馬太福音 2:9 他們聽見王的話就去了。在東方所看見的那星,忽然在他們前頭行,直行到小孩子的地方,就在上頭停住了。 2:10 他們看見那星,就大大地歡喜。 2:11 進了房子,看見小孩子和他母親馬利亞,就俯伏拜那小孩子,揭開寶盒,拿黃金、乳香、沒藥為禮物獻給他。 2:12 博士因為在夢中被主指示,不要回去見希律,就從別的路回本地去了。 2:13 他們去後,有主的使者向約瑟夢中顯現,說:“起來!帶著小孩子同他母親逃往埃及,住在那裡,等我吩咐你,因為希律必尋找小孩子,要除滅他。” 2:14 約瑟就起來,夜間帶著小孩子和他母親往埃及去, 2:15 住在那裡,直到希律死了。這是要應驗主藉先知所說的話,說:“我從埃及召出我的兒子來。” 2:16 希律見自己被博士愚弄,就大大發怒,差人將伯利恆城裡並四境所有的男孩,照著他向博士仔細查問的時候,凡兩歲以裡的,都殺盡了。 ------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------希律可真心狠手辣,你看他的意圖……2:8 希律並非想朝拜基督,他在說謊!他這樣說是為了瞞騙那幾位博士,回來告訴他新生王的所在,好叫他能殺死耶穌。
有人說博士找到耶穌時,耶穌已很大了;有說不是,究竟是……2:11 當這幾位博士找到耶穌時,祂可能已經一到兩歲了。那時,馬利亞和約瑟已經成婚,住在一間房子裡,並且打算在伯利恆居住一段時間。(有關約瑟和馬利亞留在伯利恆的原因,請參路2:19的註釋。)
博士所獻的禮物,都有預表,你知道是甚麼嗎?2:11 這幾位博士認為向一位將來的君王獻上貴重的禮物是值得的。研究聖經的人從這些禮物中看出基督身分的象徵和祂將要成就的事——黃金是獻給君王的禮物;乳香是獻給聖者的禮物;沒藥是給將要死的人的。這些禮物可能是這個家庭逃難到埃及的經濟來源。
看看我手,擁有了這麼多,若要我選,我獻甚麼給祂?2:11 這些博士來拜耶穌並獻上禮物給祂,單單因為祂是彌賽亞。真正的敬拜就是因著耶穌是基督,是創造宇宙的那完美、公義、偉大的神,我們將榮耀歸與祂,把我們最好、最寶貴的東西獻給祂。
神所示的,都是美的——你是這樣認為嗎?你願意隨祂所示而走嗎?2:12 當博士找到耶穌之後,本來打算返回耶路撒冷,但神禁止他們。找到耶穌也許意味著必須改變生命的方向,就是回應和遵行神的話。你是否願意跟隨神所指示的方向走呢?
為何猶太人要逃便往埃及呢?真奇怪……2:14-15 埃及幾個重要的城市都有猶太人聚居。在被擄時期(參耶43-44章),這些猶太人的聚居地已發展為城市,所以,猶太人去埃及是一件平常的事。
耶穌一家逃到埃及,你可會聯想起以色列的甚麼歷史來?2:14-15 這次約瑟舉家逃難到埃及,跟以色列的歷史有一個奇妙的對照:當以色列還是一個雛型的國家時,她去到埃及,正如耶穌在幼年時,到埃及一樣。後來,神領以色列人出埃及(參何11:1),同樣,神帶耶穌回來。這些事情都顯明神要拯救祂百姓的心意。
人說每個人心中都有一個王,希律的是他自己,你的是誰?2:16 希律作為猶太人的王,恐怕這位新生王終有一天會奪去他的王位,他完全誤解了基督降臨的意義,耶穌並不是要得著希律的王位,祂乃是要在希律的生命中作王。今天仍然有人常常懼怕基督會取走他們的東西,其實,祂希望賜給我們真正的自由、平安和喜樂。不要懼怕基督,讓祂成為你生命中的王吧!
懼怕失去,教希律不從神旨意,倒去傷害人,人就是這樣嗎?2:16 希律的恐懼驅使他千方百計地要剷除耶穌,他殺掉所有兩歲以下的男嬰,弄至滿手血腥,但仍傷害不到耶穌。希律是人授權的王,耶穌卻是神授權的王,沒有人能阻撓神的計劃。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew 2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.Matthew 2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.Matthew 2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.Matthew 2:12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.Matthew 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.Matthew 2:14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:Matthew 2:15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------希律can really心狠手辣, you see his intentions ... 2:8希律not want to worship the Lord, He is lying! He said it is to deceive several Dr. Wang came back to tell him where freshmen, good Jesus told him to kill.
