Oct13,07 查經經文馬太福音 10:13-42以賽亞團契 全年查經目標--------學習主的言行處事,反省我們現在屬靈生命,進而生命轉化: 內在生命煥然一新,行事為人像主楷模馬太福音 10:13 那家若配得平安,你們所求的平安就必臨到那家;若不配得,你們所求的平安仍歸你們。14 凡不接待你們、不聽你們話的人,你們離開那家,或是那城的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去。15 我實在告訴你們,當審判的日子,所多瑪和蛾摩拉所受的,比那城還容易受呢!」16 「我差你們去,如同羊進入狼群;所以你們要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。17 你們要防備人;因為他們要把你們交給公會,也要在會堂裡鞭打你們,18 並且你們要為我的緣故被送到諸侯君王面前,對他們和外邦人作見證。19 你們被交的時候,不要思慮怎樣說話,或說什麼話。到那時候,必賜給你們當說的話;20 因為不是你們自己說的,乃是你們父的靈在你們裡頭說的。21 弟兄要把弟兄,父親要把兒子,送到死地;兒女要與父母為敵,害死他們;22 並且你們要為我的名被眾人恨惡。惟有忍耐到底的必然得救。23 有人在這城裡逼迫你們,就逃到那城裡去。我實在告訴你們,以色列的城邑,你們還沒有走遍,人子就到了。24 學生不能高過先生;僕人不能高過主人。25 學生和先生一樣,僕人和主人一樣,也就罷了。人既罵家主是別西卜(別西卜:是鬼王的名),何況他的家人呢?」26 「所以,不要怕他們;因為掩蓋的事沒有不露出來的,隱藏的事沒有不被人知道的。27 我在暗中告訴你們的,你們要在明處說出來;你們耳中所聽的,要在房上宣揚出來。28 那殺身體,不能殺靈魂的,不要怕他們;惟有能把身體和靈魂都滅在地獄裡的,正要怕他。29 兩個麻雀不是賣一分銀子嗎?若是你們的父不許,一個也不能掉在地上;30 就是你們的頭髮也都被數過了。31 所以,不要懼怕,你們比許多麻雀還貴重!」32 「凡在人面前認我的,我在我天上的父面前也必認他;33 凡在人面前不認我的,我在我天上的父面前也必不認他。」34 「你們不要想我來是叫地上太平;我來並不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上動刀兵。35 因為我來是叫人與父親生疏,女兒與母親生疏,媳婦與婆婆生疏。36 人的仇敵就是自己家裡的人。37 「愛父母過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒;愛兒女過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒;38 不背著他的十字架跟從我的,也不配作我的門徒。39 得著生命的,將要失喪生命;為我失喪生命的,將要得著生命。」40 「人接待你們就是接待我;接待我就是接待那差我來的。41 人因為先知的名接待先知,必得先知所得的賞賜;人因為義人的名接待義人,必得義人所得的賞賜。42 無論何人,因為門徒的名,只把一杯涼水給這小子裡的一個喝,我實在告訴你們,這人不能不得賞賜。」
1若不配得,你們所求的平安仍歸你們。耶穌為甚麼這樣說? 現今在我們身上也用得著嗎?
3所以你們要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。耶穌為甚麼這樣說? 對現今的我們也用得著嗎?
4弟兄要把弟兄,父親要把兒子,送到死地;兒女要與父母為敵,害死他們;耶穌為甚麼這樣說? 對現今的我們願意為主這樣做嗎?
7我來並不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上動刀兵。耶穌說我來是指何時呢? 為甚麼地上會動刀兵呢?
8因為我來是叫人與父親生疏,女兒與母親生疏,媳婦與婆婆生疏。36 人的仇敵就是自己家裡的人。耶穌為甚麼這樣說? 我們又怎樣解釋給非基督徒聽?
10. 不背著他的十字架跟從我的,也不配作我的門徒。請問問我們自己有否背著自己的十字架跟從主呢?
