馬太福音 2:1 當希律王的時候,耶穌生在猶太的伯利恆。有幾個博士從東方來到耶路撒冷,說: 2:2 “那生下來作猶太人之王的在哪裡?我們在東方看見他的星,特來拜他。” 2:3 希律王聽見了,就心裡不安;耶路撒冷合城的人也都不安。 2:4 他就召齊了祭司長和民間的文士,問他們說:“基督當生在何處?” 2:5 他們回答說:“在猶太的伯利恆。因為有先知記著說: 2:6 ‘猶大地的伯利恆啊,你在猶大諸城中並不是最小的,因為將來有一位君王要從你那裡出來,牧養我以色列民。’” 2:7 當下希律暗暗地召了博士來,細問那星是甚麼時候出現的, 2:8 就差他們往伯利恆去,說:“你們去仔細尋訪那小孩子,尋到了,就來報信,我也好去拜他。” ------------------------------------------------------------------------偉大的君王本當生在與身分相稱的地方,可是耶穌祂……2:1 伯利恆是位於耶路撒冷南面八公里的小城,在海拔六百公尺的山脊上。路加福音對它的描述較為詳細,並解釋了約瑟和馬利亞在伯利恆而不是在家鄉拿撒勒生耶穌的原因。
伯利恆雖小,其位置可非同小可……2:1 以色列地分有四個行政區域及一些比較小的地區。猶太位於南部,撒馬利亞位於中部,加利利位於北部,以土買位於東南部。猶太(或稱猶大,2:6)的伯利恆是預言中彌賽亞的出生地(參彌5:2)。耶路撒冷也是在猶太地,聖殿和這四個行政區域的統治者——希律王的政府也是設於這城市(參2:19-22註釋)。雖然希律王是一個冷酷的暴君,曾殺害不少家人,但因為他擴建聖殿,受到許多猶太人的歡迎。
耶穌的出生有多少人知道呢?你知道嗎?2:1-2 關於這些博士的資料並不多,我們不知道他們從哪裡來,也不知道到底有多少人。傳統上認為,他們是來自帕提亞的上流人士,那地方鄰近古巴比倫。他們怎麼曉得那顆星是代表彌賽亞呢?(1)他們可能是被擄後留在巴比倫的猶太人,所以知道舊約預言彌賽亞的降臨。(2)他們可能是東方的星象學家,曾經研究世界各地的古老文獻,早期以色列人曾被擄到此地,所以他們可能擁有舊約的抄本。(3)或許神直接啟示他們關於彌賽亞的特別信息。有些學者認為這些博士從不同的地方來,表示全世界都來到耶穌面前敬拜祂。這些從遠方而來的人曉得耶穌就是彌賽亞,但大部分在以色列地神的選民卻不認識祂。馬太指出耶穌不單是猶太人的王,更是整個世界的君王。
“尋找,就尋見”,你在尋找甚麼?會是耶穌嗎……2:1-2 博士不惜長途跋涉來拜見猶太人的王,他們終於尋見了,大大喜樂,敬拜祂和將禮物獻給祂。這與現代人有天淵之別。現代的人期望神來尋找我們,向我們啟示祂自己,證明祂的身分,又要滿足我們的要求。但真有智慧的人卻尋找和敬拜耶穌,並不是為了要得到甚麼,乃是因為耶穌是神。
只靠一顆星的指引,好像不太可靠……2:2 博士說他們看見“他的星”,舊約巴蘭卻稱之為“雅各之星”(參民24:17)。有些人認為這顆星可能是在公元前六世紀時,由木星、土星和火星匯合而成的,也有其他不同的解釋,但難道這不可以是由創造天地的神,特別為宣告祂兒子的降臨而創造的一顆星嗎?無論如何,這些博士千里而來尋找這位君王,並且尋見了。
希律怕被奪去王位而探受困擾;你也怕被人奪去甚麼嗎?2:3 那些博士問猶太新生王的事情,使希律王深受困擾,因為(1)他並不是按正統承繼大衛的王位,許多猶太人視他為篡位者而痛恨他,如果耶穌真是那位承繼王位的人,那他的王位就不保了。(2)他是一個暴君,有許多敵人,所以他懷疑這可能是有人要推翻他政權的陰謀。(3)他並不希望這些持有宗教信仰的猶太人,靠一位宗教領袖聯合起來建立一股宗教力量。(4)如果這些博士是猶太人的後裔,並且來自具有勢力、鄰近羅馬的帕提亞,他們肯定會歡迎一位猶太人的王來制衡羅馬政府的權勢,而以色列地遠離羅馬,其他國家要奪取這地的控制權也就輕而易舉了。
為求自保,不惜一切,你看希律所行的……2:4 祭司長和文士記起關於彌賽亞的預言,並引用距離當時七百多年前的預言(參彌5:2)。希律知道猶太人正熱切期待彌賽亞的來臨,就更加添其焦慮,而且猶太人所期望的彌賽亞是一位軍事、政治的領袖,怪不得希律不讓耶穌有任何生存的機會,要殺盡伯利恆及四境的男嬰(2:16)!
昔日人百般期待,見到卻不認祂;今你知道耶穌已到來,你可認識祂?2:6 大部分的宗教領袖也相信聖經中的預言會全然應驗,彌賽亞會在伯利恆出生,但當耶穌真的在伯利恆出生,他們卻成為祂最大的敵人,他們期待已久的彌賽亞終於來臨,他們卻不認識祂,這是何等的諷刺!
希律可真心狠手辣,你看他的意圖……2:8 希律並非想朝拜基督,他在說謊!他這樣說是為了瞞騙那幾位博士,回來告訴他新生王的所在,好叫他能殺死耶穌。----------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.Matthew 2:3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.Matthew 2:4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.Matthew 2:5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,Matthew 2:6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.Matthew 2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.Matthew 2:8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.