馬太福音 3:1 那時,有施洗的約翰出來,在猶太的曠野傳道,說: 3:2 “天國近了,你們應當悔改!” 3:3 這人就是先知以賽亞所說的,他說:“在曠野有人聲喊著說:‘預備主的道,修直他的路!’” 3:4 這約翰身穿駱駝毛的衣服,腰束皮帶,吃的是蝗蟲、野蜜。 3:5 那時,耶路撒冷和猶太全地,並約旦河一帶地方的人,都出去到約翰那裡, 3:6 承認他們的罪,在約旦河裡受他的洗。 3:7 約翰看見許多法利賽人和撒都該人也來受洗,就對他們說:“毒蛇的種類!誰指示你們逃避將來的忿怒呢? 3:8 你們要結出果子來,與悔改的心相稱。 3:9 不要自己心裡說:‘有亞伯拉罕為我們的祖宗。’我告訴你們: 神能從這些石頭中給亞伯拉罕興起子孫來。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------內心的黑暗面,叫我感到很痛苦,我該……3:1-2 過了差不多三十年,施洗約翰來到曠野傳講悔改的信息。悔改是指我們必須有一個徹底的轉變——從自我中心而來的罪,例如說謊、欺騙、偷竊、仇恨、責罵和姦淫等等,轉向相反的方向,也就是按著神的指示去生活。轉向神的第一步是認罪,只有神可以除掉人的罪,祂並沒有期望我們自己先有潔淨的生命,再去祂那裡。有關施洗約翰的資料,請參約翰福音1章的人物介紹。
“願你的國降臨”——何時可以實現?3:2 當神成為人進入人類的歷史中,天國就開始了。今天耶穌基督已經在信徒心裡掌王權,直等到世界的罪惡受審判、被除盡,天國才完全實現。基督第一次以受苦僕人的身分來到這個世界,祂將來要以君王的身分再來,管理全世界。
許多人未聞神福音,誰可以為他們預備點甚麼?3:3 施洗約翰為耶穌預備道路,也要有人為未曾認識耶穌的人預備迎接耶穌的路(參賽40:3),我們可以向他們解釋赦罪的需要,在生活實踐中向他們展示基督的教導,告訴他們基督如何使生命充滿意義,並除去他們對基督的錯誤觀念。在你所認識的人當中,可能有些人已準備認識基督,你可以怎樣為他們準備這條路呢?
那些宗教領袖只關心屬世的稱讚,你可以有所不同,做到“入世而不屬世”嗎?3:4 當時許多宗教領袖都是又貪婪又自私的,只關注別人對自己的稱讚。約翰與他們截然不同,只注重神的稱讚。他將自己從當時的邪惡和虛偽中分別出來,遠離其他人居住,為了表明他的信息是嶄新的。約翰不單傳講關於神的律法,更把所講的實踐出來。你是否言行一致,說得出做得到呢?
你看約翰吸引了好多人,也許我們的生命也可以吸引人……你說呢?3:4-6 很多人來聽施洗約翰的道,有些也許是出於好奇,因為他的衣著特出,食物古怪,不過聽了約翰有力的信息,他們就認罪悔改了。若有人對你的基督徒生活和價值觀感興趣,你就可以抓住他們的好奇心,向他們分享基督如何使你與別不同。
約翰有甚麼魅力,竟吸引了那麼多人?今天你有被耶穌吸引嗎?3:5 約翰為甚麼吸引這麼多人呢?對當時的人來說,他是四百年以來第一位真先知。他公開批評希律王和宗教領袖,這樣做不但顯示他的勇敢,更深深地吸引平民百姓;但約翰對他們亦有嚴厲的話:他們同樣是罪人,必須悔改。約翰的信息真實而有力,看來正是人們所期待的那位像以利亞的先知(參瑪4:5;路1:17)。
今天我們仍然受洗禮,想必它定有重大的意義,那是……3:6 當你清洗手上的污穢,污會立刻消失,但“悔改”是內心的潔淨,不能立刻看得見,因此約翰藉著洗禮是作為一個可見的象徵行動。猶太人通常藉著洗禮去表示歸信者加入猶太教,所以約翰的聽眾應該非常熟悉這個禮儀。這裡,洗禮是作為一個悔改和赦免的記號,悔改的意思是“轉回”,表明行為上的轉變——由罪轉向神。你悔改了沒有?別人能夠從你身上看見悔改帶來的轉變嗎?改變了的生命,必須連帶有新的行為,別人才能看見你真實的悔改!
