Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Aug31,07盲腸炎是飯後運動所致?+上帝在何方? Where Was God?+那沒有看見就信的有福了。

靈命日糧 - 2007年8月31日
讀經: 希伯來書13章5-8節
金句: 「他誠然擔當我們的憂患,背負我們的痛苦。」(以賽亞書53章4節)
全年讀經: 詩篇132-134篇;哥林多前書11章17-34節

神的同在,雖看不見,卻心得安慰,因我知道,他總在我身邊,人生風暴,團團圍繞,他慈聲安慰:孩子別怕,我就在你身邊!D. De Haan

August 31, 2007
Where Was God?
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Hebrews 13:5-8
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. —Isaiah 53:4
-->About this cover

Was God sadistically absent? That’s what Robert McClory, professor emeritus of journalism at the Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, asked after Hurricane Katrina devastated the New Orleans area of the US.
We may want to try to exonerate the Almighty for permitting disasters that rip apart vulnerable communities. But is God absent in such situations? No, McClory insists. Talking about the Katrina tragedy, he said that God was invisibly present “with the suffering and the dying. He was in the individuals, communities, churches, and schools that organized aid for the victims and took evacuees into their cities and homes. He was with the hundreds of thousands who showed compassion by prayer and financial assistance.”
So it is in our own lives when a heartbreaking tragedy occurs, such as the death of someone we love. We have no completely satisfactory answer to life’s painful problems. We do know, however, that the Lord is present with us, for He said He would never leave us (Heb. 13:5). Jesus’ name “Immanuel” literally means “God with us” (Matt. 1:23).
Even though suffering baffles our minds, we can trust God to be near and to work out His purposes. —Vernon GroundsVernon Grounds-->
God’s unseen presence comforts me,I know He’s always near;And when life’s storms besiege our soul,He says, “My child, I’m here.” —D. De Haan
The storms of our life prove the strength of our Anchor.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Presence Basics Of Faith > God > His Love
Bible in One Year: Psalms 132-134; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

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