Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb12,08尋找長壽方法Find ways longevity+馬太福音Matthew13:25-32

13:25 及至人睡覺的時候,有仇敵來,將稗子撒在麥子裡就走了。
13:26 到長苗吐穗的時候,稗子也顯出來。
13:27 田主的僕人來告訴他說:‘主啊,你不是撒好種在田裡嗎?從哪裡來的稗子呢?’
13:28 主人說:‘這是仇敵做的。’僕人說:‘你要我們去薅出來嗎?’
13:29 主人說:‘不必,恐怕薅稗子,連麥子也拔出來。
13:30 容這兩樣一齊長,等著收割。當收割的時候,我要對收割的人說:先將稗子薅出來,捆成捆,留著燒;惟有麥子要收在倉裡。’”
13:31 他又設個比喻對他們說:“天國好像一粒芥菜種,有人拿去種在田裡。
13:32 這原是百種裡最小的,等到長起來,卻比各樣的菜都大,且成了樹,天上的飛鳥來宿在它的枝上。”
13:24-29 這一章所有的比喻都是教導我們關於神和祂的國度,解釋這國度實在與我們的期望相反,天國並不是地理上的某個地方,而是由神掌管的屬靈領土,那裡我們可以得著神的永生,當我們相信耶穌基督為救主,就已加入了這國度。

13:30 神對世人的收割——審判快要來臨,我們要好好準備自己,肯定自己的信仰是真誠的。

13:31-32 芥菜種在蔬菜種子中是最小的,耶穌藉著這個例子來說明天國在開始的時候是很微小的,但會漸長,產生大果效。
13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
13:31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
13:32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
People always think that somewhere in heaven, in fact……
13:24-29 analogy of this chapter are all taught us about God and his country, to explain this to our country is contrary to the expectations of heaven is not somewhere geographically, but by the gods in charge of the spiritual territory. where we can be in the Lord's life, when we believe that Jesus Christ the Savior, has been joined this country.

To the trial, you will seek out - ah, really good scary……
13:30 God of the world's harvest - the trial fast approaching, we need to prepare ourselves properly, confirm their faith is sincere.

Evangelism, a preacher; cultivation work, mentors. Heaven growth, I also有分?
13:31-32 mustard seed planted in vegetables in the smallest, by the example of Jesus tomorrow in the country at the beginning of a very tiny, but it will渐长, have a big effectiveness.

























Find ways longevity

Control calorie consumption, people can live longer.

【- According to the Guangzhou Daily, in the past more than two century, the average life span of humans has been significantly extended. In 1800, the average life span of an ordinary person only 35 years old; to 1900, the average life expectancy to 47 years of age; 1950, the average person will live to 68 years old now, the average person will live to the age of 78.
It is undoubtedly true that human life is constantly being extended. But the problem is that human beings can do to extend the life of what age? Can we one day live a long life?

Today, the scientists are tirelessly to find longevity, trying to stop the clock of life, or at least go slow points.

─ longevity of a genetically modified

University of California racing for Western Asia. Kenya teach a minor worm experiment. The worm usually in the average life span of about 13 days, however, to amend a particular gene, scientists can extend the life span of the worm to the original six times.

Kenya said: "worms to live up to the first 13 days, we change it on the structure of a gene, it has become longevity. Now, although after 13 days, it remains a vibrant life."

Based on the results of its research, Kenya convinced that the aging process is not fixed. On the contrary, this process could be significantly delayed. She said: "In the past people thought that aging is inevitable in the natural process, this helpless human beings, but so far, we have succeeded in extending the life span of animals…… Sometimes, we think that what has happened can not, it will happen."

2 ─ longevity of control appetite

The University of Wisconsin in the United States, scientists are now using rhesus monkeys to test a similar purpose. This time, the scientists have not changed monkey genes, but only reduce their appetite. For example, two monkeys in the same age, a normal feeding, the other by scientists to control its absorption of calories.

Heat absorption and the control of the relationship of life can be traced back to over 70 years ago. At that time, the United States Cornell University to create a precedent in the conduct experiments on rats. The results showed that, controlling food intake appears to have helped extend life expectancy, but so far scientists have not given a clear explanation of this.

Brian. Dilaili that the United States "calories Control Association," chairman. He said: "In theory, the control of the calories consumed in ways that people live to the age of 135 or even 140 years old. However, the fact is we have not done in the human body for such a long period experiment."

3 ─ longevity of aging pill

Used to control food intake and longevity, the biggest problem is bad enough to feel hungry. To this end, Harvard's David. Sinclair is now engaged in an attempt to control calories - the benefits of concentrated into a pill,.

The main components of such pills is a naturally occurring substances - resveratrol in red wine inside to find this kind of material. However, the 1000 Cup the resveratrol found in red wine together, can justify这颗pills.

Scientists said that at present such pills in mice experiments have achieved very good results. This pill is not a major role delay the aging process, but those from the treatment of diseases caused by aging, such as diabetes.

4 ─ longevity of nano biotechnology

Compared with Sinclair, the inventor mine. Keciweier greater ambition, he considered that human life should be extended for at least several thousand years.

Keciweier said: "Human After 20,000 years of a long evolution, the human body functions are almost there had not been any major changes. Invented some of the tools we have to solve this problem."

Keciweier According to the bold idea that one day, science and technology, the development of technology can be brought into the human physiological combined with the new stage. He believed that the future development of nanometer biological technology, will be able to make micro-robot Drilling human blood, removing toxins make people sick.

However, Keciweier the biggest problem is that he is probably not live as long as the majority, until he realized the dream of the day. At present, Keciweier attention to the daily diet, nutrition taking various drugs, hoping to allow some of their own lives.

He said: "You will never be able to reach forever. Whether you live to 100 years or 1000 years old, it still is not live a long life, but we can achieve that with the passage of time, you are not getting older."


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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