Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
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Friday, November 9, 2007

Nov11,07 慢性子宮頸炎易不孕Chronic cervicitis easy infertility +美德Doing Well

靈命日糧 - 2007年11月11日
讀經: 雅各書1章1-13節
金句: 「經上記著說:『要愛人如己。』你們若全守這至尊的律法,才是好的。」(雅各書2章8節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書50章;希伯來書8章


November 11, 2007
Doing Well
READ: James 1:1-13
If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well. —James 2:8
-->About this cover

In the book Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley recounts the World War II battle of Iwo Jima and its famous flag-raising on Mount Suribachi. Bradley’s father, John, was one of the flag-raisers. But more important, he was a Navy corpsman—a medic.
In the heat of battle, facing a barrage of bullets from both sides, Bradley exposed himself to danger so he could care for the wounded and dying. This self-sacrifice showed his willingness and determination to care for others, even though it meant placing himself at great personal risk.
Doc Bradley won the Navy Cross for his heroism and valor, but he never spoke of it to his family. In fact, it was only after his death that they learned of his military decorations. To Doc, it wasn’t about winning medals; it was about caring for his buddies.
In James 2:8 we read: “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you do well.” By intentionally seeking to care for others in the way that we would hope to be treated, James says we “do well.” The word well means “rightly, nobly, so there is no room for blame.”
Selflessly “doing well” expresses the heart of God, and fulfills His law of love. —Bill CrowderBill Crowder-->
Let the road be rough and dreary,And its end far out of sight;Foot it bravely, strong or weary;Trust in God and do the right. —Macleod
Love is at the heart of obedience.
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > God > His Love
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 50; Hebrews 8

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Chronic cervicitis easy infertility
【- Cervicitis - is a frequently-occurring disease gynecology, but female friends are often overlooked. According to the Southeast Express reported, the doctor said,Chronic Cervicitis is the most common gynecological diseases in a form more common in childbirth, abortion or cervical injury after surgery, invasive pathogen infection caused by the change from acute cervicitis. Cervicitis treatment is often not thoroughly impatient person, cervical pathogens live in seclusion in a chronic inflammation within the mucosa. Many women suffering from symptoms impatient person cervicitis less obvious, but often overlooked directly intoChronic cervicitis. Too many patients with vaginal secretions, about 20% -25% by Cervicitis is the result of inflammation caused Leucorrhea if purulent sticky would not conducive to sperm through the cervix, leading to infertility.
What are the symptoms of cervicitis
Leucorrhea more impatient person Cervicitis is the most common, and sometimes is the only symptom, Leucorrhea was purulent or mixed with blood, accompanied lumbar pain dropping acid and lower abdomen. Sometimes genital stimulation by inflammatory exudates have itching, burning and voiding symptoms such as frequency, urgency. A small number of patients have sexual intercourse pain, the symptoms of elevated body temperature.
Some people suffer from symptoms of post-acute cervicitis not obvious, so they often neglected and development Chronic cervicitis.Chronic cervicitis Leucorrhea main symptoms is increasing. When inflammation along the uterus spread to pelvic ligaments, may have waist pain, pelvic pain, such as lower sinkers.
Its main clinical manifestations were: cervical erosion, cervical mast, cervical polyps, cervical cyst and cervical mucosa炎等.
A correct understanding of cervicitis
Generally speaking, the risk of cervicitis simply not likely to pose a significant threat, but cervicitis Leucorrhea caused by increased low back pain, lower abdominal坠胀symptoms often affects people's emotions, and from the point of view of prevention of cancer, cervicitis close relationship with cervical cancer. Census information relating to anti-cancer, cervical no erosion have 0.39% from cervical cancer, and those suffering from uterine erosion there 2.05% suffering from cervical cancer. The active treatment Chronic cervicitis, and for the prevention of symptoms to take positive measures, the protection of women's health and prevention of cervical cancer is of great significance.
Treatment of multi myth cervicitis
Although cervicitis is a common gynecological disease, but right now, many female friends do not understand this disease, there is some understanding of myth.
A people think that what married women will have cervicitis, it is not affected work without affecting the life, insignificant, treatment and non-treatment are the same.
Another person that is cervicitis precancerous lesions, talk about having cancer, have a "fear of cancer" and emotional and personal impact on daily life.
These are not correct.Chronic cervicitis and cervical cancer have some common symptoms, such as vaginal intercourse after Leucorrhea playing with bloodshot or bleeding. In such cases, we do Pap smear, cervical biopsy colposcopy, ruled out cancer after treatment cervicitis.

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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

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