Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Jun18 ,08進補求長高 不如睡飽Jinbu higher than for long Shuibao+馬太福音Matthew28:16-20

28:16 十一個門徒往加利利去,到了耶穌約定的山上。 
28:17 他們見了耶穌就拜他,然而還有人疑惑。
28:18 耶穌進前來,對他們說:“天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。
28:19 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗(註:或作“給他們施洗,歸於父、子、聖靈的名)。
28:20 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。”
28:18 神把天上地下所有的權柄都賜給了耶穌,基於這權柄,耶穌吩咐祂的門徒去傳道、施洗和教導,使更多人作祂的門徒。藉著這權柄,耶穌還吩咐我們把這福音傳給別人,使他們成為天國的門徒。

28:18-20 人的遺言或臨別囑咐都是非常重要的。耶穌離開門徒時,留下了這些指示:在祂的權柄下,他們要使更多的人作門徒,替人施洗和教導門徒服從祂,祂將永遠與他們同在。以前耶穌差遣門徒出去只向猶太人傳福音(參10:5-6),但從這時開始,他們的使命是普世性的,耶穌是為全人類的罪而死的,是地上的主。

28:19 大使命中耶穌肯定了“三位一體”的真理。雖然這名詞沒有在聖經中出現,到公元二世紀時才由神學家特土良提出,但耶穌命令門徒施洗時,就清楚地說明聖父、聖子與聖靈三位在救恩中都一同參與。

28:19 耶穌吩咐門徒施洗,因為洗禮使信徒與基督聯合,脫離罪惡,得著復活的新生命,接受洗禮象徵順服基督,願意遵行神的旨意,並且與神立約的子民聯合。

28:20 耶穌怎樣與門徒同在呢?耶穌開始是藉肉體與門徒在一起,直到祂升回天上,然後藉著聖靈與他們在靈裡同在(參徒1:4),聖靈就是耶穌的同在,祂永不會離開他們(參約14:25)。同樣耶穌今天繼續藉著聖靈與我們同在。

28:20 耶穌是世界的君王,馬太福音中引用的舊約預言和家譜就是祂的明證。但祂並不是門徒當初所期望的軍事政治上的領袖,乃是勝過所有罪惡,並掌管每一個人心的屬靈君王。我們不忠心地事奉這位君王,就是不忠的僕人,只能是從祂的國度中被驅逐出去。我們必須讓耶穌作我們生命的王,以祂為我們的救主和君王去敬拜祂。
Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
What has not, how to Evangelism » I can not afford them……
28:18 God of the sky all the ground floor has been given the power of Jesus, based on this authority, Jesus told His disciples to the missionary, and the Baptist teachings, so that more people for His disciples. Through this authority, Jesus also told us pass this good news for others, so that they will become the disciples of the kingdom of heaven.

Not afford » The missionary, pastor preached before » All-round dedication to missionary » The mission - you really do not have the sub-child »
28:18-20's testament or parting asked are very important. Jesus left his disciples, leaving these instructions: His power, they have to make more people to make disciples, and to teach others the Baptist disciples obey him, he will always be with them the same. Before Jesus sent his disciples out only to the Jewish Evangelism (see 10:5-6), but at this time, their mission is universal in nature, Jesus is to die for the sins of all mankind, is the main ground.
We have to go to, or neighbors in other countries, so that 10,000 people Discipleship, which is Jesus Christ to all who said he based the order, not the non-executive. We do not all fabrics are Taoist, but all received the gift of God, so that we can use this gift to the practice mission. We submit to Jesus, you can feel comforted in his heart, because Jesus always with us.

"Trinity" concept of reliable? »
28:19, Ambassador Jesus definitely hit the "trinity" of the truth. Although this term does not appear in the Bible, only to the second century AD by the theologian Tertullian proposed, but the baptism of Jesus ordered his disciples, to clear that the Holy Father, the Son and Holy Spirit in the salvation of all three to participate in the .

Baptism, it was told by Jesus, you know why? »
28:19 Jesus told his disciples the Baptist, because of the baptism of Christ and his followers joint, out of evil, in the resurrection of new life and accept the baptism of Christ symbol of submission, are willing to comply with the will of God, and God and the people about the legislation.

Dear Jesus, I have been back to the days home, can I have lost him »
28:20 Jesus and his disciples how to do the same in » Jesus is beginning to flesh together with the disciples, or until he returned to the sky, and then through the Holy Spirit with their spirits, with the (Senate only 1:4), Jesus of the Holy Spirit is the same, he would never leave them (the Senate About 14:25). Today, the same Jesus through the Holy Spirit to continue with us.

Read the entire volume book, you impression of Jesus is what »
28:20 Jesus is the world's kings, Matthew quoted the Old Testament prophecy that he and genealogical evidence. But he does not expect the disciples had on the military and political leaders, is better than all evil, and every person in charge of the spiritual heart of kings. We serve the emperor carefully disloyalty, infidelity is the servant, he is the only country which has been evicted. We must give our lives for Jesus Wang to him as our savior to come and worship him.

進補求長高 不如睡飽








Jinbu higher than for long Shuibao

Children want to grow, the most important adequate sleep, followed by that movement.

[CNA] a 11-year-old sister with twins, but the difference is 8 centimeters, Aige of the sisters often slept well, was taken to the Chinese tone the body, head of the Taipei Medical University Hospital of Chinese medicine practitioners Chang Bei noted that many parents are worried that their children asked Chang Bugao and Pray "fill", will be the summer session, busy parents may wish to test talent and tutorial children Chuankou Qi, the capital have long Shuibao high.
Chang Pei pointed out that the twin sister of 143 cm and 135 cm is the elder sister, parents worry that his sister Chang Bugao, Wenzhen, the original sister class teacher is very strict requirements on homework, his sister encountered examination And unsatisfactory results, often sleepless nights of anxiety to the contrary, younger sister of the academic pressure on smaller classes, eat all the normal sleep, of the results than his sister was nearly a head.

She said that the five primary schools, six of the holidays, in fact, than adults imagine in the busy, classes, tutorial, talent, everything should be in the competition to success, coupled with the drinks containing caffeine, calcium carbonate beverages hinder readily available For children with adults drink, affect the endocrine and sleep on the demand for calcium intake and lack of natural growth and development have adversely affected.

Shi, chairman of the Taipei Association of pure Chinese medicine practitioners all said that many parents will be as early as two years before and after the Laichao small girls, two years before and after changing sound of small boys, ready to bone chicken soup, and other Medicinal Diet, summer vacation with their children to clinics to accept Chinese medicine Acupuncture, long high point electrotherapy treatment, but neglected the children sleep deprivation problems, academic pressure, video games have let the children sleep well, sleep enough, to a large Ming inch, Chuan wood for the same fish.

Chinese medicine not only referred to sleep on the importance of growth and development, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital orthopedic Professor Chen Zhihua, out-patient often measured bone age to parents with children, asked how long the child, his reply was, in addition to the inherent genetic , The general nutrition is not a problem, the most important adequate sleep, followed by the campaign, out-patient clinics in most of these patients are not the same.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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