Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nov26,07研製人工蛋白 騙癌細胞自殺Development of artificial protein cancer+ 創世記2Genesis 2:1-8

創世記 2:1 天地萬物都造齊了。 2:2 到第七日, 神造物的工已經完畢,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。 2:3 神賜福給第七日,定為聖日,因為在這日 神歇了他一切創造的工,就安息了。 2:4 創造天地的來歷,在耶和華 神造天地的日子,乃是這樣: 2:5 野地還沒有草木,田間的菜蔬還沒有長起來,因為耶和華 神還沒有降雨在地上,也沒有人耕地, 2:6 但有霧氣從地上騰,滋潤遍地。 2:7 耶和華 神用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當。 2:8 耶和華 神在東方的伊甸立了一個園子,把所造的人安置在那裡。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------忙碌等於勤懇?休息等於閒懶?聖經的教導是……2:2-3 我們生活在一個做個不停的世界上,每個人都十分忙碌,沒有時間休息,但神指出休息是合宜的。既然神也歇下祂的工作來休息,我們需要休息也就順理成章了。耶穌和門徒勞碌工作後,也坐船離開群眾去休息(參可6:31-32)。休息使我們在事奉上能重新得力。
為甚麼我要在聖日中放下一切愁煩的心思,專心仰望神?2:3 神賜福第七日,將這一天分別為聖。神在十誡中吩咐人要守安息日(參出20:1-17)。
基督信仰強調生命的價值;我又是如何看生命的價值?2:7 “地上的塵土”表明構成我們身體的化學成分沒有甚麼奇特。身體本來是個毫無生命的軀殼,直到神將生氣吹進,這身體才成為活人。當神收回所賜的生命氣息,我們的身體就要歸回塵土,所以我們的生命和價值都是來自神的靈。許多人誇耀自己的能力與成就,自以為是自己努力經營得來的;也有些人為自己沒有傑出的能力而自卑。事實上,我們的價值並不在於自己的成就,乃在於賜給我們奇妙生命的真神。因此我們應當像祂那樣重視生命。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.Genesis 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.Genesis 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Busy equivalent hard? Rest is idle lazy? The teaching of the Bible is ... 2:2-3 We live in a to be a non-stop world, everyone is very busy and have no time to rest, but that God rest is appropriate. Since God also歇下His work to rest, we will naturally need a rest. Jesus and the disciples after the toil of work, but also by boat from the masses to rest (the Senate can 6:31-32). Rest in the ministry so that we can re-effective.
Why do I have to Japan in St. all愁烦of creativity down, concentrate look up to God? 2:3 God blessed the seventh day, this day were St. The Ten Commandments of God were told to observe the Sabbath (Participation out 20:1-17).
Christian emphasized that the value of life; is how I look at the value of life? 2:7 "on the dust" that constitute the chemical composition of the body we have nothing strange. The body had no life is the躯壳until God will be angry吹进, this body can become living. When thanks to God to recover the flavor of life, our bodies will return to dust, we are the life and value from神的灵. Many people boast of their abilities and achievements, self-righteous in their efforts to operate; some people did not have an outstanding ability inferiority complex. In fact, our value does not lie in its own success lies in bestow our wonderful life God. Therefore, we should attach importance to life like he did.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------研製人工蛋白 騙癌細胞自殺
●阿根廷「21世紀趨勢」周刊網站報導,美國霍華德‧休斯醫學研究所科學家稱,他們已在實驗室中製造出一種可誘使癌細胞自殺的人工合成分子。該研究成果已刊登在專業雜誌「癌細胞」上。 在德州大學西南醫學中心專家王曉東(音)的領導下,科學家研製出一種模擬Smac蛋白活動的小分子。Smac是重要的促細胞凋亡蛋白之一,當殺死不正常細胞的機制啟動後,線粒體釋放出Smac蛋白促使受損或不正常細胞凋亡的生化過程就會發生。科學家解釋,癌細胞對釋放Smac蛋白的信號具有抵抗力,因此它們能夠「阻止」細胞凋亡機制。
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閱韟h新聞,請看世界日報。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Development of artificial protein cancer cell suicide cheating
● Argentina, "the 21st century trend," Magazine's web site reports, USA Howard Hughes Medical Institute scientists say they have created in a laboratory can induce cancer cells to commit suicide synthetic molecules. The research results have been published in the professional journal "cancer". At the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center expert Wang Xiaodong (Music), under the leadership of scientists developed a simulation of the activities of small Smac protein molecules. Smac is important to promote one of apoptosis proteins, not kill normal cells when the mechanism was started after the release of mitochondrial Smac protein to damage or abnormal apoptosis in biochemical processes may occur. Scientists explained that the release of Smac protein on cancer cells signal resistance, so they can "stop" apoptosis mechanism.
Xiao-Dong Wang and colleagues developed a simulation Smac protein synthetic small molecule, it can enter the cell and, like his Smac apoptosis, but need not be mitochondrial signal, so its results would not be deterred.
Scientists also said that the 50 individual researchers like lung cancer cell lines were tested, the results surprised to discover that these cell lines to about a quarter of Smac simulation alone is sensitive, the apoptosis signals in these cells China has been opened.
Scientists said the discovery could be used to develop treatment of lung cancer or other cancers of the new method, compared to chemotherapy, it is a smaller health cytotoxic therapy. (ANI)
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Read 韟h news, take a look at the World Journal.

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