Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Jul7 ,08吃南瓜降血糖 越吃病越重Hypoglycemic eat the pumpkin eating more severe disease +馬可福音Mark2:15-21

2:15 耶穌在利未家裡坐席的時候,有好些稅吏和罪人與耶穌並門徒一同坐席,因為這樣的人多,他們也跟隨耶穌。
2:16 法利賽人中的文士(註:有古卷作“文士和法利賽人”)看見耶穌和罪人並稅吏一同吃飯,就對他門徒說:“他和稅吏並罪人一同吃喝嗎?”
2:17 耶穌聽見,就對他們說:“康健的人用不著醫生,有病的人才用得著。我來本不是召義人,乃是召罪人。”
2:18 當下,約翰的門徒和法利賽人禁食。他們來問耶穌說:“約翰的門徒和法利賽人的門徒禁食,你的門徒倒不禁食,這是為甚麼呢?”
2:19 耶穌對他們說:“新郎和陪伴之人同在的時候,陪伴之人豈能禁食呢?新郎還同在,他們不能禁食。
2:20 但日子將到,新郎要離開他們,那日他們就要禁食。
2:21 沒有人把新布縫在舊衣服上,恐怕所補上的新布,帶壞了舊衣服,破的就更大了。
2:16-17 自義的法利賽人看見耶穌與罪人一起吃飯就擺出義憤填胸的樣子。耶穌樂意跟罪人交往,祂愛他們,知道他們需要聽祂講的話。不論是富是貧、是善是惡,只要是需要或渴望聽祂的信息的,祂都會花時間跟他們在一起。需要基督的人不一定可愛可交心,但我們也得跟他們交朋友。你曾忽略過一些聲譽不好的人嗎?也許他們就是最需要你的人,要從你感受基督的愛,聽祂的信息。

2:18-22 約翰本人有兩個目標:領人悔改,預備人迎接基督。他這嚴肅的信息使他自己和門徒禁食。禁食是謙卑和悔罪的表現,也是靜思和警醒的操煉。禁食倒空身體,使身體不被食物填滿;悔改倒空生命,使生命不被罪惡充塞。耶穌的門徒不用禁食,因為耶穌跟他們在一起。耶穌沒有譴責禁食的人,祂自己也禁食了四十天(參太4:2)。然而,祂強調禁食要有正確的動機。法利賽人一個星期禁食兩次,為要顯示給別人看自己是多麼的聖潔。耶穌要說明,為了給別人留下深刻印象而禁食,就歪曲了禁食的意義。

2:19 耶穌把自己比作新郎。聖經也常把神的子民比作新娘,把愛他們的神比作新郎(參賽62:5;太25:1-14;啟21:2)。

2:21-22 當時,人們用不漏水的羊皮袋子裝酒。新酒變陳,便會膨脹,使皮袋拉伸,所以新酒不能倒進已經拉伸的舊皮袋裡,否則那又舊又硬的羊皮就會破裂。
And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.
And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
And the disciples of John and of the Pharisees used to fast: and they come and say unto him, Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not?
And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.
But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.
No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse.
I hate the most is what people » How do I treat these people »
2:16-17 justice since the Pharisee that Jesus and sinners put together a meal on the indignation of filling the chest like. Jesus happy with the sinner exchanges, he love them, know they need to hear him say so. Whether the rich are poor, is good is evil, as long as they are eager to listen to him or need the information, he will spend time with them together. Christians who do not necessarily need to be lovely heart, but we also Degen their friends. You have ignored the bad reputation of some people? » Maybe they need you most is the people, should you feel the love of Christ, listening to him the information.

Some modern young people in fasting, and often for a diet, have a better realize the intention of fasting……
John 2:18-22 I have two goals: leading people to repent and be prepared to meet the person of Christ. His serious message to his disciples and fasting. Fasting is the performance of humility and repentance, but also Jingsiyu and awaken the parade Lian. Fasting empty body, the body will not be filled food; repentance empty life so that life is not evil Chongse. Jesus's disciples do not have to fast, because Jesus with them together. Jesus did not condemn the fasting person, and he himself has a 40 day fasting (see too 4-2). However, he stressed that fasting should have the right motives. Pharisee fasting twice a week, in order to show to others to see how the sanctity of their own. Jesus must make it clear that in order to give other people left a deep impression and fasting, on the distortion of the meaning of fasting.

God with his bride and groom analogy with the relationship between people, what you use to describe the current relationship between you and God? »
2:19 Jesus himself than for the groom. Bible also often the subjects of God than for the bride, to love their God than for the groom (entries 62:5; too 25:1-14; Kai 21:2).

Legalistic Pharisee in Jesus can not accept new ideas, new things and you have what attitude »
2:21-22 At that time, people Bulou Shui sheepskin bags with the wine. Chen changed the new wine will be expanded to 47 tensile, the new wine can not be filled already drawing of the old 47, otherwise it is old and hard sheep's clothing will be broken.
Pharisee like the same old rigid 47, was the idea of man-made rules and restrictions, can not accept Jesus, he could not believe that. Our hearts may be as old as 47 become rigid and can not receive thanks to the new life of Christ. Therefore, to maintain open minds, receive Jesus changed the lives of the truth.

吃南瓜降血糖 越吃病越重











瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Hypoglycemic eat the pumpkin eating more severe disease

[中新网According to reports Modern Express, the statistics revealed that Chinese patients with diabetes nearly 40 million people, the second volume in the world, diabetes has become second only to cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, tumors and the third largest health killer. "Pumpkin can hypoglycemic said, 100 percent wrong!" Peking University First Hospital, the medical nurse Shen Li pointed out that the diabetic patients to correct some misconceptions.
Myth 1. The method used to eat pumpkin hypoglycemic

Many patients with diabetes to eat pumpkin as a good way of lowering blood glucose, and the pumpkin on the market for raw materials to various health food products, but also attracted tens of thousands of patients with diabetes. "I encountered the same day, two patients with diabetes, they think that lowering blood glucose can eat pumpkin, the result of eating more serious illness."
Shen Li said, and compared to ordinary vegetables, pumpkins to the higher sugar content, for patients with diabetes, eating the equivalent of 350 Koenen Kuala Yijin eating vegetables. Many patients with diabetes often eat pumpkin, resulting in part a result of excessive consumption of pumpkin, but has elevated blood sugar, or even lead to other complications.

Myth 2. Diabetic not to eat uncovered

When talking about diabetes diet, Shen Li also said that a clear myth, "many patients diagnosed with diabetes, will not dare to eat, that you must Chikangyancai had diabetes, eat the food Ganchi also has not. "

In fact, for patients with diabetes, there can not eat the food, the diet of patients with diabetes, the type of food should be rich, but there must be a total calorie restriction.

Patients with diabetes should grasp how their diet? » Shen Li also introduced a general principle: June 2 meals a day, 232 meat, bean curd on February 2, Yi Jin vegetables, an apple, 3 tablespoons oil, the patient can be carried out in accordance with the principle of exchange of food, such as lychees, bananas Apple calories than high, according to eat an apple a day standards, we should eat more bananas or lychee; another example, 18 or spoonful of peanut oil on the heat, if eating a peanut to eat more oil.

Nanjing Gulou Hospital Endocrine director Professor Zhu Dalong also said that the scientific treatment of diabetes is known as diabetes education, diet control, and rational movement, self-monitoring, drug therapy five troika said, the monitoring of blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is To assess blood sugar control of the "gold standard", if more than equal to eight percent, means that the need to strengthen the control of blood sugar, if more than 9 percent, it means that poor control, may lead to diabetes and kidney disease, diabetic retinopathy and other complications.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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