12:41 | 耶穌對銀庫坐著,看眾人怎樣投錢入庫。有好些財主往裡投了若干的錢。 |
12:42 | 有一個窮寡婦來,往裡投了兩個小錢,就是一個大錢。 |
12:43 | 耶穌叫門徒來,說:“我實在告訴你們:這窮寡婦投入庫裡的,比眾人所投的更多。 |
12:44 | 因為,他們都是自己有餘,拿出來投在裡頭,但這寡婦是自己不足,把她一切養生的都投上了。” |
12:41 聖殿中有幾個奉獻箱。有的是收取猶太男丁的聖殿稅,有的是收集自由奉獻。這些奉獻箱可能是放在婦女院內。
12:41-44 雖然這個窮寡婦奉獻得最少,但是在耶穌眼中,她所獻的比任何人都多。奉獻的價值並不在乎奉獻的數量,而是在乎奉獻的心態。勉強去奉獻,或是為了名聲去奉獻,奉獻便失去其意義了。要緊記不管禮物是多麼微不足道,只要是出於感謝和慷慨之心的奉獻,神都悅納。
12:41 | And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. | |
12:42 | And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. | |
12:43 | And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: | |
12:44 | For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. |
Temple's dedication to me --
12:41 Temple dedication in a number of boxes. Some charge of the male Jewish Temple tax, are free to collect contributions. Dedication of these boxes may be placed on women's hospital.
"I dedicate my dedication, because I love Jesus" - your dedication, how?
12:41-44 Although this poor widow sacrifice the least, but in the eyes of Jesus, she's presented more than anyone else. The value of sacrifice and dedication do not care about the quantity, but whether the dedication of mind. Reluctance to sacrifice, or to go to the reputation of dedication, devotion will lose its meaning. Must bear in mind that no matter how small gifts, as long as it is out of gratitude and generosity of heart, dedication, God is acceptance.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:41 Temple dedication in a number of boxes. Some charge of the male Jewish Temple tax, are free to collect contributions. Dedication of these boxes may be placed on women's hospital.
"I dedicate my dedication, because I love Jesus" - your dedication, how?
12:41-44 Although this poor widow sacrifice the least, but in the eyes of Jesus, she's presented more than anyone else. The value of sacrifice and dedication do not care about the quantity, but whether the dedication of mind. Reluctance to sacrifice, or to go to the reputation of dedication, devotion will lose its meaning. Must bear in mind that no matter how small gifts, as long as it is out of gratitude and generosity of heart, dedication, God is acceptance.
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