以色列與神是在這裡立約的,那應許你有分嗎?3:6 約旦河約113公里長,主流在加利利海和死海之間,耶路撒冷位於約旦河西岸三十二公里處。這條河是以色列東邊的邊界,民族歷史中的大事多在這裡發生。以色列人進入應許地前,在約旦河畔重新與神立約(參書1-2章);這時,施洗約翰也在這裡呼召人悔改受洗歸向神。
法利賽人與撒都該人都嚴守誡命,為何還被約翰責罵?3:7 猶太宗教領袖分為幾派,最大的兩派是法利賽派和撒都該派。法利賽人來自不同的階層,他們把自己從一切非猶太事物中分別出來,嚴守聖經中的律法和一切口頭傳統。撒都該人是世襲的祭司與貴族,只相信五經(創、出、利、民、申)是神的話語。這兩派彼此敵視,卻一同反對耶穌。施洗約翰抨擊法利賽人的律法主義和偽善,撒都該人的利用宗教提高自己的政治地位。
人們都說悔改以後會有很大的改變,想想你決志以後的改變(或是沒有改變?!)。3:8 施洗約翰呼召百姓不要只注重言語和禮儀,還要改變自己的行為。神不單看我們的說話和表面的宗教行為,還觀察我們的生活與自己所說的話是否一致,我們是否按照行為來判斷所說的話。你是否言行一致呢?
基督徒也有樣式的,應是與人有所不同……3:9-10 屬神的子民應當表現出好行為,正如果樹結出果子一樣。當時,許多人只在名義上稱為神的子民,所以神不會使用他們;如果我們只在名義上是基督徒,同樣也是沒有甚麼價值的,如果別人不能從我們的生活中看到我們的信仰,我們可能根本不是屬神的人。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew3:1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. 3:4 And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. 3:5 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, 3:6 And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The dark side of their hearts, I feel very painful called, I of the ... 3:1-2 after almost 30 years, John the Baptist came to the wilderness-speaking repentance information. Repentance means that we must have a radical change - comes from the self-crime, such as lying, deception, theft, hatred, abuse and rape, and so on, to the opposite direction, that is according to God's instructions to life. God is the first step to plead guilty, only God can get rid of the crime, he did not expect there to clean our own lives, where again he. John the Baptist-related information, please refer to John Chapter 1 characters introduced.
"Your country is willing to come" - when it can be achieved? 3:2 when God entered into human history people in heaven will begin. Today followers of Jesus Christ in their hearts palm monarchy, the world straight until the criminal trial was除尽heaven only fully realized. Christ first to suffer as a servant to this world, he will have to come back to the identity of emperors, management worldwide.
Many people did not hear God gospel, who can prepare for them and what? 3:3 Baptist John Jesus prepared for the road, but also for people who do not have any understanding of Jesus Christ prepared to meet the Road (Entry 40:3), we can explain to them赦罪needs, life practice to show them that Christ 's teachings, and tell them how to make the life of Christ filled with significance, and they remove the misconceptions of Christ. You know people, some people might have been prepared to recognize Christ, you can prepare for them how this road?
Those religious leaders only concern is the WHO praised, you can be different and "World's accession to the WTO is not"? 3:4 At that time, many religious leaders are greedy and selfish and only concerned about other people for their own praise. John and their distinct, focusing only on God's praise. He was himself from the evil and hypocrisy respectively out and away from other people live, in order to show that his message is new. John Chuan stresses not only on God's law, but also to practice what the out. Do you practice what they preach, that come do that?
You see, John has attracted many people, maybe we can attract people's lives ... you say that? 3:4-6 lot of people come to listen to the Road John the Baptist, and some may be out of curiosity, because his clothing outstanding, the Food and strange, but after listening to John powerful message, they had pleaded guilty to repent. If one of your Christian life and values interested, you can seize their curiosity to them how you share Christ with a difference.
What is the charm of John, has attracted so many people? Today you have to be Jesus? 3:5 John Why attract so many people? The people at that time, he was 400 years since the first true prophet. He openly criticized希律Wang and religious leaders, to do so not only showed his bravery, but also deeply attracted the civilian population, but they also severely John's: they are also sinners, we must repent. John real and powerful message, it seems that it is people who like to look forward to the prophet Liberia (Senate Machia 4:5; Road 1:17).
