馬太福音1:19 她丈夫約瑟是個義人,不願意明明地羞辱她,想要暗暗地把她休了。 1:20 正思念這事的時候,有主的使者向他夢中顯現,說:“大衛的子孫約瑟,不要怕,只管娶過你的妻子馬利亞來,因她所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。 1:21 她將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。” 1:22 這一切的事成就,是要應驗主藉先知所說的話, 1:23 說:“必有童女懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利。”(以馬內利翻出來就是“神與我們同在”。) 1:24 約瑟醒了,起來,就遵著主使者的吩咐,把妻子娶過來, 1:25 只是沒有和她同房,等她生了兒子(註:有古卷作“等她生了頭胎的兒子”),就給他起名叫耶穌。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------若然神要你做一件世人不會明白的事倩,你會退縮還是……1:18-25 約瑟發現馬利亞懷孕之後,要面對一個非常困難的抉擇,他知道娶馬利亞為妻將會被羞辱,但他選擇順服神的吩咐。他的行動表現了四種值得欣賞的品格:(1)正義(1:19);(2)具判斷力和敏銳的觸覺(1:19);(3)遵守神的吩咐(1:24);(4)自律(1:25)。
約瑟以為只有兩個選擇,神卻給他第三個方案;我們常說尋求神的心意,而事實是……1:19 約瑟認為自己只有兩個選擇:一是暗中休了馬利亞;二是用石頭打死她,神卻有第三個選擇——娶了她(1:20-23),根據當時的環境來看,這是約瑟無法接受的,但神往往讓我們看見除了我們所想的方法之外,還有許多其他可能的選擇。雖然約瑟似乎應該解除婚約,但只有神的引導才能幫助他作出最好的決定。一旦我們的決定會影響到別人的生活,甚至性命,就必須尋求神的智慧來幫助我們作決定。
你對天使這個名字的瞭解有多少?1:20 耶穌基督的出生是超自然的事件,超乎人類邏輯和推理的概念,所以神差派天使幫助某些人明白究竟發生了甚麼事(參2:13, 19;路1:11, 26;2:9)。天使是神創造的靈體,幫助推行神在地上的工作:把神的信息帶給人(參路1:26),保護神的子民(參但6:22),鼓勵人(參撒下24:16),巡視世界(參亞1:9-14),與邪惡力量爭戰(參王下6:16-18;啟20:1-2)。雖然有好天使,也有壞天使,但因為壞天使是魔鬼的同黨,其力量和權柄會比好天使小。天使最終的工作是不停地讚美神(參啟7:11-12)。
從聖靈感孕的嬰孩,也是一個人,又有甚麼特別?1:20-23 天使向約瑟宣告馬利亞所懷的是由聖靈感孕的男嬰。這件事啟示了有關耶穌一項重要的真理——祂是神,也是人。無限的神接受了人類的限制,祂的生與死,都是為了救一切相信祂的人。
耶穌,全地上最美的名字。對於這個名字,你是輕輕一瞥便算,還是把它刻在心上?1:21 “耶穌”這個名字的意思是“救世主”。耶穌來到世界的目的是拯救我們,因為我們在罪的刑罰中無法自救,不管我們多麼善良,也無法除去自己的罪性,惟有耶穌才能替我們解決罪的問題。祂並不是來幫助人類自己拯救自己,而是成為人類的救主,使我們從罪的權勢和刑罰中得到拯救。感謝基督為你的罪釘死在十字架上,將你生命的主權交付與祂,你就可以立刻得著新生命。
耶穌已回了天家,那麼今天我可在哪裡找到祂?1:23 以賽亞先知早已預言,耶穌將要被稱為“以馬內利”——神與我們同在(參賽7:14)。耶穌是神,藉肉身顯現,換句話說,神在我們中間。今天基督仍然藉著聖靈住在每一個信徒的生命裡。
雖然別人不明白,甚至會笑他,約瑟仍然順服神去行;是你又如何……1:24 約瑟發現馬利亞沒有對他不忠,就立刻改變主意(1:19),順服神並進行結婚的計劃。別人可能會反對他的決定,但他仍然堅持去做自己認為是正確的事。許多時候我們會因為別人的想法而不敢去做正確的事,我們要學習約瑟,選擇順從神過於得到別人的認同,並堅持到底。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew 1:19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.Matthew 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.Matthew 1:24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:Matthew 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If God wants you to do something the people of the world will not understand what Qian, you will flinch or ... 1:18-25 Joseph found Mary pregnant, have to face a very difficult choice, he knew that married Mary wives will be humiliated, but he chose the submission by God instructed. His actions demonstrated four admirable character: (1) justice (1:19), (2) a judgment and sensitive (1:19), (3) compliance with God told (1:24 ), (4) self-discipline (1:25).
