Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sep24,07 臉部3D掃描 診斷基因疾病3D facial scan in the diagnosis of diseases +站起來 All Rise

靈命日糧 - 2007年9月24日
讀經: 馬可福音2章1-12節
金句: 「我吩咐你起來,拿你的褥子回家去吧!」(馬可福音2章11節)
全年讀經: 雅歌4-5章;加拉太書3章

當上帝希望你放下,你樂意做的工作時;接受他安排的選擇,讓他給你新的工作。 Fasick

September 24, 2007
All Rise
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Mark 2:1-12
Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house. —Mark 2:11
-->About this cover

When I asked my husband to buy eggs on his way home so I could make cornbread for supper, he said, “I’ve got something better than cornbread.” Coming from Jay, that was a surprising statement. But I learned what he meant when he walked into the house and handed me a fresh loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. A label on the wrapper said, “Thanks for the dough. We kneaded it.” The bread was made by Sue Kehr and given as a “thank you” for a donation to a youth organization.
Sue started making bread after she had to quit her job as a nurse because of a head injury. Instead of letting circumstances pull her down when she could no longer help people in her usual ways, Sue rose to the challenge and created a unique expression of gratitude. She now makes and gives away delicious homemade bread to ministries that can then distribute the loaves to others.
Although Sue did not receive complete physical healing like the paralytic Jesus healed (Mark 2), she did rise up and cause many to be amazed at the work of God in her life.
God has something for each of us to do, despite our limitations. Rise up and ask what He might want to do through you. —Julie Ackerman LinkJulie Ackerman Link-->
When God asks you to lay asideSome cherished work you loved to do,Accept His choice of someone elseAnd let Him give new work to you. —Fasick
Step up to the tasks and do what God asks.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Personal Crisis > Perserverence
Bible in One Year: Song of Solomon 4-5; Galatians 3
臉部3D掃描 診斷基因疾病 英國科學家提出新技術 並稱成功率達九成
【中央社】英國科學家表示,針對臉部進行3D掃描,將能夠加速診斷兒童是否罹患罕見基因疾病。 英國廣播公司報導,七百多種基因症候群會影響臉部特徵,但某些疾病因為少有案例存在而難以發現。但利用新的軟體,可針對個人的面孔與罹患已知疾病者的3D影像資料庫進行比對,這將有助於診斷病情。
3D facial scan in the diagnosis of diseases British scientists said the new technology a success rate of 90%
[CNA] British scientists said that in view of a 3D facial scan, will be able to speed up the diagnosis of children suffering from a rare genetic disease. The British Broadcasting Corporation reported that 700 more genes syndrome affects facial features, but some rare cases of the disease because of the presence difficult to detect. But the use of the new software, which allows individuals face with the suffering from the disease known 3D image database for comparison, which will assist in diagnosis of disease.
Reports said that scientists in the British science at York Association for the Advancement of Science Festival organized by the city in the technology, saying a success rate of 90%.
London Institute of Child Health, University College computer scientist Han Mond explained: "There are many diseases will not unusual facial features, it is because of the change." Reports said that patients with Down's syndrome can be easily diagnosed condition, but there are more than 700 different types of diseases, will change the appearance .
For example, William's Syndrome every 10,000 to 20,000 newborns may have an infected, the sick look to be shorter and Bending Upwards nose, large mouth, jaw also small.
Smith's syndrome - Majlis every 25,000 newborns have an infected person, the patient face very bumpy nose, lips than Alice. Another fragile X syndrome morbidity rate of about 1, patients face a long and narrow, large and prominent ears.
Reports said that certain genetic diseases on the face minor differences, the case is more rare, thus more difficult initial diagnosis.
Reports said Han Mengdeboshi to help diagnosis, collect suffering from these diseases known to the child on the face of 3D images, and design software in conjunction with these images, create different genetic disease patients suffering from the "average face."
Similarly, he also known for not suffering from genetic diseases for children, for the establishment of an average face than right.
Reports quoted Professor Han Mond said: "If children suffering from unknown disease, we can get their faces 3D imaging, and we have developed a technology will allow us against them face to face with these average than right."
He said: "the part that is most similar to the main goal, because it could explain their facial features are so unusual."
He said: "Then genetics can be better suited to genetic testing to further verify this point, if such exist, Detection."
Read more news, see World Journal.

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