馬太福音2:17 這就應了先知耶利米的話,說: 2:18 “在拉瑪聽見號咷大哭的聲音,是拉結哭她兒女,不肯受安慰,因為他們都不在了。” 2:19 希律死了以後,有主的使者在埃及向約瑟夢中顯現,說: 2:20 “起來!帶著小孩子和他母親往以色列地去,因為要害小孩子性命的人已經死了。” 2:21 約瑟就起來,把小孩子和他母親帶到以色列地去, 2:22 只因聽見亞基老接著他父親希律作了猶太王,就怕往那裡去,又在夢中被主指示,便往加利利境內去了。 2:23 到了一座城,名叫拿撒勒,就住在那裡。這是要應驗先知所說,他將稱為拿撒勒人的話了。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------那個在哭她女兒的是誰?蠻熟悉的……2:17-18 拉結是雅各的妻子,雅各是舊約中的一位偉人、以色列人的先祖,拉結埋葬在伯利恆附近(參創35:19;耶31:15)。
神慈愛地引領約瑟一家到安全地方,你也經歷過主的引領吧……2:19-22 希律王早知道羅馬人不信任他的兒子,也不會在他死後給他們大權,所以,他於公元前4年死於不治之症前就把王國分為三份,給他兒子每人一份:亞基老得猶太、撒馬利亞和以土買;希律安提帕得加利利和比利亞;希律腓力二世得特拉可尼。亞基老為人殘暴,登位時即屠殺三千具影響力的人士,神不想約瑟一家到這個邪惡分封王的地域,就引領他們往加利利去。
拿撒勒人常覺自己與眾不同,為何人會這樣覺得?你有嗎?2:23 拿撒勒位於加利利南部的丘陵地帶,靠近龐大商貿路線的交匯點。這個城鎮本身並不大,但管治加利利省的羅馬駐軍也駐紮在這裡。拿撒勒的居民可以經常接觸到來自世界各地的人,對世界的消息很靈通,令他們覺得自己與眾不同,因此被其他猶太人鄙視,拿但業也曾經這樣輕視地說:“拿撒勒還能出甚麼好的嗎?”(約1:46)
有沒有想過其實耶穌可以不用卑微的降生,祂為何這樣?2:23 “他將稱為拿撒勒人”未出現在舊約或兩約之間猶太的經典中。作者馬太是總結了多個先知的教導(參賽49:7,53:2-3;但9:26等),指出彌賽亞在人眼目中出身卑微,被人輕視,這正是“拿撒勒”在當時所代表的含義。----------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew2:17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, 2:18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. 2:19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 2:20 Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life. 2:21 And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel. 2:22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee: 2:23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------In tears that her daughter's Who? Quite familiar ... 2:17-18 pull node is the wife of Jacob, Jacob in the Old Testament is a great man, the Israelis of the ancestors, buried in Rafah junction near Bethlehem (Senate Chong 35:19; Jerusalem 31:15).
God love, to lead the Joseph family to a safe place, you also experience the Lord lead it ... 2:19-22希律Wang as early as the Romans know of no confidence in his son, will not give them power after his death, he died in BC four years ago put an effort into the Kingdom of three to his son each one: an old Jewish subunit, Samaria and the land bought;希律Andimo in the Galilee and David Villa;希律Philip II in Trafalgar Marconi. Subunit old human cruelty,登位time of the massacre 3,000 influential people, God does not want Joseph to a win this evil geographical points, to lead them to the Galilee.
Nazareth people often feel their own distinctive, why one would think so? You have? 2:23 Nazareth in Galilee southern hilly area and the road near the huge business point of intersection. The town itself is not large, but governance Galilee province of Rome troops also stationed here. Nazareth residents can often come into contact with people from all over the world, the world of news is very well-informed, so that they feel that they are different, so despised by other Jews, Nathanael had so looked down upon and said: "Nazareth What good can? "(1:46)
Have you ever thought of Jesus can not actually the humble birth, he Why is that? 2:23, "he will be known as Nazareth" in the Old Testament emerged between Jewish or two about the classics. Matthew is the author summarizes the number of the teaching of the Prophet (entries 49:7,53:2-3 but 9:26), pointed out that the Messiah in human origin humble 8.4 percent, to be taken lightly, this is "taken Sale "at the time by representatives of meaning.----------------------------------------------------------------------藍光 提高兒童智商
【新華網】美國著名心理專家佛蘭克‧勞利斯在其「智商答案」一書中說,父母每天如何喚醒孩子即可造就他們的成功與失敗。用藍光喚醒他們有助於智力的開發和o展。「如果你要用積極的方法開發孩子的智力,最好的方式就是讓他們處於藍光環境下。當眼睛感受到藍光時,大腦就會受到刺激。即使雙眼閉合也是如此。」因此,在兒童房間內安裝藍色燈是一個不錯的選擇。一些研究也顯示,藍光能激發人的情緒,有助於保持旺盛精力和驅除睡意。 據健康時報報導,北京兒研所兒童智力研究室副研究員謝曉樺認為,顏色對兒童的智力是有影響的,因為不同的色彩通過影響兒童的視覺來影響兒童的智商、情商和性格。謝曉樺還說,兒童早期的智力開發關鍵期是1~3歲,其實很多都從出生就開始。智力的開發應該從視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺和味覺五個方面入手,比如餵奶的時候聽聽舒緩的音樂,高興的時候聽些歡快的音樂,但是不要太吵。音樂會緩解人的痛苦、壓力等,而音樂對兒童的智商,尤其是情商的開發和發展也大有裨益。
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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。----------------------------------------------------------------------Blue IQ raising children
【- - The well-known American psychologist佛兰克* Lawless in its "intelligent answer", a book that parents how to wake up every day can bring up their children successes and failures. They wake up with the Blu-ray intellectual development and help o Show. "If you use the positive development of children's intelligence methods, the best way is to let them in a blue environment. Felt when Blu-ray eyes, the brain will be stimulated. Same is true even if the eyes closed." Therefore, children install blue lights in the room is a good choice. Some studies also show that the Blu-ray can stimulate emotions, help maintain the vigorous energy and drive out睡意. According to Health Times reported that Beijing infants Research Institute researcher Xiexiaohua children's intelligence, the intelligence of children color is influential because of different colors through the affected children to the visual impact of children's IQ, EQ and character. Xiexiaohua also said that the intellectual development of early childhood critical period is 1 to 3 years of age, in fact many of them from birth began. Intellectual development should vision, hearing, touch and smell and taste the five aspects, such as feeding time listening to alleviate the music, listen more pleased when a jubilant music, but not too noisy. Concert alleviate human suffering, the pressure and so on, and the quotient of music on children, especially the EQ's development will also benefit.
Lawless in the "IQ answer," the book has a similar perspective, the book says, music can promote children's IQ wake up, especially music on the brain to stimulate greater. Xiexiaohua that IQ to the development of five areas at the same time, five different sensory stimulation in the brain will stimulate the formation of a neural network, which is more conducive to raising children wake up and IQ.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
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