Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feb15 ,08男性腰臀比例逾0.9易得癌Male waist-hip ratio of more than 0.9 easy to get cancer +馬太福音Matthew13:50 -58

13:50 丟在火爐裡,在那裡必要哀哭切齒了。”
13:51 耶穌說:“這一切的話你們都明白了嗎?”他們說:“我們明白了。”
13:52 他說:“凡文士受教作天國的門徒,就像一個家主,從他庫裡拿出新舊的東西來。”
13:53 耶穌說完了這些比喻,就離開那裡,
13:54 來到自己的家鄉,在會堂裡教訓人,甚至他們都希奇,說:“這人從哪裡有這等智慧和異能呢?
13:55 這不是木匠的兒子嗎?他母親不是叫馬利亞嗎?他弟兄們不是叫雅各、約西(註:有古卷作“約瑟”)、西門、猶大嗎?
13:56 他妹妹們不是都在我們這裡嗎?這人從哪裡有這一切的事呢?”
13:57 他們就厭棄他(註:“厭棄他”原文作“因他跌倒”)。耶穌對他們說:“大凡先知,除了本地本家之外,沒有不被人尊敬的。”
13:58 耶穌因為他們不信,就在那裡不多行異能了。
13:52 舊約指向彌賽亞,耶穌常常確認舊約的權威和適切性。任何人明白神在舊約中所啟示的真理,就是得著一個真實的寶藏;至於那些明白耶穌所講關於天國的教導的人,更是得著雙重的益處,因為那是耶穌啟示的一個新的寶藏。舊的教導和新的教導,都給我們信心和在地上生活的實際指引,但是宗教領袖陷於舊的教導中而不理新的教導,他們要尋找的是一個以審判作前導的未來國度。耶穌教導天國現在已降臨,審判則在將來。他們卻不信,欲透過軍事對抗尋找短暫屬地的國度。他們蒙住自己的心,對耶穌及其教導視而不見,聽而不聞,根本不明白耶穌帶來的屬靈教訓。

13:55 耶穌的鄉親們自幼已認識耶穌,熟識祂的家人,他們的環境太相近了,因此他們不相信耶穌的信息。祂以先知身分來到他們那裡,挑戰他們對祂那不受歡迎的屬靈真理作出回應。他們無法超越人的角度,所以不接受這永恆的信息。

13:57 耶穌不是第一個被本鄉人拒絕的先知,耶利米也曾經歷過被本鄉人拒絕的滋味,甚至被自己的家人拒絕(參耶12:5-6)。

13:58 耶穌在家鄉很少行神蹟,因為人們不信。不信叫人看不見真理,奪去人的盼望,這些人就失去彌賽亞。你的信心合乎標準嗎?你看不見神的工作,很可能因為你不相信神。相信神,祈求神在你生命中做大事,期待祂工作。用信心的眼睛看神的作為吧!
13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
13:51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.
13:52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.
13:53 And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence.
13:54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?
13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
13:56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.
13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
If the new thing is that the teachings of Jesus, I will not old things……
13:52 Old Testament at the Messiah, Jesus often recognize the authority of the Old Testament and relevance. Anyone who understand God in the Old Testament truth in the Enlightenment, is in a real treasure; Those who understand what Jesus's teachings on the kingdom of heaven, is a double benefit, because it is the Revelation of Jesus a new treasures . Teach the old and new instructions, and gave us confidence in the practical guidance on life, but religious leaders into the old teaching and ignore the new teachings, and they should be looking for is a precursor for the future trials country. Jesus taught paradise has now fallen, the trial in the future. They are not letters, to look for short-term military confrontation through territoriality country. They blindfolded his heart, and teach for Jesus turning a blind eye and a deaf ear, simply do not understand the spiritual lessons of Jesus.

Society should not pleasant to feel close to? Can you see Jesus hometown of……
13:55 Jesus folks who since childhood has been recognized Jesus, he familiar with the family, too close to their environment, they do not believe in Jesus information. His identity came to the prophet, where he challenges them to the unpopular spiritual truth to respond. They can not go beyond the point, so I do not accept this eternal message.

It was abhorrence bad enough, you also tasted? Who can understand you?
13:57 Jesus is not the first one was 12.00 refused prophet, Jeremiah Hongo was also experienced the taste of rejection, and even rejected by their own families (see Jerusalem 12:5-6).

We all believed that the letter is not too stable…
13:58 Jesus in his hometown few miracles, because people do not believe. Do not trust the very invisible truth, and claimed the hope that these people will lose Messiah. Your confidence is up to standard? You see the work of God, it is probably because you do not believe in God. Believe that God, pray to God in your life to do great things, and he looks forward to the work. With the confidence of God's eye view as!










Male waist-hip ratio of more than 0.9 easy to get cancer

[Health Times - According to reports, adult men if more than waist-hip ratio of 0.9, with the risk of colorectal cancer will be more than double, and every day the workplace if women accumulated less than one hour of leisure, colorectal cancer illness will greatly increase the risk.
Chinese Ministry of Health Disease Control and Prevention deputy director of the hole fungus that colorectal cancer is one of the few directly determine the risk factors of cancer, and diet and living habits have great relevance,

Beijing Tumor Hospital, two gastrointestinal Deputy Director Dr. Li Ming, colorectal cancer, also known as "the rich cancer," Comparison of the incidence in the city, if the male waist-hip ratio greater than 0.9, the higher the number, the more dangerous illness big.

Straight colon cancer comes mainly from obesity, and cellulose Gaozhifangyinshi intake is too small, may lead to colorectal cancer. In colorectal cancer can be seen in the wards, with almost all fat people, the vast majority is severe obesity. Especially central obesity is greater suffering from stomach cancer for more direct, so often the best of obese men in their waist and hip.

Men over the age of 45 (those with a family history of genetic history in the 35-year-old and above) in addition to pay attention to his waist change, we must also have a year to do a rectal examination and blood checks. Li Ming, colorectal cancer from our lives very close, especially in recent years, the number of patients increased significantly, with two thirds of colorectal cancer patients, cancer patients can have two-thirds of the early adoption of digital rectal examination light Yimo light can be found.

Emotional problems lead to colorectal cancer is an important factor, which is particularly reflected in the prominent women. Particularly the Office of the women sit more easily because of long working hours and the emotional impact. Ming-remind women owners must safeguard office every day in the unit of time, sufficient relaxation, fitness or rest time. For example, listen to music, look at magazines, Wang Wang windows, which are to provide leisure to ease the pressure on. At the same time we should pay attention to more high-fiber intake of foods such as vegetables, fruits, etc., we must daily physical training fitness.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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