28:6 | 他不在這裡,照他所說的,已經復活了。你們來看安放主的地方。 |
28:7 | 快去告訴他的門徒,說他從死裡復活了,並且在你們以先往加利利去,在那裡你們要見他。看哪,我已經告訢你們了。” |
28:8 | 婦女們就急忙離開墳墓,又害怕,又大大地歡喜,跑去要報給他的門徒。 |
28:9 | 忽然,耶穌遇見她們,說:“願你們平安!”她們就上前抱住他的腳拜他。 |
28:10 | 耶穌對她們說:“不要害怕!你們去告訴我的弟兄,叫他們往加利利去,在那裡必見我。” |
28:5-7 天使向婦女宣告耶穌復活的同時,也給了她們四個信息:(1)“不要怕”:復活的實現帶來喜樂,而不是恐懼,當你懼怕時,請記住這個空墳墓。(2)“他不在這裡”:耶穌不是死人,所以不要在死人中尋找祂,祂活著,並與祂的子民同在。(3)“你們來看”:婦女可以自己去察驗墳墓是空的,今天墳墓也是空的,復活是一件歷史事實。(4)“快去告訴”:她們要把復活的喜樂傳播出去,我們也要傳揚耶穌復活的好消息。
28:10 耶穌告訴婦女把消息傳給門徒——正如祂先前告訴他們的,祂將要在加利利與他們見面(參可14:28)。但門徒因害怕宗教領袖,而在耶路撒冷躲藏起來(參約20:19),因此耶穌會先在耶路撒冷與他們見面(參路24:36),然後在加利利再與他們見面(參約21章)。
28:6 | | He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. |
28:7 | | And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. |
28:8 | | And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. |
28:9 | | And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. |
28:10 | | Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. |
28:5-7 angel to the women declared the resurrection of Jesus, but also to their four Information: (1) "Do not be afraid": the revival brought about the realization of joy, not fear, when you fear, remember this Empty tomb. (2) "He is not here": Jesus is not dead, so do not look for him in the dead, he alive, and he's the same people. (3) "You look at": women can be their own post-mortem to review the tomb is empty, the tomb is empty today, the resurrection is a historical fact. (4) "Kuaiqu tell": they must spread the joy of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus we have to spread the good news.
Disciples can compare these women, women will stand up, but you see them……
28:10 Jesus told his disciples passed on information to women - as he previously told them, he will be in Galilee and meet them (the Senate may 14:28). But the disciples for fear of religious leaders, and in Jerusalem in hiding (the Senate about 20:19), Jesus will first meet in Jerusalem with them (the Senate Road 24:36), and then again in the Galilee and meet them (the Senate about 21 Chapter).
Enzyme activity accelerated in drinking intensified tobacco carcinogens
Smoking with alcohol, the risk of lung cancer Bichang Ren more.
● Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and an investigation team's report warned that if the smoking with alcohol, the risk of lung cancer than smokers who drink occasionally but only almost doubled.
CNA report from the National Cancer Prevention Research Center to Combat Minister Kim Chang-finding team led by Koizumi, the Japanese country's 40-year-old to 69-year-old about 46,000 men for up to 14 years of follow-up investigation, they were divided into smoking Group and the non-smoking group, the survey of alcohol and the relevance of lung cancer.
Researchers will survey were divided into five groups to investigate, with the exception of occasional drinking (one to three times per month) for a group, the other is a day to drink the four groups are: conversion of the Japanese wine a day is not Jiuliang A full one; a day to less than one of the two; less than a day to two a triple; more than triple the daily.
Japan's liquor with an alcohol content of a large bottle of beer or a bottle, two glasses of wine or a cup double whisky.
According to the survey, if the alcohol is the number of smokers every day two of Japan's liquor above, the risk of lung cancer a month drink only one to three times the 1.7 times. As for smokers, even if not Jiuliang increased risk of lung cancer caused by the increase.
Analysis of that survey, due to alcohol and speed up the activities of the enzyme in the cigarettes caused the activity of carcinogenic substances. The researchers called for, not only for lung cancer, for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, the daily Jiuliang to control liquor in Japan for a degree of alcohol content.
In addition, the Xinhua News Agency reported that U.S. scientists announced the latest findings of a study on "passive smoking" not only damage vascular endothelial progenitor cells, but also damage the body's own cell regeneration mechanism.
According to the latest one, "the American Heart School Weekly" reported that the University of California at San Francisco on tobacco control and education centre in the report that the scientific and technological personnel in accordance with the actual situation of bars designed a full environmental tobacco smoke, and then to 10 Non-smoking adult volunteers into the environment, at 30 minutes. The results showed that "passive smoking" volunteers on the vascular endothelial progenitor cells have a negative impact and cause vascular endothelial progenitor cells renewable dysfunction.
Endothelial progenitor cells are precursors of the endothelial cells cells. Prior studies have shown that endothelial progenitor cells may be damaged and a variety of diseases closely related to these diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic renal failure, and so on. Tobacco control and education director of the Center for Stanton »grants said:" 'passive smoking on vascular endothelial progenitor cells harmful is an indisputable fact. "
"Passive smoking" means smokers in the burning of tobacco products when the smoke. International Agency for Research on Cancer recent survey that "passive smoking" contains 54 kinds of carcinogenic substances.
(Reuters report)
Read more news, see World Journal.
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