Oct13, 07 investigations by the scripture Matthew 10:13-42 Isaiah Fellowship year investigation by the main goals -------- learning the words and deeds of doing things, we now reflect on spiritual life, thereby transforming life: inner life brand new, act Sketching the main model Matthew 10:13 with a home safely if you are asking for peace of God is essential in the home; If a distribution, you are asking for your safe laboratory। 14 Where you do not receive, if you do not listen to the people, you leave home, or when that city had a foot on the dust away. 15 I really Tell you, when the trial days, more than 300km by moths and suffered quietly, than the City also easily? "16" poor you, I, like sheep to enter Wolves; So you like to dexterous snake, ones like the pigeons. You have to prepare for 17 people; Because to them you should Association, but also in the halls Whipped you, and you have to 18 for the reason I was sent to the princes rulers before them and witness for Christ. 19 were submitted by you, Not understanding how to speak, or what they said. Then, when you say that it will not be so; 20 because that is not your own, is you 's In your Erlitou said. 21 brothers to brothers, father to son, to die; Children of parents with an enemy, kill them; 22 and You and I should be everybody who deals. Only patience in the end the inevitable saved. 23 people in this town forcing you, Korean deserter go to the city. I can tell you that Israel's Seongeup, you have not around, love on to. Students can not be higher than 24,; Servant not higher than the main People. 25 students, and as a servant and master, it only. People scolded both home owners is not Khasib (other Khasib: King's), DR The status of his family? "26" So, do not fear them; Because there is no cover up the matter exposed, not hidden things were not aware of. 27 I tell you in secret, you must say so in anonymity; In your ears to hear, to sell out the room. It killed 28 physical, not Scrapping the soul, and not be afraid of them; Only able to eliminate all physical and soul in hell, fearing he was about. 29 is not two sparrows sold at a silver? If your father not allowed, nor a swap on the ground; 30 is your hair have been few before. 31 So, do not fear you than Many valuable sparrow! "32" where people recognize my face, I face my Father in heaven will also recognize him; Before the 33 people who do not know me, I In my Father in heaven before he would also not identified. "34" Do not think I was called to the ground at peace; Do not ask me to the ground at peace, and is called Daobing moving on. Because I to 35 and the father is very rusty, rusty daughter with the mother, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law unfamiliar. 36 enemy is at home People. 37 "love love my parents too, is not qualified to be my disciple; I love love their children too, is not qualified to be my disciple; 38 is not carrying his 10 I follow the word, I do not allocated for the disciples. A 39 lives, will be Shisang life; Yi Sang for my life, finding a life. " 40 "is one reception you receive me; The reception I received was that I came to the poor. Prophet 41 people who received the prophets, from the prophet calls for unity Reward; Just because the person who received the righteous, righteous calls for unity from the grant. 42 Any person because of his disciples were only to a cup of cold water to this Small yard of a drink, I can tell you, these people can not reward. " If an allocation in, you are asking for your safe laboratory. Why did Jesus say that? Now it is also in our possession? Two put away the dust on his feet. Jesus told his disciples Why do this? There are other similar examples in the Bible? 3 So you like to dexterous snake, ones like the pigeons. Why did Jesus say that? Right now we have it? Four brothers to brothers, father to son, to die; Children of parents with an enemy, kill them; Why did Jesus say that? Right now we are willing to do so based? 5 hide things because there is no exposed, not hidden things were not aware of. Jesus said things open and hidden things? It killed six physical, not kill the soul, and not be afraid of them; Only able to eliminate all physical and soul in hell, fearing he was about. Jesus is referring to us afraid and not afraid? 7 is not called me to the ground at peace, the ground is called dynamic Daobing. Jesus said when I refer to? The ground moves Daobing Why? 8 to because I was very unfamiliar with the father, mother and daughter rusty, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law unfamiliar. 36 is the enemy of the people at home. Why did Jesus say that? How do we explain to non-Christians listen? 9 Ai love my parents too, is not qualified to be my disciple; I love love their children too, is not qualified to be my disciple; Will ask ourselves allocation Disposes of his disciples? 10. Not carrying his cross to follow me, nor do I allocation for the disciples. Will ask ourselves whether carrying their own crosses to follow Main? A 11 lives, will be Shisang life; Yi Sang for my life, finding a life. Is this life and the life of what The same? What received 12, who calls for unity from the grant. Jesus said that what is the reward?
改變基因 令癌細胞自殺 德國新技術 動物實驗成功
~ | ~閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。
Genetically modified cancer cells to commit suicide The German success of new technology in animal experiments 【- According to the German "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" reported recently, cancer cells can produce their own destruction "drugs", Munich, Germany, Polytechnic University of Pell * * Song of Borgholm led scientists find this method, and animal test successful. Reports said that the key to success is tailored to the virus, they can distinguish between healthy cells and cancer cells, only in tumor cells breeding, or even to eliminate the traditional methods of treatment are resistant cells. To achieve this goal, Borgholm and team have changed the destination of the flu pathogens adenovirus gene, enabling them to the need for some kind of reproduction called YB-1 protein was detected in all the cancer cells exist in a lot of YB-1 protein. Borgholm explained: "Compared with normal cells, tumor cells of YB-1 protein is much more volume." Adenovirus and not like all the other virus propagation. They can invade a cell, its hosts to enable them to the utmost to proliferation. And then to leave the invasive cells, they destroy the cell wall. Host killed in the process, the new virus broke through cells and the cells infected adjacent to re-breeding. This cancer is the "production" of the deal with its own "drug." In Germany, an annual increase of patients with malignant tumors of approximately 35 million people. The cure rate for these patients may be less than half. Apart from surgical removal of the tumor and radiation therapy, chemotherapy for cancer is the most common treatment. But such therapies have side effects. In contrast, adenovirus only attacks cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. This approach is also applicable to humans, need further study. 2007-10-09 Read more news, see World Journal.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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