Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Sep23,07無 牙 長 者 較 易 癡 呆+ 主 He Knows My Name+More toothless elderly dementia

靈命日糧 - 2007年9月23日
讀經: 約翰福音10章1-4節
金句: 「羊也聽他的聲音。他按著名叫自己的羊,把羊領出來。」(約翰福音10章3節)
全年讀經: 雅歌1-3章;加拉太書2章


September 23, 2007
He Knows My Name
READ: John 10:1-4
The sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. —John 10:3
-->About this cover

When we attended a large church, we learned new things, joined a great small group, and enjoyed the worshipful music. But I didn’t realize for a long time that I missed something—the pastor had no idea who I was. Because of the thousands in attendance, I understood that it would be impossible for him to know each person by name.
Then, when we began attending a much smaller church, I received a handwritten welcome note from the pastor. After a few more weeks, Pastor Josh was calling me by name and chatting with me about my recent surgery. It felt good to be personally acknowledged.
All of us have a desire to be known—especially by God. A song by Tommy Walker, “He Knows My Name,” reminds us that God knows our every thought, sees each tear that falls, and hears us when we call. We read in the gospel of John, “The sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name . . . . I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep” (John 10:3,14).
For the One who made heaven and earth, knowing a few billion people is not a problem. God loves you immensely (John 3:16), He thinks about you all the time (Ps. 139:17-18), and He knows your name (John 10:3). —Cindy Hess KasperCindy Hess Kasper-->
God knows each winding way I take,And every sorrow, pain, and ache;His children He will not forsake—He knows and loves His own. —Bosch
No Christian is anonymous to God.
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無 牙 長 者 較 易 癡 呆

無 牙 長 者 出 現 記 憶 力 問 題 的 風 險 , 較 一 般 長 者 高 3.57 倍 。 英 國 倫 敦 大 學 國 王 學 院 調 查 了 近 2,500 名 65 歲 或 以 上 的 獨 居 長 者 , 當 中 四 成 無 牙 , 他 們 患 上 記 憶 力 衰 退 及 癡 呆 症 的 風 險 較 有 牙 長 者 高 3।57 倍 。 研 究 人 員 未 知 脫 牙 及 記 憶 力 衰 退 的 因 果 關 係 , 但 估 計 出 現 認 知 問 題 的 長 者 , 護 理 牙 齒 的 意 識 較 差 ; 而 本 身 有 牙 齒 發 炎 及 感 染 者 , 血 液 的 成 份 會 改 變 , 影 響 腦 部 健 康 ; 同 時 , 無 牙 者 會 改 變 膳 食 , 營 養 不 足 亦 可 能 是 腦 疾 的 成 因 。 20-09-2007
More toothless elderly dementia Without teeth to occur in the risk of memory problems, the elderly generally higher than 3.57 times. King's College, University of London survey of nearly 2,500 65-year-old or more elderly persons living alone, of which 40% without teeth, they suffer from memory loss and dementia risk more teeth elderly high 3.57 times. Researchers from unknown teeth and memory deterioration of causal relationship, but estimates of cognitive problems for the elderly, poor awareness of dental care; Have their own teeth and inflammation and infection, blood components will change and affect brain health; Meanwhile, the teeth will not change the diet, nutritional deficiencies may also be a brain disease causes.20-09-2007

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