Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feb4 ,08玻璃離子體 填乳臼齒防蛀牙Milk glass ionomer filling molar-tooth decay+馬太福音Matthew12:25-32


12:25 耶穌知道他們的意念,就對他們說:“凡一國自相紛爭,就成為荒埸;一城一家自相紛爭,必站立不住。
12:26 若撒但趕逐撒但,就是自相紛爭,他的國怎能站得住呢?
12:27 我若靠著別西卜趕鬼,你們的子弟趕鬼又靠著誰呢?這樣,他們就要斷定你們的是非。
12:28 我若靠著 神的靈趕鬼,這就是 神的國臨到你們了。
12:29 人怎能進壯士家裡,搶奪他的家具呢?除非先捆住那壯士,才可以搶奪他的家財。
12:30 不與我相合的,就是敵我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。
12:31 所以我告訴你們:人一切的罪和褻瀆的話,都可得赦免;惟獨褻瀆聖靈,總不得赦免。
12:32 凡說話干犯人子的,還可得赦免;惟獨說話干犯聖靈的,今世、來世總不得赦免。
12:25 耶穌成為肉身,放棄了使用完全、無限的超然能力,但仍能深刻洞悉人性,祂的洞察力制止了宗教領袖陷害祂的企圖。復活了的基督知道我們全部的心思意念,這點帶給我們安慰與恐懼:安慰是因為神真正瞭解我們向祂所表達的意思;而恐懼是因為我們不能在祂面前隱藏,祂知道我們自私的動機。

12:29 耶穌降臨,瓦解了撒但的能力和轄制;曠野裡,祂勝過撒但的試探,復活時,祂戰勝了撒但的最後武器——死亡。最終撒但將要永遠被拘禁(參啟20:10),罪惡將不能再充滿世界,耶穌有完全的權能控制撒但和牠的勢力。

12:30 我們不能對基督保持中立,任何人不是積極跟隨基督,就是選擇拒絕祂。在善惡爭戰之中,任何人企圖保持中立,就是選擇了與神分開,因祂是絕對的善,拒絕跟隨基督就是選擇加入撒但的行列了。

12:31-32 法利賽人把主基督靠聖靈所行的神蹟,當作撒但的能力(參12:24),他們褻瀆了聖靈。不得赦免的罪是使自己的心變得剛硬,故意拒絕承認神在基督裡的能力。有時候信徒會擔心自己是否意外地犯了不得赦免的罪,但只有背棄神和拒絕全部信仰的人才需要擔心。耶穌說他們不得赦免,不是因為他們的罪比其他人更大,乃是因為他們不會尋求赦免。任何人拒絕聖靈的感動,就是放棄了惟一可以引導他悔改、與神和好的動力。
12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
12:27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.
12:28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
12:29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.
12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Covert deeds, and no one will know, who would see all my heart?
12:25 Jesus became flesh, to abandon the use of full, unlimited aloof capacity, but still a profound understanding of human nature, he insight stop the religious leaders attempt to trap him. Risen Christ that we all thought ideas, which brought us comfort and fear: God comfort because we truly understand the meaning of the祂所; fear is because we can not hide in before him, we know him selfish motivation.

Kunfu evil rely on Jesus, you do not doubt it……
12:29 Jesus fell, the collapse of the Satan and the ability of jurisdiction; the wilderness, Satan, the trial than he Resurrection, he defeated Satan's ultimate weapon - Death. Satan will always eventually detained (see Kai 20:10), a crime will not be able to the world, Jesus has full control of Satan and the empowerment of its forces.

Must not hesitate in the crossroads, is - I would like to know him, and do not want to……
12:30 to Christianity, we can not remain neutral, any person who is not actively follow Christ, he is the choice to decline. In the battle of good and evil, and any attempt to remain neutral, that is the choice made by God to separate因祂is absolute good, and refused to follow Christ is to choose to join the ranks of the Satan.

Committed what is the meaning of the Holy Spirit? Have you tried?
12:31-32 Pharisee by the Lord to rely on the miracle of the Holy Spirit, as the capacity of Satan (cf. 12:24), they desecrated the Holy Spirit. Not to pardon the crimes is that he has become the heart of rigid, and deliberately refused to acknowledge God in Christ capacity. Sometimes believers be worried about whether they accidentally committed the crime may not be pardoned, but only refused to abandon all belief in God and the people need to worry about. Jesus said, they are not allowed to pardon, not because of their greater crime than other people, is because they do not seek pardon. Anyone who refused the Holy Spirit moving, he abandoned the sole can be guided his repentance, and God and good motivation.

玻璃離子體 填乳臼齒防蛀牙


















Milk glass ionomer filling molar-tooth decay

Au seam children deciduous molars usually unable to clean up the glass ionomer filling materials can be effectively reduced occlusal cavities.

● Taiwan children under 5 years of age, 75 percent are at least one tooth decay, the Taipei Veterans General Hospital tracking found that the children of the use of glass ionomer filling materials closure deciduous molars concave gap in the prevention of occlusal cavities effectiveness.
Taipei Veterans General Hospital Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Wen-Yu Shih said that now increasingly focused on the parents of children oral hygiene, coupled with the widespread use of fluoride, "endless talk to the children termite rotten teeth before treatment to less than before."

However, as deciduous molars occlusal deeper Fissure easily accumulate bacteria and food debris, not easy to brush clean brushing, fluoride to prevent occlusal cavities limited effect, molar Au fill gap closure on the prevention of tooth decay has become One of the ways.

Wen-Yu Shih said that the general use of resin material, do molars Au fill gap closure, but the effect of adult molar teeth better treatment of children under six years of age, is difficult to control saliva, and most of them will choose glass ionomers, Taipei Veterans General Hospital children's dental technology to the processing of this material, for a little stiffness.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital to collect 481 of the glass ionomer filling materials closure concave gap deciduous molars, found that regardless of track six months, one year or two years, glass ionomer retention rate of more than 80%, even falling out of the glass in the fluoride ion Au will infiltrate deciduous molars gap, deciduous molars at the most only a shallow cavity, or a slight discoloration.

Wen-Yu Shih said that the advantages of glass ionomer can be directly glued to the teeth, no teeth to bite in the surface drilling, the process is not afraid to Oxfam mouth water, and the closure will continue to fill after the release fluoride to combat bacteria, although the persistent as resin, but the deciduous teeth children will be replaced by permanent teeth, and did not have time to doubt.

Wen-Yu Shih said that the World Health Organization recommends that at least five children under the age of a termite teeth ratio should not be more than 50%, the three-year-old children after the primary long-about 20 or so could be considered closed deciduous molars concave gap filling. (Shi Jing-ru)

Children on how to prevent tooth decay

After brushing things

Brushing, flossing

Eat sweets reduce the number and frequency

The use of fluoride to prevent tooth decay, such as fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash water fluoride, fluorine plastic, paint fluoride, fluoride tablet

Au do to prevent cavities filled gap closure

Regular oral examination

(Source / Taipei Veterans General Hospital dental units)


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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