Joseph believing that the only two choices that God has given him the third option; We often say that to seek God's, but the fact is ... 1:19 Joseph consider themselves only two choices: First, Mary secretly break the Second killed her with stones, God has the third option - marry her (1:20-23), in accordance with the prevailing environment , Joseph This is not acceptable, but let us see that God often addition to the method we would like to, there are many other possible options. While Joseph seems to be the dissolution of a marriage, but only God can help him guide to the best decision. Once our decisions will affect other people's lives, or even their lives, we must seek God's wisdom to help us make the decision.
You name on the Angels know how many? 1:20 Jesus Christ's birth is supernatural events beyond human logic and reasoning concept, so God差派angels help some people understand what happened (Senate 2:13, 19; Road 1:11, 26 ; 2:9). Angel of Hope is the creation of God, God on the ground to help implement the work: the divine message to the (Senate Road 1:26), the protection of God's subjects (the Senate but 6:22), to encourage people (Senate cast 24:16), visited the world (Ref-1:9-14), and evil forces battle (Wang Senate under 6:16-18; Kai 20:1-2). Although there are good angels and bad angels, but because of bad angels is the devil's party, its power and authority than good angel small. Angel is the ultimate working non-stop to praise God (Senate Kai 7:11-12).
Pregnant sense of the Holy Spirit from the baby is a person, what particular? 1:20-23 angel to Mary Joseph declared by the Wye is pregnant by the Holy Spirit flu baby. This matter concerning Revelation of Jesus an important truth - he is God, are human beings. Unlimited God accepted human limitations, His Life and Death, is to save all the people he believed.
Jesus, on the whole the most beautiful name. For this name, you will be gently at a glance, it is engraved in mind? 1:21 "Jesus," the name means "savior." Jesus came to the world to save us, because we are in the penalty crimes can not help themselves, no matter how good we could not remove their crimes, only Jesus can help us solve the crime problem. He is not to help save their own humanity, but as the Savior of mankind, so that we have the power and penalty crimes to be rescued. Thank you for the crime of Christ in the crucifixion nail, the sovereignty of your life and he delivered, you can immediately for a new life.
Back to the days of Jesus has been home, then I can find where he? 1:23 Isaiah the prophet has long predicted that Jesus will be known as "Emanuel" - God with us in the (entry 7:14). Jesus is God, through body appear, in other words, God among us. Still today Christ by the Holy Spirit living in each believers in the life.
Although people do not understand, he may even laugh, Joseph remained obedient to God; you how ... 1:24 Joseph Mary found him not disloyalty, immediately change their mind (1:19), obedient to God and marriage plans. Others might oppose his decision, but he still insists on doing what they think is the right thing. Many times we will because other people's ideas do not dare to do the right thing, we should learn from Joseph, choose obedience to God too recognition by others, and insisted in the end.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------臀部越大越聰明?
研究發現豐滿有曲線的女性更聰明。 【本報綜合報導】女人屁股大可別太懊惱!豐滿有曲線的女性受男性青睞,而且更長壽,這是廣為人知的事實。現在一項研究還表明,身材如啞鈴(兩頭大,中間小,豐乳肥臀)的女性更聰明,她們的生育的子女也更聰明。因為根據美國最新研究發現,臀部的不飽和脂肪酸有助智力發育,也就是說,屁股越大可能越聰明,如果是臀部大的孕婦生下的小孩智商也比較高。
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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The greater the more clever hip?
American Studies: hip unsaturated fatty acids help to intellectual development, children born to relatively high IQ.
Studies have found fullness of the female and smarter. PRC is reportedly a woman's bottom can别太upset! Fullness of women have curves favored by the men, and longer, it is well-known fact. Now a study also showed that tall, such as dumbbell (2, intermediate small, Full Breast肥臀) women more intelligent, the birth of their children smarter. According to the latest study found that the United States, and the buttocks help to unsaturated fatty acids intellectual development, that is, the greater may be the smart ass, if it is large buttocks of pregnant women give birth to children have a relatively high IQ.
Supermodel瘦瘦the actress or lumbar, the hip Fengren, good build the envy of people, but now do not think that there can be no appearance of brain, because the latest research and found that the buttocks of unsaturated fatty acids omega3 helps brain development.
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation reported, the study American University of Pittsburgh and the University of California researchers, the findings in the "evolution and human behavior," periodicals published.
The researchers studied 16,000 women, collected data measuring their physical, cognitive test scores.
Research found that the waist and hip difference in the test scores of women in the waist and hip was significantly higher than that of women little difference. In addition, their children are also achieved higher test scores.
The waist and hip with肥瘦no difference between women's waist is less than hip, the ideal ratio should be 0.6 and 0.7 between.
Reports said there are curves fullness of female children smarter. Researchers believe that the female buttocks and thighs Fengman more fat accumulation, it contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may be more such unsaturated fatty acid for brain development during pregnancy heavy n.
Waist fat highly Omega-6 fatty acids, fatty acids but not suitable for such brain development. Waist fat may also lead to diabetes and heart disease. Thinner women and the lack of these two fatty acids.
The United States and the University of California, University of Pittsburgh researchers think this from another angle explains why men like the female body full of curves. Research for the US men prefer women with curves provide a physiological basis.
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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
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