Some people say that Dr. find Jesus, Jesus has been great; have not said whether ... 2:11 When Dr. find that several of Jesus, he may have had one to two-year-old. At that time, Mary and Joseph have been married, living in the house in, and intend to live in Bethlehem for some time. (Joseph and Mary to stay relevant in Bethlehem reasons, please Road 2:19 of the Notes.)
Presented by Dr. gifts are pre-table, you know what? 2:11 this number to Dr. future kings presented a precious gift it is worthwhile. Bible study these gifts from the people seen as a symbol of Christ and the achievements he will be things - gold was dedicated to the emperor gift; frankincense was dedicated to the saint's gift; myrrh is to the people who will die. These gifts may be the family sought asylum in Egypt's economic sources.
Look at my hands, and had so many, if I am elected, I offer to what he? 2:11 these doctorate来拜Jesus, and he presented gifts to, simply because he is the Messiah. True worship is a result of the Jesus is Lord, it is the creation of the universe perfect, justice, and the great God, we will honor and he naturalization, our best and the most valuable things he dedicated.
God indicated, all of the United States - you think so? You are willing to go with and he indicated? 2:12 When Dr. find Jesus, had intended to return to Jerusalem, but God forbid them. Find Jesus may mean that life must change the direction that respond to and comply with God's words. Are you willing to follow the instructions of God in the direction?
Why the Jews had to go straight to flee Egypt? Strange ... 2:14-15 Egypt has several important cities in the Jewish settlement. In abducted period (Senate Jerusalem 43-44 chapter), these Jewish settlements has been developed as a city, so Jews to Egypt is a common thing.
Jesus fled to Egypt one, you may be associated with a history of Israel to what? 2:14-15 the Joseph family sought asylum in Egypt, Israel's history with a wonderful contrast: When Israel is still a prototype countries, she went to Egypt, as in the childhood of Jesus, to Egypt the same. Later, God from the Israelis out of Egypt (Senate HE 11:1), and similarly, God brought Jesus back. These things are visible to God to save the people he wishes.
People say that every person has a mind Wang,希律of his own, your Who? 2:16希律as Wang Jews, I am afraid that one day this will be freshmen Wang claimed his throne, he completely misunderstood the meaning of Christ coming, Jesus is not To get a希律the throne, he is in希律lives for Wang. Today there are still people are often afraid of Christ will take away their things, in fact, he gave us real hope that freedom, peace and joy. Not afraid of Christ, he became Wang in your life!
Fear of losing, the希律not from God's will,倒去hurt, and that was? 2:16希律fear drove him to do everything possible to eradicate Jesus, he kill all the boys under two years of age, leading to bloody hands full, but still hurt less than Jesus.希律is the authorization of the King, Jesus is God authorized Wang, nobody can hinder God's plan.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------人體酸鹼度平衡值得關注
閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Human pH balance concern
【- Many people - no thought about their own bodies of pH in the end? Experts said that the pH value on human health plays a very important role, pH imbalance in the body often indicates the emergence of a pathological state. Yunnan Provincial Tumor Hospital for dietitians Lan Zhou said that under normal conditions, the human body fluid pH should be maintained at 7.35 to 7.45 between a weak alkaline, this is the so-called acid-base balance. If more time will deviate from this value formation of acid or alkali poisoning poisoning, the body in a sub-healthy state, and some have even lesions. Especially when the fluid pH neutral 7:00 will be lower than a major illness, dropped to 6.9 when it will become vegetative state, if only from 6.8 to 6.7 when people would die.
Lan Zhou said that the acid-base balance in environmental regulation is an important factor, but also to maintain normal physiological activities of the important conditions. Under normal circumstances, the human body through the regulatory role of autologous, acidic or alkaline superfluous material discharged to weakly basic. Although no conclusive scientific evidence that human diet and the quantitative relationship between pH, but the practice proved to eat more food weakly alkaline pH indeed help the body balance.
In everyday life, people tend to taste the food pH to distinguish between acidity that有酸味food is acidic foods. Lan Zhou said that the food actually the internal elements, in particular the mineral composition and content of the decision by the Food and acidity. Sulfur content, phosphorus and more food such as meat, eggs, it is obvious acidic food, and Sodium, potassium and magnesium ions is more basic foods, such as many natural fruits and vegetables, milk, peanuts, walnuts, etc. food.
Lan Zhou suggested in order to maintain the pH balance to the body in their daily diet intake more natural fruit and vegetables, and other plant foods,荤素with a 1 to 4 or 3 to 7 suitable, and in their way of life as much as possible to avoid excessive use brain, with eyes, stay up late and alcoholism bad habit, these acts will in a short time a large number of human amino acids and fat consumption, increased acid metabolites of substances affecting human pH.
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Monday, November 26, 2007
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