Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, August 31, 2007

Sep3,07氟化物加氯 恐生致癌物+為朋友工作 Will Work For Friends+看見門徒…搖擼甚苦

靈命日糧 - 2007年9月3日
讀經: 使徒行傳4章32-37節
金句: 「內中也沒有一個缺乏的。」(使徒行傳4章34節)
全年讀經: 詩篇140-142篇;哥林多前書14章1-20節


September 3, 2007
Will Work For Friends
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Acts 4:32-37
Nor was there anyone among them who lacked. —Acts 4:34
-->About this cover

Six friends have formed a home-repair club in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They meet one Saturday each month at one of their homes to work on projects that cannot be tackled alone. Having helped one another for 20 years, they say they’re now bonded together like one big family. A similar group has formed in Snohomish, Washington. Their motto is: “Will Work For Friends.”
The concern of these groups for their friends reminds me of the early church (Acts 4:32-37). During this time of great persecution of believers, they especially needed the support of one another. Some people voluntarily sold their lands or houses and brought the proceeds to the apostles, and “they distributed to each as anyone had need” (v.35). They were of “one heart” and “had all things in common” (v.32).
As followers of Christ today, we too need the spiritual support and encouragement of one another. We may be struggling with a decision about how to serve the Lord, or concerned about a problem at work, or unsure of how to discipline a rebellious child. These are good opportunities to enlist the advice and prayer of fellow Christians.
Through love, let’s serve one another—physically and spiritually—in the family of God (Gal. 5:13). —Anne CetasAnne Cetas-->
Be not weary in your serving;Do your best for those in need;Kindnesses will be rewardedBy the Lord who prompts the deed. —Anon.
Christians stand strong when they stand together.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Attitudes > Encouragement
Bible in One Year: Psalms 140-142; 1 Corinthians 14:1-20
過溢是不需要費力的,是閑逸的,是無可抵抗的。這種全能的,無窮盡的成功,原是基督今天以及永遠所給我們享受的尋常生活。 ∼譯自主日學報
氟化物加氯 恐生致癌物(2007年8月17日)

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