靈命日糧 - 2007年9月12日
讀經: 哥林多後書5章12-21節
金句: 「若有人在基督裏,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。」(哥林多後書5章17節)
全年讀經: 箴言13-15章;哥林多後書5章
September 12, 2007
Making A Masterpiece
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: 2 Corinthians 5:12-21
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. —2 Corinthians 5:17
-->About this cover
One of my earliest memories of my dad is that he loved doing paint-by-number pictures. The canvas was large, but the numbered segments where a predetermined color would go were very small. Dad would sit in his chair in our basement for hours, working meticulously with his painting in front of him and a cup of coffee at his side.
As a boy, I would sit on the basement stairs and watch with fascination. My interest did not stem from a misguided thought that doing paint-by-number work made my dad a great artist. Rather, I was amazed at how patiently he would work on each painting. Finally, the thousands of slivers of color became an image that Dad considered well worth the effort.
As I think of my dad’s patience in bringing a painting to life, my heart is directed to our heavenly Father. He looks on us and sees the voids and imperfections in our lives, yet lovingly and patiently does His work in us to make us His masterpiece—a masterpiece that “conform[s] to the image of His Son” (Rom. 8:29).
What a joy it is to have such a God, who makes us new (2 Cor. 5:17) and never tires of investing His energy and effort into our lives! —Bill Crowder—Bill Crowder-->
God sees in us a masterpieceThat one day will be done;His Spirit works through all our lifeTo make us like His Son. —Sper
Only God can transform a sin-stained soul into a masterpiece of grace.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Growth/Sanctification
Bible in One Year: Proverbs 13-15; 2 Corinthians 5
胎盤臍血廢物變續命丹(2007年9月11日)庫存將爆滿 未來擴充一倍
臍帶血是指嬰兒出生後,從胎盤收集到的血液,過往屬醫療廢物,嬰兒出生後, 胎盤便會被棄掉。直至70年代,科學家發現臍血內含有大量原始血細胞(幹細胞),是人體製造血液及免疫系統的來源,更可用作取代骨髓移植,治療白血病、地中海貧血等基因疾病。
捐臍血無危險 六成移植成功
明報記者 徐慧華
Waste to continued placental cord blood fate Dan (September 11, 2007) Future expansion will be full of stock doubled After collecting cord blood to the 24 hours back to the BTS testing and processing, and storage at -196 degree Celsius in liquid nitrogen (see figure), there are four Red Cross for the preservation of cord blood liquefied nitrogen containers, stored cord blood in 2800। (XU caption) Out on - after the baby was born, the placenta is usually discarded as waste, but the fact contain important cord blood stem cells is terminally ill patients continued source of life. Red Cross since 1998 to form the only free cord blood bank, has been successful in collecting 2,558 cord blood, but repository close "to a warehouse." The expanded service, in the next three years to purchase equipment, doubling the amount of storage for terminally ill patients to provide a rehabilitation. Umbilical cord blood is that after the baby was born, collected from the placenta blood, in the past, a medical waste, baby, the placenta will be discarded. Until the 1970s, scientists discovered the cord blood contains primitive blood cells (stem cells), human blood and immune system manufacturing sources, can be used as a replacement of bone marrow transplantation, the treatment of leukemia, thalassemia gene diseases. The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Zhuo Li Guang senior doctors interviewed said that the current total of four will be used for the preservation of cord blood liquefied nitrogen containers can be stored cord blood in 2800, has more than 4,000 pregnant women have been voluntary donation, which in 2558 successfully cord blood collection, storage near the ceiling. Expanded services for the Red Cross in the next three to four years to purchase equipment, materials for the storage of cord blood to 5000. 60% of non-dangerous donated cord blood transplant success Zhuo Li said that the patients have to find suitable bone marrow will be difficult, some assistant to general anesthesia, the number of people deterred. Conversely, cord blood donation is not dangerous), practices like recycling, transplant success rate is as high as 60%, versus host reaction more than low bone marrow transplantation, is extremely helpful in the treatment of incurable diseases. Earlier in the day, suffering from a rare "marble bone disease" baby FANG-wen, Taiwan's cord blood transplantation is through, and finally recovered. Red Cross cord blood bank since 1998, has provided 44 cord blood to the 31 patients, 17 patients were successfully transplanted the first eight months of this year, the 12 will also provide cord blood to the needy patients. Also present large private cord blood "banks", storage costs about 18 2.8 to 32,000 yuan ranging from artists Nicholas Tse, theft, and athletes - Lee Lai-shan, which also has the child's cord blood stored in a private cord blood bank. Zhuo Li said that the cord blood stem cells in a smaller number of pediatric patients weighing more or less shared, parents money for private companies with storage, cases donated to the Red Cross as to the benefit of the public. Li explained that the incidence of the disease are usually young, if parents are willing to donate their cord blood, the child if necessary to recover; The children grow up, because cord blood components too little, not enough adults. Only Kwong Wah Hospital accepting donations Iraq Based on the limited information available, this is not pregnant, "then donated the tax," only to Kwong Wah and Queen Elizabeth Hospital delivery of pregnant women can donate cord blood at birth Sunday and also "without a donation." Zhuo Li Kwong explained that the collection, processing and storage of cord blood must be completed within 24 hours by specially trained personnel, due to manpower and time constraints, the Red Cross only to the two public hospitals to collect cord blood. Ming Pao Daily News reporter Xu Huihua
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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