Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jul6,07有機番茄減高血壓中風風險+俯伏敬拜 We Bow Down

靈命日糧 - 2007年7月6日


讀經: 詩篇95篇

金句: 「來啊,我們要屈身敬拜,在造我們的耶和華面前跪下。」(詩篇95篇6節)

全年讀經: 約伯記32-33章;使徒行傳14章





July 6, 2007

We Bow Down

ODB RADIO: Listen Now | Download

READ: Psalm 95

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. —Psalm 95:6

About this cover
The ancient Greeks and Romans rejected kneeling as a part of their worship. They said that kneeling was unworthy of a free man, unsuitable for the culture of Greece, and appropriate only for barbarians. The scholars Plutarch and Theophrastus regarded kneeling as an expression of superstition. Aristotle called it a barbaric form of behavior. This belief, however, was never held by God’s people.

In Psalm 95:6, the psalmist indicated that kneeling expressed a deep reverence for God. In this one verse he used three different Hebrew words to express what the attitude and position of the worshiper should be.

First, he used the word worship, which means to fall prostrate as a sign of honor to the Lord, with an associated meaning of allegiance to Him. The second word he used was bow. This means to sink down to one’s knees, giving respect and worship to the Lord. The psalmist then used the word kneel, which means to be on one’s knees giving praise to God.

According to the psalmist, kneeling in God’s presence is a sign of reverence rather than a barbaric form of behavior. The important thing, however, is not just our physical position but a humble posture of the heart. —Marvin Williams

Almighty, matchless, glorious God,
Inhabiting eternity,
I bow to You and give You praise,
In awe that You can live in me. —Sper

Our attitude in worship is far more important than the position of our worship.

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