Today we still受洗礼, presumably it will have great significance, it is ... 3:6 When you wash the hands of filthy, sewage will immediately disappear, but "repent" inner cleansing is not immediately visible, it is baptism by John, as a visible symbol of action. Jews are usually expressed through baptism to return the letter to join Judaism, John audience should be very familiar with this ritual. Here, as a baptism of repentance and pardon marks, repentance means "back to" show that behavioral changes - from crime to God. You had no repentance? Others can see from your repentance on the changes brought about? Changed lives, we must act associated with the new, other people can see you true repentance!
Israel and God is here about the legislation, which promised you did take? 3:6 Jordan River about 113 kilometers long, the mainstream in the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea between Jerusalem in the West Bank 32 kilometers Department. This is the River east of the Israeli border, a major event in the history of the nation here in more. Israelis to enter the Promised ago, and again in the Jordan River Promenade Kamidate about (Participation of 1-2 Chapter); At this time, John the Baptist here呼召people are baptized归向God to repent.
Pharisees and Sadducees always strictly observed commandments, why John was also rebuked? 3:7 Jewish religious leaders divided into several faction, the largest factions is Fali赛faction and withdraw all the faction. Pharisee come from different walks of life, from all they own in the non-Jewish things were out, adherence to the Torah and the Bible all the oral traditions. Sadducees of the shaman and is hereditary aristocrats, the only believe 5 (a, a, Lee, the people, Shen) is the Word of God. These two factions hostile to each other, but to oppose Jesus. John the Baptist Pharisee criticized the law, and hypocrisy, Sadducees of the use of religion to enhance their own political status.
People talk about repentance there will be a great change in the future, you must think about the future-change (or not change?!). 3:8 Baptist John呼召people should not only focus on language and etiquette, but also to change their behavior. God will not look at our words and superficial religious behavior, we also observe the life and their remarks are consistent, we have to judge whether the acts in accordance with what I said. Do you practice what they preach?
Christians also have style, and people should be different ... 3:9-10 is a divine subjects should show good behavior, as, like fruit trees to bear fruit. At that time, many people only nominally subjects as God, so God will not use them; If we only nominally Christian, it is not the same value, if not from other people in our lives that we faith, we may God is not a person.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------減肥不吃米麵 觀念有誤
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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slimming eat rice and erroneous concepts
【- - With the growing rich material life, modern increasing emphasis on health, aware of the importance of a reasonable diet. According to Jinghua Times reported that the Chinese Health Association that the Deputy Secretary-General Jia Yaguang, people are often in the diet there are still some understanding on the myth: Eat less, or do not eat rice and can be slimming
Fact: The main rice and pasta ingredients carbohydrate, which is the important day-to-day requirements of energy sources. Inadequate intake of carbohydrates will lead to imbalances in nutrition, weight loss is often less effective. The misconception that eat less or eat cereals such as rice or pasta can lose weight, to health as a serious threat.
High-fat, high-protein easily lead to obesity and cardiovascular disease
Fact: experts believe that the appropriate intake of high-fat, high-protein food on the human body is actually more advantages than disadvantages. Lead obesity and cardiovascular disease is the chief culprit in the body fat into energy will be the lack of nutrients, such as vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and niacin.
Caffeine will lead to osteoporosis
Facts: Although caffeine increases calcium excretion, but they are not causing the high osteoporosis risk factors, calcium intake is the shortage of the main reasons, it still suggests to the full attention of calcium uptake. For most people, caffeine does not affect their attention and other senior intellectual function, so the beverages containing caffeine in the workplace is very suitable for drinking. According to a report showed that the United States, each 240 ml煮开tea, coffee, energy drinks, as well as caffeine content in Coca-Cola were :20-90 mg ,65-120 mg ,70-85 mg, 23 mg. That is to say, a can of cola in the caffeine content of tea equal roughly equivalent to one half, one-third of contour coffee. For the average person in good health, safety limits of caffeine intake, daily drinking coffee or having a few cans of cola containing caffeine caffeine intake does not produce a result caused health problems.
Add water or boiled water to good effect
Fact: studies have shown that children and adults in drinking their favorite beverage will be more intake 45% -50% of the moisture, which is why more people in the time after the Movement will choose fruit juice or cola to supplement water. Actually, this has its theoretical basis.
Reports said China Health Association Deputy Secretary-General Jia Yaguang view, the key to a healthy diet is still more and miscellaneous. People in the choice of food and soft drinks, should not be worried about health problems, a B-carbohydrate or high-protein heard on the avoidance of less than caffeine. As long as the structure to maintain a balanced diet and adequate sports, or do can enjoy favorite food and soft drinks.
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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.
Friday, November 30, 2007
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