1:16 | 耶穌順著加利利的海邊走,看見西門和西門的兄弟安得烈在海裡撒網,他們本是打魚的。 |
1:17 | 耶穌對他們說:“來跟從我!我要叫你們得人如得魚一樣。” |
1:18 | 他們就立刻捨了網,跟從了他。 |
1:19 | 耶穌稍往前走,又見西庇太的兒子雅各和雅各的兄弟約翰在船上補網。 |
1:20 | 耶穌隨即招呼他們,他們就把父親西庇太和雇工人留在船上,跟從耶穌去了。 |
1:21 | 到了迦百農,耶穌就在安息日進了會堂教訓人。 |
1:16 加利利海一帶的居民主要以捕魚為業,他們普遍用網打魚。迦百農是當時擁有最多漁村的城鎮,沿湖周圍有三十多個漁村。迦百農也是幾條主要公路的交匯處,遠至南面的埃及和東北面的美索不達米亞的商人,都會經過這裡。耶穌從拿撒勒搬家到這裡(參太4:12-13)。
1:16-20 我們常常以為耶穌的門徒一遇見耶穌便是信心的偉人。事實上,他們跟所有信徒一樣,信心是逐步成長的(14:48-50, 66-72;約14:1-9;20:26-29)。耶穌明顯不止一次呼召彼得(西門)、雅各和約翰跟從祂(參路5:1-11;約1:35-42)。雖然耶穌的呼召和信息要經過一段時間門徒才明白,但門徒始終跟從祂。同樣,我們可能或會懷疑、躊躇,但我們一定要緊緊跟隨耶穌。
1:21 許多猶太人居住在離耶路撒冷很遠的地區,不能定期到耶路撒冷敬拜神,所以許多城鎮都設有會堂,作為敬拜和學習的地方。從公元前450年以斯拉時代開始,每十個猶太家庭便組成一個會堂。平日猶太男孩在會堂上課,學習律法和宗教,女孩子卻不能參加。星期六是安息日,猶太男人在會堂聚集,聽拉比(宗教教師)教導聖經。因為會堂沒有固定的教師,會堂領袖習慣邀請到訪的教師來講道,耶穌就是這樣經常在祂到訪的城鎮裡講道。
1:21 迦百農繁榮富庶,卻也墮落充滿罪惡,因為迦百農也是羅馬軍事重地,許多羅馬軍隊在這裡駐紮,來自羅馬帝國各地的異教風俗隨處可見。迦百農正是耶穌傳道、以神國的福音挑戰猶太人和外族人的好地方。
1:16 | | Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. |
1:17 | | And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. |
1:18 | | And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him. |
1:19 | | And when he had gone a little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets. |
1:20 | | And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him. |
1:21 | | And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught. |
1:16 Sea of Galilee residents in the vicinity of the main fishing for the industry, they generally use net fishing. Gabriel agriculture was the fishing village with the most towns, there are more than 30 around the Yan Hu fishing village. Gabriel agriculture is also the crossroads of several major highways, far to the south of Egypt and the north-east of Mesopotamia businessmen, will be after here. Jesus from Nazareth to move here (see too 4:12-13).
I have the truth of what Jesus suspected » Today, I still follow Jesus? »
1:16-20 We often think that came across a disciple of Jesus Christ is the confidence of a great man. In fact, they are all believers, confidence is gradually growing (14:48-50, 66-72; about 14:1-9; 20:26-29). Jesus obviously more than one occasion calling Peter (Simon), James and John to follow him (see Road 5:1-11; about 1:35-42). Although the calling of Jesus and information to the disciples after a period of time before that, but always disciples to follow him. Similarly, we may or may be doubt, hesitation, but we must firmly follow Jesus.
Do major stresses days, geography, and, in God's plan, these three have……
1:21 Many Jews living in Jerusalem are far away from the area, we can not worship God regularly to Jerusalem, many cities and towns have a hall, as worship and study. From 450 BC, Ezra times, every 10 Jewish families have formed a hall. Weekdays Jewish boys in school halls, learning the law and religion, girls could not attend. Saturday is the Sabbath, the Jewish men gathered in the hall, listening to Rabbi (religious teachers) to teach the Bible. Hall has not fixed because the teachers, Hall invited the visiting leaders customary terms, teachers, Jesus is so often in the towns he visited the homily.
We see no benefit in disseminating the gospel of the environment is always lamented Bei Ming, but God will have a different response……
1:21 Gabriel agricultural prosperity, but also full of fallen evil, because Gabriel is also the Rome military heavily agricultural, and many Roman troops stationed here, from all over the pagan Roman Empire customs can be seen everywhere. Gabriel farmers is Jesus preaching to the God of Jews and evangelical challenges Wai Zuren a good place.
If not careful fingers were burned…… [taken from the New York Times website:
Do not put ice cubes, will only burn more serious. [Taken from the New York Times website:
An roundup: Many Americans believe that excessive sun exposure caused by sunburn, you can use ice compress to alleviate this prescription, just as they believe that drinking tea can rule cough. However, studies show that many seemingly common sense approach ineffective, so ice compress the old method. It may alleviate some of the initial pain, it may delay the recovery time.
The New York Times reported that many studies have shown that ice compress treatment of sunburn or burn, but harmful. 2002 Denmark has been a study, one of the volunteers were slightly burned, and then some people to accept a similar ice compress the cooling treatment, while others take no comfort in the actual results of the therapy, found that ice compress therapy is not Will reduce the pain or inflammation.
Another 1997 study of burn therapy, comparing emergency burn methods, are found to have ice treatment of burn for 10 minutes, than other treatments cause "more serious harm."
Mayo Medical Center that will be placed in ice Huanbu burns, frostbite and may cause harm to the skin. More ideal approach is salt water, with taking analgesics, and gauze to cover living, but do not apply ointment. Most of the minor burns to heal without further treatment.
Ice compress so that it will adversely vasoconstriction Thermal
Many people use ice ice compress burn site, but the results actually behind-cold water. After the need to burn because of blood circulation, as soon as possible burn away parts of waste heat, but ice compress will vasoconstriction, but adverse heat.
Even-cold water, the water temperature should not be too low to room temperature, do not specifically use ice water.
If it is sunburn, the effects of cold water or in ice, with a towel after pinch Semi-Zhanshui, sunburn deposited in the site, can reduce pain, to avoid further injury.
Whether it is a degree of burn, must先做Chong, miss, bubble, cover, sending the first processing, especially Chong, delinking bubble. According to Mackay Memorial Hospital statistics, Chong, delinking foam take 30 minutes, not only to reduce the burn injury, but also help shorten the length of treatment and reduce the number of hospitalization days.
As for the Burn, burn is usually more serious than, as the importance of dealing with pre-burn, but still help to deal with an appropriate degree of harm reduction.
(Advisory / Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital, director of plastic surgery Kwang-Yi Tung)
Read more news, see World Journal.
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