Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mar1,08甜食吃太多 糖尿病急性發作Eat too many sweets acute diabetes+創世記Genesis15:1-10

15:1 這事以後,耶和華在異象中有話對亞伯蘭說:“亞伯蘭,你不要懼怕!我是你的盾牌,必大大地賞賜你。”
15:2 亞伯蘭說:“主耶和華啊,我既無子,你還賜我甚麼呢?並且要承受我家業的是大馬士革人以利以謝。”
15:3 亞伯蘭又說:“你沒有給我兒子,那生在我家中的人就是我的後嗣。”
15:4 耶和華又有話對他說:“這人必不成為你的後嗣,你本身所生的才成為你的後嗣。”
15:5 於是領他走到外邊說:“你向天觀看,數算眾星,能數得過來嗎?”又對他說:“你的後裔將要如此。”
15:6 亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華就以此為他的義。
15:7 耶和華又對他說:“我是耶和華,曾領你出了迦勒底的吾珥,為要將這地賜你為業。”
15:8 亞伯蘭說:“主耶和華啊,我怎能知道必得這地為業呢?”
15:9 他說:“你為我取一隻三年的母牛,一隻三年的母山羊,一隻三年的公綿羊,一隻斑鳩,一隻雛鴿。”
15:10 亞伯蘭就取了這些來,每樣劈開分成兩半,一半對著一半地擺列,只有鳥沒有劈開。
15:1 亞伯蘭為甚麼懼怕?也許是害怕他剛打敗的諸王(參14:15)來報復,但神為他壯膽,因為:(1)神應許要護衛他(“我是你的盾牌”);(2)神應許要“大大地賞賜他”。我們對前途感到恐懼時,要記住在艱難的時候神與我們同在,祂應許要大大地賜福給我們。

15:5 神沒有應許亞伯蘭有名有利,名利他已經有了。神應許他的後裔像天上的星、海邊的沙那樣(22:17),多得不可勝數。正當亞伯蘭對於有後嗣不抱希望時,神應許他的後裔要多得超乎想像。神所賜的福真是叫人意想不到!

15:6 亞伯蘭雖然藉著行為表明他的信心,但是使他蒙神稱義的是他對主的信靠而不是他的行為(參羅4:1-5)。我們也能藉信心與神建立美好的關係。外表的行為,如參加教會聚會、禱告、行善等不能使我們在神面前稱義。與神的美好關係建基於真誠的信心——相信神是如祂所說、言出必行的神。只要有真誠的信心,就能產生好行為。

15:8 亞伯蘭想印證自己正遵行神的旨意。當我們尋求神引導時,也想得到確據,其實若照聖經所說的去做,我們就可以肯定是遵行神的旨意了。
15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
15:2 And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.
15:4 And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
15:7 And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
15:8 And he said, LORD God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?
15:9 And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
15:10 And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not.
Everyone is afraid there will be emotions, the letter What is the difference between people?
15:1 Ebailan why fear? Perhaps he is afraid of the gang beat the Kings (cf. 14:15) to retaliate, but God for him to embolden them because: (1) God promised to escort him ( "I am your shield"); (2) God promised to " He greatly rewarded. " We are fearful of the future, we should remember the difficult times with us in God, he promised to greatly blessing to us.

God promised to achieve in my greatest disappointment, I believe?
15:5 God has not promised Ebailan famous favorable, he has fame and fortune. God has promised that he, as the descendants of the heavenly stars, as the beach sand (22:17), a little more innumerable. Ebailan legitimate heirs do not have to have hope, God promised his descent to a more unimaginable. God has blessed is really very unexpected blessing!

Exterior consistent belief, that I was sincere confidence……
Although the use of 15:6 Ebailan that his confidence, but he just kept God that he is the owner of believing and not his acts (see Luo 4:1-5). We can take confidence and establish a good relationship between God. The appearance of acts, such as participating in church meetings, prayer, charity, and so we can not bring in God's righteousness. God and the good relations built on the confidence of good faith - believe that God is as he said, true to our words of God. As long as there are genuine confidence, and can create good behavior.

What is compliance with God's will?
15:8 Ebailan to prove itself in compliance with God's will. When we seek God guide, they want to do According fact, as if the Bible said to do, we can certainly comply with the wishes of the gods.

甜食吃太多 糖尿病急性發作







Eat too many sweets acute diabetes

[Evening News - According to reports, excessive consumption of drinks and sweets sudden acute complications of diabetes cases increased. Especially in the holidays, banquets, the danger may be greater. Experts remind that holidays, carefully ketoacidosis. In particular, we should remind the overwhelming majority of diabetes during the holiday season, to remain the law of life, eating, to prevent the occurrence of acute diabetes.
Recently a 40-year-old patient to a hospital emergency room, when the patient in a coma and breathing with a rotten in Pengguanmei it was diagnosed as diabetic ketoacidosis. Despite the positive rescue to rehabilitation patients, but the festive atmosphere at home greatly reduced. Patients begun to regret it afterwards. Original patients have been suffering from diabetes for more than two years, usually through medication and diet control blood sugar control is good, and the dawn of the holiday, not only did he stop, and open up restaurants, but also neglect of blood glucose monitoring, which could have taken place avoid the scene.

Shanghai Jiaotong University subsidiary Sixth People's Hospital, director of Endocrinology and Metabolism Branch physicians said Professor Bao Yu-qian, ketoacidosis is a common complication of diabetes, a diabetes emergency areas, rapid onset, severe illness and rapid change, if not time, the consequences could be serious. Whether or Ⅱ type Ⅰ can occur in patients with type 2 diabetes ketoacidosis. Type 1 diabetes usually in the absence of any incentives can be circumstances in which ketoacidosis, and Ⅱ diabetic ketoacidosis most people appeared in existence induced factors, such as reduction or hypoglycemic agents arbitrarily stop, lost control and consuming a large number of restaurants drinks and sweets, including respiratory tract infections, urinary tract, digestive tract and skin infections, as well as over exertion, mental stimulation.

In addition, experienced surgery, trauma, stroke and effort associated with infarction, and other serious illness may also be induced by the disease. And during the holiday season, eating out of control, the consumption of large drinks and sweets in the most acute diabetic ketoacidosis complications.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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