靈命日糧 - 2007年9月19日
讀經: 馬可福音11章20-26節
金句: 「耶穌回答說:『你們當信服上帝。』」(馬可福音11章22節)
全年讀經: 傳道書1-3章;哥林多後書11章16-33節
早期到中國宣教的戴德生(Hudson Taylor)曾說,耶穌在馬可福音11章22節所說的「你們當信服上帝」這句話,也可說成是「抓住上帝的信實」。
倫敦西敏特教堂的前任牧師鍾馬田(Martyn Lloyd-Jones)就很欣賞戴德生的解釋,他說:「信心就是抓住上帝的信實,這麼做可以保證你不出錯。信心就是眼中不看困難……不看信心本身也不看那有信心的人,信心就是只看上帝……只專注於上帝,只談論上帝、讚美上帝、極力頌揚上帝的美德。到頭來,一個人信心所發出的力量有多大,都是取決於他對上帝的認識有多深……他對上帝的認識若是夠深,就能全心信賴他所認識的上帝,而這人的禱告也必蒙應允。」
September 19, 2007
The Faithfulness Of God
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Mark 11:20-26
Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.” —Mark 11:22
-->About this cover
Some of Jesus’ words to His disciples about having faith in God leave me wondering if I can ever exercise that level of trust and confidence in prayer. I can’t recall telling a mountain to relocate itself into the ocean and watching it happen.
Hudson Taylor, pioneer missionary to China, said that Jesus’ words in Mark 11:22, “Have faith in God,” could be translated, “Hold on to the faithfulness of God.”
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, former pastor of London’s Westminster Chapel, appreciated Taylor’s insight and said: “Faith is holding on to the faithfulness of God and, as long as you do that, you cannot go wrong. Faith does not look at the difficulties. . . . Faith does not look at itself or at the person who is exercising it. Faith looks at God . . . . Faith is interested in God only, and it talks about God and it praises God and it extols the virtues of God. The measure of the strength of a man’s faith, always, is ultimately the measure of his knowledge of God. . . . He knows God so well that he can rest on the knowledge. And it is the prayers of such a man that are answered.”
“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations” (Ps. 119:89-90). —David C. McCasland—David C. McCasland-->
Trust in Him, ye saints, forever—He is faithful, changing never;Neither force nor guile can severThose He loves from Him. —Kelly
Life is not always fair, but God is always faithful.
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > God > Faithfullness
Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 1-3; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
間葉幹細胞治中風 能促進組織修復 腎衰竭、肝硬化、心肌梗塞有救了
研究團隊也發現,間葉幹細胞釋放的血管內皮增生因子和第六型介白質,會抑制血管內皮細胞凋亡、促進組織再生。這項研究刊登在最近一期的「幹細胞」(Stem Cells)期刊。
~ | ~閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。
Mesenchymal stem cells Stroke Treatment To promote tissue repair renal failure, cirrhosis, myocardial infarction have saved
【Shi Jing-ru - Taipei Veterans General Hospital recently said that the past use in the treatment of glass doll "mesenchymal stem cells", the study found it would release growth factors, hormones, can promote angiogenesis and tissue repair, the future will be the treatment of stroke or myocardial infarction new hope. Mesenchymal stem cells are adult stem cells in a mainly isolated from bone marrow, in theory, when appropriate environment can differentiate into human tissues such as bone, fat, cartilage, nerve and heart cells. Eight years ago, the medical community first used in the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta patients (ie glass doll), to stiffen bones, five glass doll Witnesses sit up.
Orthopedic Department attending physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, National Yang Ming University, a professor of clinical medicine and the United States Shih Tulane University study found that the chicken embryo experiment, mesenchymal stem cells can not only save the vascular endothelium in hypoxic cell death, but also promote angiogenesis.
The research team also found that mesenchymal stem cells release factor and vascular endothelial hyperplasia of IL-6, will inhibit vascular endothelial cell apoptosis, promote tissue regeneration. The study published in the latest issue of "stem cells" (Stem Cells) Series.
Shih said that the future they intend to further purified mesenchymal stem cells secreted factor, such as myocardial infarction patients and injected into the damaged myocardium, hoping to achieve a certain degree of recovery, and as stroke, kidney failure, cirrhosis and other diseases limb ischemia are also on target.
The study team also found that mesenchymal stem cells most special is that not only live in a good state of hypoxia, the proliferation rate and mating rate even increase threefold speed fairly quickly. Shih explained that the mesenchymal stem cells in the hypoxic environment (only 1% oxygen) training, longer than in the past after transplantation in the general environment (21% oxygen) is better than speculate hypoxic conditions closer to its bone marrow environment. The new findings are published in the May "published by the Public Library on the 1st Science Journal" online journals.
Self-replication of the cell, including a "full differentiation" fertilized eggs; "- Differentiation" of embryonic stem cells; "Multi-differentiation" hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and the "single-differentiation" of the original cell.
Mesenchymal stem cells originally isolated from bone marrow, umbilical cord in recent years, cord blood, fat and placentas also find that it can form bone, cartilage and fat and other groups.
Read more news, see World Journal.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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