Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sep20,07貝多芬髮含鉛量超標100倍 疑慢性中毒亡Beethoven's hair lead level s+行走天路A Walk In The Park

靈命日糧 - 2007年9月20日
讀經: 以弗所書5章1-14節
金句: 「也要憑愛心行事,正如基督愛我們。」(以弗所書5章2節)
全年讀經: 傳道書4-6章;哥林多後書12章

喬治·麥當勞曾說:「 福音臨到你身上的主要目的,不是要你把基督教當成一套理論,而是要你完成主旨意。只要你致力達成這個目標,那麼在你所身處的世界一角,就將發生劇烈的轉變。」的確,將有劇烈的轉變!

September 20, 2007
A Walk In The Park
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Ephesians 5:1-14
Walk in love, as Christ also has loved us. —Ephesians 5:2
-->About this cover

Our house in Boise, Idaho, backs up to a park with a walking track. You can see most of the path from our kitchen window, and because of that I’ve learned to recognize people by their walk.
There’s a lawyer from down the street who’s always in a hurry, an elderly man who trudges slowly by, a woman who strides with purposeful steps. Each has a characteristic gait.
The Bible instructs us: “Walk in love, as Christ also has loved us” (Eph. 5:2) and “Walk in wisdom” (Col. 4:5). I ask myself, “Does my walk reflect God’s love and wisdom?” Am I “pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy”? (James 3:17). Do I have love, joy, and peace? Am I tranquil and strong? What do others see as I walk by?
George MacDonald said, “If you who set yourselves to [theorize about] Christianity had set yourselves instead to do the will of the Master, the one object for which the gospel was preached to you, how different would be the condition of that part of the world with which you come into contact.” How different indeed!
Is your life making a difference in the lives around you? Do others see Jesus in what you say and do? —David H. RoperDavid H. Roper-->
Help me to walk so close to TheeThat those who know me best can seeI live as godly as I pray,And Christ is real from day to day. —Ryberg
For a Christlike walk, keep in step with Jesus.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Character > Christlikeness
Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 4-6; 2 Corinthians 12
貝多芬髮含鉛量超標100倍 疑慢性中毒亡(2007年9月20日)
【明報專訊】現時獲確認為貝多芬真髮的,是由猶太音樂家希勒(Ferdinand Hiller)在1827年3月27日、即貝多芬死後1日從遺體剪下來留念的一綹頭髮。
Beethoven's hair lead level standard 100 times suspected chronic poisoning death (September 20, 2007)
Out on the present - were confirmed as true of the Beethoven, by the Jewish musician Shearer (Ferdinand Hiller) in the March 27, 1827, from Beethoven's death on the 1st down against the body of a scissors lock hair.
This lock hair has been preserved by Hilkiah. From 1943, they will receive hair Denmark Framingham doctors, treatment of Jewish refugees as a reward. In 1994, Framingham family through Sotheby's auction hair from "Beethoven's research center," even Principal Paula founder of about 57,000 voted for the Hong Kong dollar.
Brucellosis and others X-ray analysis of hair, hair lead level found he walks very high average 100 times estimated Beethoven died of chronic lead poisoning.
As for the University of Connecticut, retrieve files for the donation of Beethoven's hair, from the United States 10 years ago, a small Cape Cod auctions. Wechsler said he was starting to see the framework of the Beethoven and impregnated Italian violinist Paganini's hair, then bought back.
After the identification, proof of wood from the framework of Beethoven's era. He even invited Paula special identification hair, hair texture, color, estimated in his hair before cutting the dying. But Wechsler never identified a gene for hair.

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