1:28 | 耶穌的名聲就傳遍了加利利的四方。 |
1:29 | 他們一出會堂,就同著雅各、約翰,進了西門和安得烈的家。 |
1:30 | 西門的岳母正害熱病躺著,就有人告訴耶穌。 |
1:31 | 耶穌進前拉著她的手,扶她起來,熱就退了,她就服事他們。 |
1:32 | 天晚日落的時候,有人帶著一切害病的和被鬼附的,來到耶穌跟前; |
1:33 | 合城的人都聚集在門前。 |
1:29-31 每位福音書的作者都以稍微不同的角度來記錄事情,從相似的事中突出不同的細節。在馬太福音裡耶穌摸婦人的手;在馬可福音裡耶穌扶她起來;在路加福音裡耶穌向熱病說話,那熱病就離了她。三段記載沒有矛盾,三位作者強調了不同的細節,以突出耶穌某方面的特徵。
1:32-33 人們在日落後去見耶穌,因為當天是安息日(1:21)。安息日是由星期五日落到星期六日落。猶太領袖說在安息日接受醫治、走遠路是違反律法的(參太12:10;路13:14)。人們不想違反律法,便等到日落後才去找耶穌,接受祂的醫治。
1:28 | | And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee. |
1:29 | | And forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. |
1:30 | | But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her. |
1:31 | | And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. |
1:32 | | And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils. |
1:33 | | And all the city was gathered together at the door. |
Why did the same thing, different from the Gospel accounts are not the same »
1:29-31, the author of each Gospel to have slightly different perspectives to record things, similar things from different prominent in the details. In Matthew, Jesus touched the woman's hand in Mark, Jesus help her up in Luke, Jesus said to the fever, the fever from her. Three recorded no contradiction, the three authors stressed that a variety of details to highlight certain aspects of the characteristics of Jesus.
The existing rules in seeking a breakthrough, it is not easy……
1:32-33, backward people went to see Jesus, because that day is the Sabbath (1:21). Is the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Jewish leaders say the Sabbath received medical treatment, Zou Yuan Road is a violation of the law (see too 12:10; Road 13:14). People do not want to violate the law, they wait until after sunset to find Jesus, he received treatment.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1:29-31, the author of each Gospel to have slightly different perspectives to record things, similar things from different prominent in the details. In Matthew, Jesus touched the woman's hand in Mark, Jesus help her up in Luke, Jesus said to the fever, the fever from her. Three recorded no contradiction, the three authors stressed that a variety of details to highlight certain aspects of the characteristics of Jesus.
The existing rules in seeking a breakthrough, it is not easy……
1:32-33, backward people went to see Jesus, because that day is the Sabbath (1:21). Is the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Jewish leaders say the Sabbath received medical treatment, Zou Yuan Road is a violation of the law (see too 12:10; Road 13:14). People do not want to violate the law, they wait until after sunset to find Jesus, he received treatment.
Amine appetite control of blood
Why do some people eat is not fat »
[,] You have been surprised why some people can Langtunhuyan like eating a lot of things still maintained a slender body » This may depend on the transmission of a nerve - with the amine compound in the blood. According to Science and Technology Daily reported that the University of California, San Francisco scientists in the recent "cell metabolism," the journal published papers pointed out that such transmission of nerve, not only control you need to eat and how much to eat, it may help the body confirmed the need to burn excess energy , In the form of fat or to store them.
Among the co-author, California Science students who entecavir ‧ Ashrafi roundworm for the trial to object, because these animals and genetic characteristics similar to mammals, the test results also apply to humans. The researchers said that the increase of amine makes fat reduction. They are attempting to use the model to understand the molecular mechanisms. The roundworm body, these mechanisms can be with those who control the appetite amine compound effect of the mechanism separately. Study found that the concentration of amine not only affected the roundworm's appetite, but also affected the roundworm the accumulation of body fat. Which are two different processes.
In today's market, many products are planned increase in the blood of amine levels, but they used to be regarded as obstructive appetite. New research shows that they can also speed up the metabolism. Ashrafi said, which means that the findings of this study may help to introduce more effective weight loss drugs and treatment of diseases such as diabetes and other programmes.
Ashrafi said the study was not intended to be developed so that people eat no matter what the pills can keep Slender, the study does not exclude good nutrition and physical Duanlian.
Read more news, see World Journal.
Why do some people eat is not fat »
[,] You have been surprised why some people can Langtunhuyan like eating a lot of things still maintained a slender body » This may depend on the transmission of a nerve - with the amine compound in the blood. According to Science and Technology Daily reported that the University of California, San Francisco scientists in the recent "cell metabolism," the journal published papers pointed out that such transmission of nerve, not only control you need to eat and how much to eat, it may help the body confirmed the need to burn excess energy , In the form of fat or to store them.
Among the co-author, California Science students who entecavir ‧ Ashrafi roundworm for the trial to object, because these animals and genetic characteristics similar to mammals, the test results also apply to humans. The researchers said that the increase of amine makes fat reduction. They are attempting to use the model to understand the molecular mechanisms. The roundworm body, these mechanisms can be with those who control the appetite amine compound effect of the mechanism separately. Study found that the concentration of amine not only affected the roundworm's appetite, but also affected the roundworm the accumulation of body fat. Which are two different processes.
In today's market, many products are planned increase in the blood of amine levels, but they used to be regarded as obstructive appetite. New research shows that they can also speed up the metabolism. Ashrafi said, which means that the findings of this study may help to introduce more effective weight loss drugs and treatment of diseases such as diabetes and other programmes.
Ashrafi said the study was not intended to be developed so that people eat no matter what the pills can keep Slender, the study does not exclude good nutrition and physical Duanlian.
Read more news, see World Journal.
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