----------------------------------------------------------------------When the great kings of the Health commensurate with the local identity, but he ... Jesus 2:1 Bethlehem is located 8 km south of Jerusalem, a small town, at an altitude of 600 meters on the mountain ridges. Luke describes it in more detail, and explains Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem and not in the hometown of Jesus of Nazareth Health reasons.
Bethlehem is small, its location can be no trivial matter ... 2:1 Israel in the four administrative regions and some relatively small areas. Jewish in the South, in the central Samaria, located in the northern Galilee, the land bought in the south-east. Jewish (or Jude, 2:6) in the Messiah predicted that Bethlehem is the birthplace of (Senate Mi 5-2). Jerusalem is also Jewish, Temple and the four administrative regions of the rulers -希律Wang government is also located in this city (Senate 2:19-22 Notes). Although希律Wang is a cruel tyrant who has killed many of their families, but because of his expansion of the temple, welcomed by many Jews.
The birth of Jesus how many people know that? You know? 2:1-2 on these information Dr. not many, we do not know whether they come from, nor do I know how many people in the end. Traditionally, they are upstream from帕提亚the people that the place near ancient Babylon. Star knows how they happened, on behalf of Messiah? (1) They may be abducted after remaining in the Babylonian Jews, the Old Testament prophecy that the Messiah come. (2) they may Oriental astrology is thrown all over the world have studied ancient literature, has been taken to the Israelis early here, so they may have manuscripts of the Old Testament. (3) They may God direct inspiration on the special information Messiah. Some scholars believe that these doctorate from different places, that the whole world came to Jesus before he worship. These people come from afar to know Jesus is the Messiah, but the majority of the Israeli voters to God he does not understand. Matthew is not only the Jews that Jesus Wang, but also the whole world kings.
