shaped design can support the neck and cervical spine maintain physiological radians. Although the same effect of the water pillow, but not everyone habit "wave floating" feeling, as part of the traditional cervical pillow no special right to support, is the worst lead-neck tight shoulder pain.
Even the election of the right pillows, mattress beds if tough or too soft will lead to spinal problems. Ho-fai said, the traditional "hard beds in the more the better," which is outdated and too hard mattress beds in the vacant will waist, not supporting the spine and muscles, causing pain Yi, the beds too soft mattress can not support the heavier hip, lumbar falling, easy spinal injury or displacement.
Ming Pao Daily News reporter Xu Huihua

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