Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oct31,07 一氧化碳 可助器官移植Carbon monoxide +寧靜之路The Quiet Road

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月31日
讀經: 馬可福音6章30-46節
金句: 「你們來,同我暗暗地到曠野地方去歇一歇。」(馬可福音6章31節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書22-23章;提多書1章


October 31, 2007
The Quiet Road
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Mark 6:30-46
Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while. —Mark 6:31
-->About this cover

Fifty miles west of Asheville, North Carolina, I turned off the busy highway and drove the remaining distance to the city on the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway. On that late October afternoon I drove slowly, stopping often to savor the mountain vistas and the last of the brilliant autumn leaves. The journey was not efficient in terms of getting to my destination quickly, but it was effective in restoring my soul.
The experience caused me to ask, "How often do I travel the quiet road with Jesus? Do I exit the fast lane of my responsibilities and concerns to focus my attention on Him for a time each day?"
After Jesus’ disciples completed a demanding period of ministry, He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31). Instead of a long vacation, they had only a short boat ride together before being thronged by the crowd. The disciples witnessed the compassion of the Lord and participated with Him in meeting the needs of the multitudes (vv.33-43). When the long day finally ended, Jesus sought renewal in prayer with His heavenly Father (v.46).
Jesus our Lord is always with us whether life is hectic or calm, but there is great value in taking time each day to walk the quiet road with Him. —David C. McCaslandDavid C. McCasland-->
There is a place of quiet rest,Near to the heart of God;A place where sin cannot molest,Near to the heart of God. —McAfee
Time spent with the Lord is always time well spent.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Growth/Sanctification
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 22-23; Titus 1

一氧化碳 可助器官移植
Carbon monoxide can help organ transplant
[-] Is the general sense that carbon monoxide gas, but the use of it has micro-organ transplant benefit. British researchers recently invented a new method, carbon monoxide can be used effectively to help organ transplant survival, while avoiding the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation recently reported that the British Ice Rumsfeld University researchers invented the use of vector elements to the release of small doses of carbon monoxide fixed-point method. Known as the "molecule of carbon monoxide released," the carrier can be oral or injected into the patients body, such elements are water-soluble and can enter the blood quickly, easily absorbed.
Leading the study Brian Cayman said that the new method has two advantages, while patients can easily control the dose of carbon monoxide intake, can be accurately positioned injection on the other hand, or adjust it at the molecular design specific location, the other parts of the body do not have an impact. Laboratory tests show that this method promising, the researchers hope that in 2010 before beginning human trials.
Inhalation will lead to excessive carbon monoxide poisoning people died, but in organ transplant surgery, micro vascular expansion of the use of carbon monoxide helps to reduce inflammation, thereby improving the survival rate of organ transplantation.


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