"Find, searching see," you looking for? It is Jesus ... 2:1-2 Dr met at the Jewish travel long distances to Wang, they finally met with the search, much joy, and he will worship he dedicated gifts. Modern people are great differences with the other. Modern people expect God to find us and give us inspiration he himself, as he proved, but also to meet our requirements. But the people are really looking for wisdom and worship Jesus, not in order to get what is due Jesus is God.
The guidelines rely on a star seems less reliable ... 2:2, said they saw "his star," but the Old Testament al-called "Jacob Star" (Participation people 24:17). Some people may think that这颗Star in the sixth century BC, from Jupiter, Saturn and Mars form of convergence, there are also different interpretations, but is it not create heaven and earth by the gods, particularly for the coming declared he and his son create star? In any case, these come from Dr. find the kings of a thousand miles, and met with the search.
希律fear being snatched the throne and exploration disturbed; you fear of what people claimed? 2:3 those Jewish freshmen asked Dr. Wang things to希律Wang have been deeply troubled because (1) he was not on the formal inheritance of the throne David, as many Jews and he篡位who hate him, is that if Jesus of those who inherited the throne, he is not the security of the throne. (2) he is a tyrant, has many enemies, so he suspected that this might be somebody who wanted to overthrow his regime on the other. (3) He does not want to hold these religious Jews, religious leaders on a joint force with the establishment of a religion. (4) If these are Dr. Jewish descent, and with forces from neighboring Rome帕提亚, they would certainly welcome a Jewish Rome Wang to check the power of government, far away from Rome to Israel, other countries to win This will be the easy control of the.
For the sake of self-protection, at all, you see希律deeds ... 2:4 shaman long and Scholars remember the prophecy on the Messiah, and then quoted from the predicted over 700 years ago (the Senate Mi 5-2).希律know that the Jews are anxiously waiting the arrival of Messiah, and even add their anxiety, and the Jews expect Messiah is a military, political leaders, no wonder希律not Jesus have any chance to survive, we must杀尽Bethlehem and四境old boy (2:16)!
All the old people look forward to, to see that he did not recognize; you know this Jesus has come, you can understand he? 2:6 most of the religious leaders also believe that the biblical prophecy will be completely come true, Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem really, he has become their biggest enemy, their long-awaited Messiah finally approaching, they understand he is not, this is how ironic!
希律can really心狠手辣, you see his intentions ... 2:8希律not want to worship the Lord, He is lying! He said it is to deceive several Dr. Wang came back to tell him where freshmen, good Jesus told him to kill.----------------------------------------------------------------------肥胖患攝護腺癌 死亡率高
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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。----------------------------------------------------------------------Obesity suffering from prostate cancer mortality high
[CNA] that the United States a new study of overweight or obese men, compared with normal weight men suffering from prostate cancer death rate nearly twice as high almost. This will be published in the December American Cancer Society published "Cancer" journal study by the Boston-based Massachusetts General Hospital led doctors Xiefushida seats Europe completed study.
The eight-year study period, observation of 788 prostate patients, in patients with prostate cancer that when the body mass index (BMI) over 25, the probability of death in patients with normal body weight than almost two times.
It is understood that the BMI is an internationally recognized for the analysis of different body weight and health indicators, the calculation formula for a kilogram of body weight for the units except for the unit at a height meters square. According to international standards, the female ideal BMI of 22, for men 24; 25-29.9 is overweight; 30 and higher is obese.
Although the clinical study of the past that related to obesity and suffering from prostate cancer, but the medical profession after more cases of prostate cancer are poorly understood. Xiefushida seats Europe is the first patients after treatment for prostate cancer after long-term follow-up study of the disease mortality and the relationship between body weight.
It was pointed out that BMI is less than 25 prostate cancer mortality in patients with less than 7%, while BMI over 25 increased to 13 percent.
Studies show that BMI in the 25 to 30 between prostate cancer patients, mortality than BMI of less than 25 and more than 1.5 times, while BMI in more than 30 patients was higher than 1.6 times the mortality rate.
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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
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