Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Nov3,07 一天8個屁 名聲都臭了Day 8个屁reputation had turned smelly +當如何行 How To Walk

靈命日糧 - 2007年11月3日
讀經: 以弗所書3章14節-4章3節
金句: 「求他按著他豐盛的榮耀,藉著他的靈,叫你們心裏的力量剛強起來。」(以弗所書3章16節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書30-31章;腓利門書

當問題來臨時,我們不能保護自己,但上帝能夠。所以,他讓我們將一切重擔都卸給他,「你要把你的重擔卸給耶和華」(詩篇55篇22節)。正如理奇體會到的:與耶穌同行是用我們的心,而不是靠自己的腿 。JDB

November 3, 2007
How To Walk
READ: Ephesians 3:14–4:3
That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man. —Ephesians 3:16
-->About this cover

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man. —Ephesians 3:16
Dana and Rich went out for an afternoon bike ride expecting to come home refreshed. Instead, their lives were changed forever. As Rich rode down a hill, he lost control of his bike and crashed. His body was mangled, and he barely made it to the hospital alive.
Dana faithfully kept vigil by her husband’s side. He couldn’t feed himself, and he couldn’t walk. One day, as the two of them sat under a shade tree outside the hospital, Rich turned to his wife and said, “Dana, I don’t know if I’ll ever walk again, but I’m learning to walk closer to Jesus, and that’s what I really want.” Instead of shaking his fist at God, Rich reached out and grabbed His hand.
Sometimes in the midst of our trials, we need to think about someone like Rich to help us adjust our perspective—to remind us of the remarkable relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ. This is the relationship we need most when the going gets the toughest.
We are not equipped to handle all the problems we face, but God is. That’s why He told us to give them all to Him—to “cast your burden on the Lord” (Ps. 55:22). As Rich found out, walking with Jesus doesn’t depend on our legs. It depends on our heart. —Dave BranonDave Branon-->
I don’t worry o’er the future,For I know what Jesus said;And today I’ll walk beside Him,For He knows what is ahead. —Stanphill© 1950 by Ira Stanphill
We can walk through the darkest trials when we walk with God in the light.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Personal Crisis > Trials/Tests
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 30-31; Philemon

一天8個屁 名聲都臭了
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Day 8个屁reputation had turned smelly
Farting or burping in the workplace is indeed a impolite behavior, the public relations was a young colleagues called "屁Wang," and boredom of his colleagues even one day can take several屁, the answer is eight. Apart from beyond the control of the "exhaust", he will keep burping, causing daily distress and embarrassment.
Doctors said that the above burping, the exhaust below that upper and lower gastrointestinal tract are Qualcomm, in such cases the most common white-collar workers busy tension. Physicians pointed out that if most people in a state of tension, eating things will soon become unable细嚼慢咽, because eating too fast, eating together may also many air, the air went to the stomach, we have to find some exports, not bottom-up, will be down, it will cause burping or farting .
Apart from eating too fast, easy food often喝汽水or gas production of food, but also can cause a stomach "gas." Easy gas production of food, including milk, beans, onions, potatoes and taro, easy farting in person or eat less of these foods, and to maintain regular bowel habits.
Doctors said that the stomach is not possible in the air created disappear, and if that stomach with gas, and the best way to discharge, can move around more than walking, because a person moving, with the intestines also moving more activities to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Moreover, the best way to live or adjustment must not be too tight, eat less gas production of food, eat, not too fast, eating slower, more benefits. (Li)
2007-10-28 Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

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