Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Aug4,07斷續做運動 燒脂更有效+你相信什麼?What Do You Believe?+父啊,我感謝你,因為你已經聽我

靈命日糧 - 2007年8月4日
讀經: 以賽亞書50章4-10節
金句: 「主耶和華賜我受教者的舌頭,使我知道怎樣用言語扶助疲乏的人。」(以賽亞書50章4節)
全年讀經: 詩篇66-67篇;羅馬書7章


August 4, 2007
What Do You Believe?
READ: Isaiah 50:4-10
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. —Isaiah 50:4
-->About this cover

Francis Collins earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry at Yale University and then entered medical school. During his training at a North Carolina hospital, a dying woman often talked to him about her faith in Christ. He rejected the existence of God, but he couldn’t ignore the woman’s serenity. One day she asked, “What do you believe?” Caught off guard, Collins’ face turned red as he stammered, “I’m not really sure.” A few days later the woman died.
Curious and uneasy, the young doctor realized that he had rejected God without adequately examining the evidence. He began to read the Bible and the writings of C. S. Lewis. A year later he fell to his knees and gave his life to Jesus Christ. The catalyst? A sincere question from an elderly woman whose physical heart was failing but whose concern for others was strong.
In a prophetic picture of the Messiah, Isaiah 50:4 says, “The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.”
May we be ready with a timely word or a caring question to point others toward our Savior who offers life and peace to all. —David C. McCaslandDavid C. McCasland-->
Lord, let me be a shining lightIn all I say and do,That Your great love displayed in meMay lead someone to You. —Sper
The next person you meet may need to meet Christ.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Character > Christlikeness
Bible in One Year: Psalms 66-67; Romans 7
十字軍出發啟行的時候,誰肯先唱勝利的凱歌呢?禱告的答應尚未到來之前,誰肯先唱感恩的詩歌呢?但是我們的主所留給我們的榜樣,并不是奇怪的,勉強的,沒有理由的.贊美在行神跡的工作上實在是非常重要的.神跡由于靈力,靈力的大小是和信心成比例的. ---喬懷德
斷續做運動 燒脂更有效(2007年8月2日)

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