Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Oct7,07 4種用油習慣易致癌!Four oil habit carcinogenic easy! + 日落時分Sunset Hours

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月7日
讀經: 腓立比書3章20節-4章1節
金句: 「他們年老的時候仍要結果子,要滿了汁漿而常發青。」(詩篇92篇14節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書28-29章;腓立比書3章

讓我們聽聽基督徒評論家及神學家包利罕(F. W. Boreham)怎麼說:「有一天,我短暫的人生將沒入黃昏,日落時刻也要來臨……到那時,在暮靄之中,異乎尋常的黎明卻要在我面前展現。在日落的最後一道光線之後,將有我從未見過的白晝升起;那一天將把我失去的歲月悉數追回,而且永不再有黃昏。」

October 7, 2007
Sunset Hours
READ: Philippians 3:20–4:1
They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing. —Psalm 92:14
-->About this cover

If you are still young and energetic, you may find it difficult to sympathize with the feelings that afflict many older people. But those who have passed the midpoint on life’s journey and have begun to descend the westering slope can appreciate what David said: "I have been young, and now am old" (Ps. 37:25). And because aging often brings with it pain and loss, there may be those who vainly wish that their summertime days would never end.
But listen to Christian essayist and theologian F. W. Boreham: "Someday my life’s little day will soften down to eventide. My sunset hours will come . . . . And then, I know there will arise, out of the dusk, a dawning fairer than any dawn that has yet broken upon me. Out of the last tints of sunset there shall rise a day such as I shall never have known before; a day that shall restore to me all that the other days have taken from me, a day that shall never fade into twilight."
So no matter where we are on the heavenward pilgrimage, if we are walking with Jesus we can rejoice. And since we know that our faithful Father will abide with us till our journey on earth is over, we can actually be thankful for the lengthening shadows and the setting sun. —Vernon C GroundsVernon C Grounds-->
Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning,When with our Savior heaven is begun;Earth’s toiling ended, O glorious dawning,Beyond the sunset, when day is done. —Brock© Renewal 1964 The Rodeheaver Co.
To live is Christ; to die is gain. —The apostle Paul
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > God > Faithfulness
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 28-29; Philippians 3


迷思1:高溫炒菜 很多人炒菜時喜歡用高溫爆炒,習慣於等到鍋裡的油冒煙了才炒菜,這種做法是不科學的。高溫油不但會破壞食物的營養成分,還會產生一些過氧化物和致癌物質。建議先把鍋燒熱,再倒油,這時就可以炒菜了,不用等到油冒煙。
迷思2:不吃動物油 如果沒有油,就會造成體內維生素及必需脂肪酸的缺乏,影響人體的健康。一味強調只吃植物油,不吃動物油,也是不行的。在一定的劑量下,動物油(飽和脂肪酸)對人體是有益的。
迷思3:長期只吃單一品種的油 現在,一般家庭還很難做到炒什麼菜用什麼油,但我們建議最好還是幾種油交替搭配食用,或一段時間用一種油,下一段時間換另一種油,因為很少有一種油可以解決所有油脂需要的問題。
迷思4:血脂不正常的人群或體重不正常的人群,用油沒有什麼不一樣的 對於血脂不正常的人群或體重不正常的特殊人群來說,我們更強調的是選擇植物油中的高單不飽和脂肪酸。在用油的量上,也要有所控制。血脂、體重正常的人總用油量應控制在每天不超過25克,多不飽和脂肪酸和單不飽和脂肪酸基本上各佔一半。而老年人、血脂異常的人群、肥胖的人群、肥胖相關疾病的人群或者有肥胖家史的人群,他們每天每人的用油量要更低,甚至要降到20克。
~   |  ~閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。
Four oil habit carcinogenic easy!
Heat cooking oil will not only destroy nutrients, but also will produce carcinogenic substances. 【- - "Oil" is people will eat food every day, it is the use of science to human health is essential, if used improperly, cumulative and may even cause cancer. According to market newspaper reported, China's well-known cardiovascular expert Professor Jan-Min-in the diet for people living in areas vulnerable to the oil myth put forward some proposals. Myth 1: cooking temperature cooking when many people like to use high-temperature stir, used to wait until the pot before cooking the oil smoke, which is unscientific. Heat oil would undermine not only the nutritional content of food, but also will produce some peroxide and carcinogenic substances. Heat butter proposal first and then inverted oil, and then we can cooking, and not wait until the oil smoke.
Myth 2: If there is no oil do not eat animal oil, which will result in vitamin and the lack of essential fatty acids, affect human health. Blindly emphasizing only eat vegetable oil, and do not eat animal oil, but also will not work. In certain doses, animal oil (polyunsaturated fatty acids) on the human body is beneficial.
Myth 3: long-term only eat a single species of oil now, the average family is still difficult to do what speculation what vegetable oil, we recommend that the best alternate with several oil consumption, or a period of time with oil, for a period of time under another kind of oil, because there is a little oil can solve all the oil needs question.
Myth 4: The crowd of abnormal blood lipids or abnormal body weight of the crowd, no oil is not the same for the crowd of abnormal blood lipids or abnormal weight to the special populations, we also emphasize that the choice of vegetable oils high in monounsaturated fatty acids. In the oil volume, it must be controlled. Lipids, a person of normal weight should control the sugar in a day no more than 25 grams polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids basically 50:50. While the elderly, dyslipidemia crowd, the crowd obesity, obesity-related diseases are obese family history or the crowd of people, every day they have to lower per capita sugar, or even should decrease to 20 grams.
2007-10-05 Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

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